

29 Jun


This isn't a bug, it's just a limitation we have which only allows us 4 options (plus destroy or drop) to use for items in the inventory vs 10 available to use for items worn. We've done this approach on a lot of items in the past.

Admittedly, the patch note could be more explicit on this.

20 Jun


Originally posted by Bird_Eater

Perhaps you could build that in, then? Localised integer functionality is quite easy to implement in any application in any programming language. You could probably do it without any help from the engine team at all! If you need any example code or help, let me know.

We have localised integer functionality, it just isn't supported by the quick chat system. I can put in an engine request for it though when I'm back in the office.


You can right-click a box to select the number you want directly :)


I looked into this when we made all the shattered worlds improvements but unfortunately the quick chat system doesn't support localised integers (comma for UK/US, full stop for German etc)

19 Jun



As the title suggests, I am currently looking to compile a list of items that, in your opinion, have the wrong buy limit on the Grand Exchange. The only thing I ask is to please include a reason why you feel it is wrong. For example, the reason could be purely illogical (masterwork being 1k/4hrs) or some gameplay reason which means you're using more than the buy limit per 4 hours.

NOTE: There is no guarantee that any buy limits will change as each item will be assessed on a case by case basis.

Thank you for your time!

Mod Erator

External link →

16 Jun

15 Jun


That's fair, the progress bar uses the exact same builder as the main G.E. interface (collect hides the progress as the bars are too small) so when I removed the tooltip from the builder, as it was no longer needed due to the text progress, the tooltip would have been removed from the collect screen too. I will look to readd the tooltip for the collect screen only.


Originally posted by Pixel_Seven

If you favourite an item and have a buy offer for the favourited item and then go to the buy offer of said item to unfavourite the item from there it hides all the favourited items added after that and if said item was the first one on the list it hides the add new favourite option as well.

Thanks for the heads up and repro steps, we'll take a look into it!


Originally posted by cralo4

So I just hit edit on one of my GE sell offers that I have had in for a few days just to check out the new feature but didnt actually change anything price wise then hit back to cancel it as to not adjust anything. Half of the items were sold already but once I hit edit it basically ended that offer and created a new one with an updated amount of what I had left to sell and went into my GE sell history as a completed offer. So is my sell offer that I have had in the GE for 3 days now at the front of the selling queue now because I hit edit but didn't actually change anything? Kind of dumb if so.

Hey! Thanks for the post. I did mention on stream that I would take a look into changing when the offer is removed to when you click the confirm button instead if there was time. Unfortunately, there was not time by the end of the project (same reason the history tab hasn't been touched when we wanted to initially) however there are jobs to do this at some point at a later date if it is the right thing to do.

As for the queue, the abort part of the procedure will have removed you from the queue so your new offer will be at the back of any offers with equal price. Even if it was moved to the confirm button instead, you will still lose your place in the queue, it's just that your offer will be left alone if you change your mind and back out.

Hope this helps :)


Hey! Thanks for the post. Just to let you know that this isn't a bug. I did mention on stream that I would take a look into changing when the offer is removed to when you click the confirm button instead if there was time. Unfortunately, there was not time by the end of the project (same reason the history tab hasn't been touched when we wanted to initially) however there are jobs to do this at some point at a later date if it is the right thing to do.

Hope this helps :)

11 Jun


Hey! I do like this idea, please can you submit it to rs.game/ninja so that we can consider taking this on with the ninja team!

26 May


Originally posted by ImRubic

I would love to see how far into a buy limit I am.

Or maybe display a timestamp in the Sales History.

This, along with displaying when a buy limit resets was on our wish list but it would have required engine work to give us this information. This time around we wanted to do everything that could be done without engine support.


Thank you for writing this up! <3

04 May


Originally posted by xBHx

Please, I beg you, enable GE values for ironmemes. We dont want to see 0 gp lootbeams, we dont want our wealthtracker in runemetrics to show we've made 3k when in reality we've made 50m. We want to see a 400m+ drop when we get a wand, instead of 500k.

We had this before, why cant we get it back.

Please. (I would literally pay you to give us that toggle back)

Please submit this to the Ninja team's dojo for our consideration :) rs.game/ninja


Originally posted by Gravewarden92

An unsheathing option for the mobile crew would be a lovely addition

Thanks for the suggestion! You can submit suggestions for the Ninja team at any time at rs.game/ninja


Originally posted by ImRubic

Today's Updates are great to see. They may not be perfect but they are welcomed.

My main concerns are how long it took some of these to come out. The Ranch changes should have come out last year or January this year. And the stone spirit changes should have been completed ages ago as well.

Going forward, will the Ninja team be able to produce these level of changes monthly as they have thus far?

We sure plan to! Some BIG strikes in the works.


Originally posted by camenomato

This will probably be one of the highest if not the highest rated ninja fix ever

Challenge accepted!

22 Apr

14 Apr


Originally posted by yaksnax

Given that the bosses are on the 5th wave, can you still suicide on the last wave and unlock the next set of 5? Kinda gross that floor pushers could 'skip' them like that if so

It should be no longer possible to do this. You need to legitimately complete the world to advance.


Originally posted by KagsPortsV4

Comma separators have been added to a number of places where bigger numbers are displayed in an info-box and/or chat message.

Could we please add comma separators to Shattered Worlds quick-chat messages too? Like total anima gained ever, max hit done, max hit received, total deaths (lol).

Good spot! I missed this one. We will look to get that sorted now :) It won't be launched today though