Funny you should ask that - I fixed this at the end of last year and it's down to be released on Monday!
Funny you should ask that - I fixed this at the end of last year and it's down to be released on Monday!
Do you have an eta for when thatvwill be live?
No, as with anything it will need to go through QA and then needs to have space in a release - just know it IS coming!
Hey, I did a job earlier today to add a few more items to the group storage whitelist - imcando mattock included. It's a gradual process and we'll continue to add more items over time!
I'm guessing this doesn't apply to the Artificer's measure?
Plugged in gem bag, upgraded gem bag and the Artificer's measure. For the latter, it already worked while equipped so wasn't too bad but made it work from the backpack too in case that's something you're doing.
I'm feeling in a good mood so let's do this!
Edit: Done, and now sent to QA!
Hey, this is something we can look into - will definitely make being the porter of porters role a bit easier by allowing them to be noted.
Can we confirm our group before all players have joined? Some of my group mates won't be on until tonight. Can i start playing with 3/5 players added? Or won't i be able to add the other 2 if i confirm the group now?
Yeah you can add players later - you have up to 7 days to add members and will retain founders status.
You can go to the Iron Enclave by travelling through the portal which is located just outside Lumbridge castle.
Thanks for answering, I would like to understand more on the hiscore part. Will it be ranked in terms of combined XP per 2-5 groups like how osrs gim is, or will rs3 will also have hiscore wrt combined XP for a specific skill as well?
Combined XP per group; different hiscores for each group size.
Hey, so as others have mentioned you will be able to do Wilderness Flash Events specifically for the above reasons, but you won't get any rewards from them as a CGIM.
The idea is anything that quest, comp, and trim should be available for all CGIM players to obtain. We may have missed something - there's a lot of requirements and there may have been something that slipped through. However, this is something we'd fix ASAP to ensure players can get these items. If you see anything just report as a bug and we'll get right on it!
Very hype for this game mode, however, can we get some clarification of whether or not these still will be world 1st broadcasted for group ironman? And if so, does 1 person completing is enough for the broadcast or do all of em have to complete it?
No, these won't trigger again. We opted for new broadcasts to be group related - while I understand the appeal for them I think it helps keep the focus on the groups that are accomplishing awesome things. There's also the practical production side of things where with unlimited time maybe we'd consider but thought we'd invest our time in other places.
Given that we will have competitive GIM. What does the competitive mean? How will the hiscore look like to make it competitive?
Competitive means all progress needs to come from within the group - this means you won't be able to boss with others, you'll need to do 100% damage on enemies etc. Full rules will be displayed in game and there are blogs with more information if you want to read them.
There will be a different page for the Competitive hiscores so will be very clear which is which.
Does the "Total Level" journey achievement require every member to reach a specific amount, or is it the total level sum across the entire group? In the video Mod Rsguy says for one of the achievements for journey 0 it requires "a total level of 40 per player." However, the achievement description says "achieve 80 total level across the group." I assume the total is because taking the number of players in the group multiplied by 40, but the wording leads me to believe that one person can gain 80 levels (or whatever amount of levels) to unlock group storage. Is this correct?
What will happen to the completed achievements if a new member joins after some of them are completed? Will group storage access be lost?
Thank you for the clarification. Trying to plan with one of my team members not being able to play for the first few weeks, but want to get them added for founder status.
It's the sum across the whole group - it scaled based on your group size so 40 per player would be 80 for a 2-person group, 120 for a 3-person group etc. So yeah one player can boss out all the levels if they so desired - at some point everyone will need to start pulling their weight however.
If group members change, then achievements will update accordingly but group storage is literally locked behind the most simple of achievements so unless no one else in your group wanted to do Cook's Assistant I can't imagine you'd ever lose access.
can we look at adding the green arrow indicator from the detonate ability to this as well? the arrow is used at various bosses, such as raids and ed2 for their poison mechanics. it's actually really difficult to see for people with green colour blindness and they are extremely important to be able to see them
Apologies, not understanding completely - do you want the green arrows adding somewhere, or you'd like to be able to recolour the green arrows themselves?
You can also toggle High Contrast Mode more quickly by right-clicking the World Map icon on your minimap.
For the super pro strats, you can also create a keybind for it in the options to quickly toggle at will. When that 007 penguin spawns, go go go!
With regular GIM, are there any limitations with creating group encounters with people outside of the group? My group has no intention of wanting to be competitive so more interested in differences with GIM interacting with groups like Ironmen or mains can do.
Regular GIM largely follows the same ruleset as ironman, so you'll be able to team up with mains and other irons.
There is a lot of emphasis on CGIM. How do you opt in and out of being a CGIM? Is CGIM the default option upon creating a character?
Also, what things can not be stored in the group bank and why was the trade restriction put in place with your group to trade with each other?
Hey, you will be able to choose this upon group creation. They're presented as an equal choice to the group leader. You can also choose to downgrade from CGIM -> GIM later by the group voting on it.
Does this include irons that convert to gim?
Yes, as long as you're group ironman, you will have access to all auras.
Do you get sent to the iron enclave before or after the optional completion of tutorial island?
After completion of the tutorial.
What happens if another player has damaged a monster, and then the monster regens hp back to full? Are cgim able to kill the monster and get xp/drops, or does it count the damage from before, making cgim ineligible?
If the monster resets back to full, then you will be able to get XP/drops again!
There will be a icon on the NPC's buff bar to indicate if you aren't able to get XP/drops so you can easily made a decision on what monsters to fight or avoid.