

09 Jul


Originally posted by sonicgundam

i just do want to point out that i really like the feel of BGH. its fun and its a very different challenge, and it feels like a mix of risk/reward and smart movement. i really did enjoy it today, but it just feels like it needs a couple tweeks to really make it feel worth it aside from enjoyment.

good to know about the hunter frags, and thanks for looking into it.

the problem i see is that the XP on the low and mid tier dinos is pretty bad compared to other methods, while being a lot more active. that means the demand for their meat to bate the high tier monsters will always be high, but the supply will be very very low, which means most of the time you're going to have to gather your own bait to do it at all, which heavily impacts your xp rates. xp rates are only good if bait is consistently available and that may not end up being the case.

what if we could use the meat from the level 96 creatures on one of the other 96 creatures? for example, the pavosaur...

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We're monitoring for now but don't want to make any kneejerk reactions yet for XP rates etc. I know that it is possible to consistently get 3 minute kills which makes the XP rates some of the best in the skill. Don't forget that you're comparing the rates against the rebalanced hunter skill, not the hunter rates from last week.

I can help with a couple of things though, the success chance of logs and vines is 100% (from memory) if you have a crystal axe, so don't go sacrificing that 6% hunter xp!

For double and triple spawns there is a benefit for doing them. The first creature gives 1 times XP and loot, the 2nd you kill gives 2 times XP and loot and the third gives 3 times. This means that completing a 2 creature spawn is equivalent loot and XP to killing 3 individually, and completing a 3 creature spawn is equivalent of killing 6 individually.

There's also an increased drop rate of weapon pieces for the creatures that drop pieces if you successfully comple...

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Originally posted by 81isnumber1

And dank and Dabby from that awful show about the weed shop with Kathy bates on Netflix that I inexplicably really liked.

You're the first person to get the Dank and Dabby reference that I've seen! Ruth, Travis and Carter are in there too!



Originally posted by UweWeber84

Wholesome. I'm glad Jagex hired a professional dad to write their jokes.

You're welcome!

08 Jul


Originally posted by mporubca

Big game hunter is absolute joke

  • 1hr cooldown
  • Requires BD and/or Mobile perk to be even remotely possible
  • Frog RNG means you will have to take 2 rounds to kill first dino each session
  • Random rocks blocking surges
  • Low XP gains
  • Crafted armor is awfully expensive and it's just T75 tank armor without any special effects
  • The activity doesn't give Hunter Elite Outfit fragments

The 1 hour cool down is to get you jumping between zones, traversing the island and keeping things "fresh". A zone should take around 20 minutes so that gives you a 4 zone rotation. A side benefit to this is that the weapon pieces are dropped from specific creatures, and the last thing you'll want is 10 of 1 piece and none of the others because you've camped just 1 Dino for 10 hours!

XP wise, it is possible to consistently do 3 minute kills which makes this one of the best XP methods in game AND makes money whilst being new and fun. There are perks on the island that make big game permanently quicker. Practice.

Everything is expensive right now. Supply and demand on brand new items.

Elite hunter fragments was an oversight that I will look to address tomorrow (though no guarantee it will go live tomorrow as well)


Originally posted by chronicphonics

It's possible but you probably need double surge to be able to do it

It's possible without double surge.


Originally posted by PurpleTacoRS

Frank, Mac, Dee, Dennis, Charlie and Cricket are all from Always sunny in Philadelphia



Originally posted by Xemnes

jax im guessing league of legends?

Jax is also sons


Originally posted by Flannery_Moore

Is "Happy" a reference to Fairy Tail?

Happy was from sons of anarchy


Originally posted by rsn_sudobash

Big bang theory.

Ed, ed, eddy.

King of the hill.

I think rick+morty?

And something else.

Not king of the hill I'm afraid!


Originally posted by IncredibleBran


That's just a few of them :P All 60 are references to my favourite bands, TV shows and movies!


Now tell me what all of the names are references to!


I had too much fun writing the hunter dinosaur examines!

07 May


There is no treasure hunter or monetisation incentive or motivation for us doing this. The reasons have been explained on stream and in the news post and are 100% honest. Treasure hunter sales never even entered my mind at any point during the design or development of this.


Originally posted by WhySoFishy

Is this the ‘big summer update’?



Originally posted by MegaManZer0

Will these changes/nerfs go live in July? It reads like some changes were already implemented.

The changes have been implemented in-house so are not live yet. The modernisation will go live in July.


Originally posted by IM_Elysian_Wolf

If butterflies are being more AFK, does this apply to Charming Moths? Can you get multiple catches for one Charming Moth resulting in multiple charms? ex. 5 catches for one moth results in 5 charms.

Yes, these butterfly changes affect Charming Moths as well.


Originally posted by Nuclear_Polaris

For real. At least Hunter is fast and trainable and you have some high level options to train with. Agility is basically either Wilderness or Priff post-75 and that's it.

Not to mention that with Jagex removing additional xp from multiple skillchompa catches, Agility will become even more useless.

The agility level is still required to get multiple catches, you just won't get XP for them.