

21 Oct


Originally posted by valarauca14

Mod Flippy was leading Wilderness revamp & leagues III. The dude bounced lmao

Wilderness revamped is now Winter-2017-pilled.

More devs than me are working on wilderness. My jobs will be transferred to another dev.

20 Oct


It absolutely breaks my heart to say this, but 29th of October I will be handing in my golden crown and leave Jagex.

Working on RuneScape was a childhood dream of mine, and I will remember my time here forever. The OSRS team and community feels like a family to me at this point, which has made this decision incredibly difficult.

What we have, the game and its community, is unique. It’s been an honour to have played a part in the process, to have worked so closely with you all to make a difference. I couldn’t have wished for more.

I’m incredibly grateful and proud to have worked on Leagues 1, 2 & 3 and I hope to experience many more in the eyes of a player. We have built an incredible foundation for the content and I’m excited to see what crazy ideas the team brings to life in the future.

I’ll still be around posting low effort memes on Reddit (...

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14 Oct


Originally posted by vorkathlore

Flippy you can still add this into the game, they wont notice it

okay but don't tell anyone


Originally posted by Aurarus


Happy to hear that; there definitely was a lot of ree'ing with the first iteration of recent league rewards (myself included) so I'm happy to hear that you guys are more aware of this.

My personal take is that you should take advantage of new content that facilitates more variety.

For example:

  • Cosmetic overrides to thralls

  • Unique colors/ themes for crystal gear

  • Hats or outfits to give to skilling pets (unique transmog rather than an additional thing on top of existing transmogs)

Or bear in mind when developing new content where you can inject some potential reward expansion.

Great suggestions, thank you!


Originally posted by Mr-Genghis-Cohen

considering half the jagex squad look like sweaty weebs, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

cmon, no need for that :/


Originally posted by Aurarus

I would much rather this be an actual unique item with unique effects than a cosmetic override. It would add a bit much to the visual cosmetic override bloat we have already, and frontloads more "knowing what visuals matter/ don't matter" to old returning or new players.

For example, when I rejoined OSRS my impression was that there were new upgrades to get strong whips upon seeing the lava/ ice cosmetic overrides to them. When I learned the truth, I then assumed something similar with the assembler being blue; something that seemed like less of a visual upgrade ACTUALLY being a significant upgrade.

Real upgrades should look more visually distinguished than cosmetic overrides, and a quiver is something that just seems so fundamentally unique from the backpacks that I think restraint should be shown.

This is definitely a concern we're aware of and actively thinking about during design. My own personal thumb rule is that it should be very clear which item is carrying a cosmetic override.

There's definitely a fine balance when creating exciting cosmetics and while not erasing the identity of iconic items, so I think we just need to work closely together with you all on a League-to-League basis to make sure we hit that balance.

We're still (I hope) in early stages of Leagues, so I'm grateful we're trusted to experiment with unique approaches so that we can eventually create strong, reliable guidelines for League rewards.

Thank you so much for the input <3


Originally posted by Shoelesshobos

Can only fit some much in one league

I don't know have you tried rotating the cosmetics or jumping up and down on them to squish them in?

Yeah we tried that too but they were too thicc.


Originally posted by gkonn

Not a quiver, because that would be too medieval

Fusion-driven raygun ammo capsule. Got it.


This (not a quiver, but ava’s cosmetic) was on the original list I put together for reward ideas. Can only fit so many into one League, but maybe in the future :)

04 Oct


Originally posted by y0l0tr0n

dayum I lolled so hard

take my silver

EDIT: just saw the crown, now I feel honored .

What a legend. Hope you and the bois have fun <3

30 Sep


Originally posted by RaidsMonkeyIdeas

Ferocious Gloves gives a good precedent - Bosses drop the raw/tradeable material and you need high skills to make it, with the final product being untradeable so people can't just buy the completed product off someone else. This is how you make higher skill level relevant.

You're right about the BIS platebody example because if it only costs like 10 Logs to make, it would be dirt cheap due to how much is in the game. You would have to consume like 1,000,000 Logs or Ores to make it reasonable.

