

02 Jul


Originally posted by HeyImCodyRS

Are these changes planned to be made for normal irons too, or just gims

If we change them for GIM, we'd change them for normal irons too while we're there I imagine.
Again can't promise anything as GIM will be the priority but will aim to address both as much as we can.


Originally posted by 5-x

I'm going to tag /u/JagexDaze so that ironman restrictions in Barbarian Assault are reconsidered for GIM.

We plan to review all minigames and content as part of GIM - can't promise everything for launch but we plan to prioritise the content that impacts the most. I've noted down Barbarian Assault and the others mentioned here though so we have a record.

23 May


Originally posted by jlahjlahjlahblah

Mod Daze is a legend for looking exactly like Andrew Gower, the streets never forget



Aw thanks all! I do feel a bit bad because I'm actually not working on either them for this game jam actively - the first I've parked for a bit because I wanted to have a break from interface work for a bit (was working on the calendar at the same time) and the drop storage was more speculative to see if there was appeal - based on reaction there's an interest but an obvious concern around afk behaviour so needs some more design consideration before I pick it up actively.

However, I have been working on something for gamejam I've had in the back of my head for several years and I'm very excited to at least get it as a prototype in game - whether it makes it into game or not is a big question for the future and I don't want to say too much right now but will mention it's something around Slayer.

And beyond that I get the absolute joy of working on Group Ironman next so can't wait to start talking to you all about that in the near future!

08 Mar


Originally posted by Denkir-the-Filtiarn

I am imagining a mod gets a rare drop another mod wanted, then sending a screenshot of that drop in that group email to taunt them. "Look who got spooned a vit!"

This is literally what happens! We have one mod who has got so many dyes from clues I am so insanely jealous of their luck!


Loads of us do. We also have internal hiscores that are emailed round once a week which are highly competitive as everyone is trying to move up the ranks!

05 Mar


Originally posted by frogsarenottoads

If anything it should spin more

I'm actually spinning it so fast it just looks stable - don't tell anyone!

04 Mar


Originally posted by electrofire1

Feels really bandaid but better than what we have rn atleast

Yeah, there is a longer term solution possible, but I can't guarantee when that would be as it requires engine work.


Hey, so just took a look at this and with current options available I'm unable to remove the op without causing other issues with BGH. However, I can make it so if you accidentally click the ring it just won't use the ability instead.

How does that feel as a solution for now?

Edit: This will be a temporary solution; I have another longer-term solution planned. However it requires some engine work first. Once done, I can remove this temporary fix and replace with the full version.

01 Mar


Originally posted by Californ1a

In general I agree, I think most people complaining about the new player UI is overdramatic and geared more toward those who are returning rather than new, and are looking for some kind of quick UI setup for getting into bosses, where you'd need to set up a bunch of action bars to be visible and a bunch of visible hud windows that a a real new player doesn't need. That said though:

I'd also love to explore simplifying things like the ribbon

The ribbon I think is the worst part of the default UI. The rest is decent enough, especially now that stuff like a second action bar and action bar binding is set up automatically on new accounts so it swaps bar for each style. However, the ribbon by default is a mix of "management window" buttons (clicking them opens the large center windows with tabs) and "action window" buttons (clicking them directly opens a hud window).

Personally, I think it'd make more sense to just put all the ...

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More advanced presets is something I've been thinking about quite a bit. For combat, I think there's space for at least 2: a simple and advanced combat preset. The first would be aimed more around Slayer and early bosses; while the latter would be designed for those taking on advanced bosses and built around having more action bars visible at once.


I find this an absolutely fascinating topic and could talk for hours on it. A few years ago when working on Davendale, we were able to do a load of playtesting where we watched various people play RuneScape for the first time and honestly it's mind-blowing the tiny details that new players stumble over.

I'm not going to lie and say the UI is perfect, but last year we created a new New Player default UI and saw an improvement - players were playing longer with it than the previous version. Check it out, very simple changes but as a summary we group similar interfaces together and make core gameplay like chat and the combat action bars front and centre.

However, I think for your average player to reach the point where the UI is problematic is way further down the line than people expect. Here's some examples of things I saw that were bigger tripping points early on:

  • Unable to progress chat because they kept clicking outside the box
  • Putt...
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11 Jan


You figured it out but the reason we opted for the '+' approach rather than stating 400% outright is because for the majority of things in game there are additional buffs. While there are no other additive buffs for Livid Farm right now, it future proofs it in case we do add any.

09 Jan


Originally posted by JikkirWolf

/u/JagexDaze How does the triple charm effect work with Familiarisation and the charming potion buffs? Do they stack?

They are additive so 3 + 3, so for each charm dropped, you will receive 6.


Hey, this will work identical to Hazelmere's ring. Because I'll almost certainly miss some information probably best checking the wiki for a full breakdown: https://runescape.wiki/w/Hazelmere%27s_signet_ring


Just want to clarify this, and other future buffs in this event, and how they work. If they have '+' at the front, this means this will be an additive buff alongside everything else.

In your example here, it is stacking additively with all your other Multiply buffs taking it from +340% to +390%.

Any other buffs that you see as part of this event using this language will work the same way. We'll take the feedback on board though and try to make this clearer in the future however.

08 Jan


Originally posted by Aruhi

So if I get a task that I can mass farm in my posd, I can spend 2 hours sitting on the one task?

Absolutely! Go crazy and just keep hitting those mobs!


Originally posted by AnimeChan39

So thrillseeker, if I have 60 lava strykewyrms to kill I can farm them for two hrs and still be on 60? Will I receive slayer xp and benefit from slayer helm still?

Yup that is how it will work!


Originally posted by ShinyCapeRS

Does Ritualistic- increased necro output ritual buff include more souls to the well of souls?


04 Dec


Hey, Mordaut will be around for you to claim the reward until 00:00 Monday 11th December (so basically you have this week to do so!)


Originally posted by Saadieman

I have a question regarding the Vorkath Event Shards. When are they going to be removed? I already have eight shards but I would like to start the event on Thursday. Mr. Mordaut mentioned that he would be around for a while to allow for late completion, but I'm not sure exactly how long that will be. Can a JMod provide any insight or information on this?

Mordaut will be around for this week and will disappear at 00:00 Monday 11th December.