As for direct profit from skilling, more Hallowed Sepulcher/high-intensity activity that's locked behind higher skill levels is always welcome, especially if it's bringing in consumables as its primary source of gp - Blood Runes, Sanfews, etc. Avoid high intensity activities that are extremely monotonous like clicking NPC for Blood Shards/Crystal Seeds.

Sepulcher does a good balance between GP and XP because if you sacrifice most of GP, u can get slightly higher rates.


Yeah I'm all up for that type of content.


Originally posted by nickyGyul

That's not really what OP was getting at. OP was saying that there is an other way to bring back the intrinsic value of Skilling aside from making Skilling content competitive with bossing in terms of profit.

By making some of the upper echelons of gear require decent Skilling stats. So even if some of the parts (of the new BiS unique) get flooded into the game, at least legitimate players will feel rewarded for the time and gp sink that is training Skills. I personally thought that the Barronite mace was a really cool implementation.

Mod Curse is keen on a Completionist cape, but I feel like that would be a band-aid fix for adding value to other parts of the game. Adding it to the game will feel worse if 8/23 Skills have no great use outside of diaries and getting a Max cape.

Skilling would less likely feel like an arbitrary grind if it became equally important ...

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I'm sorry but I've re-read the thread three times and I don't at all see what you're describing in the original post.

You're saying that it feels bad because skills aren't integrated enough which I can stand behind 100%. OP has a TLDR saying "Skilling will be more “profitable” when it’s given more overall utility and better integration with other parts of the game." and essentially explains how skilling resources would be more valuable if they were used as recepies for BiS gear.


Yes and no.

Looking at the money making guide on the wiki, there's plenty of money makers using skills. The main problem is that players who say skilling isn't profitable mean there is no competitive/best xp/h method which ALSO is as profitable as doing something requiring skill, starting budget and account progression (e.g. bossing).

If woodcutting gave you resources for a BiS platebody rather than your usual logs, woodcutting wouldn't magically turn super profitable. The resources for the BiS item would still be dirt cheap, because supply doesn't change.

Not to say you can't do this for skills. You could make difficult skilling bosses or more stuff similar to Hallowed Sepulchre. I'm just saying supply is equally important to demand if you want to make competitive skilling methods profitable. Additionally, the more you increase xp/h the more supply you'll have, hence decreasing the value of the items.

25 Sep

13 Sep


Originally posted by PurpleKirby

is that a fact or a opinion

my opinions are facts


Gz on the best untrimmed cape in the game.

03 Sep


Originally posted by mreexe

can we get a jmod to confirm this??

fake news

28 Aug


Originally posted by harrymuana

Yeah, sounded good at first but the more I think about it the less I like it.

  • As a temporary game mode, progress in leagues is much faster. If people will get to know the new skill at these faster xp rates, they will be disappointed when the skill releases. If there's no xp boost, that would probably mean you'd need to spend 100s of hours to max that skill...
  • Either they spend a lot of dev time fleshing out the skill really well, which runs the risk of a lot of wasted dev time. Or they don't work it out well and then players might not like it because of that.
  • Imo training a skill is not something you do from 1 to 99 as a single goal. For me the whole fun in rs is to constantly switch up what I'm doing. A skill can be good, but if it's so central to the game mode it's still very likely that you'll get bored of it. Except for combat I can't think of a single skill in RS that would be exciting as a central theme to the league, without significantly alte...

You touch on most points I came here to raise. The core of Leagues is about giving you a game breaking experience, to challenge you and push you outside of your comfort zone. That's what makes Leagues addictive and feel like a unique journey compared to your usual OSRS gameplay.

Now, I don't think it's a horrible idea to add a new skill to a future League just to get some initial thoughts about the skill, but I also think it's a slightly misleading experience due to relics and xp rates. It's generally not good to test something like that in an environment where player motivations are driven by different factors. Lastly, it takes time to develop a new skill and League content might really suffer from it unless it'd be a straight up re-run of a previous League.

Something I'd rather see is a month long beta with boosted xp/drop rates to to test out the skill with the sole purpose of having players engage with the skill. It could be designed and set up in a way to promo...

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12 Aug


March 27th 2007

I'm done