

30 May


Originally posted by Merdapura

Do rng shards still have bad luck mitigation?

Yes! :)


To answer the questions here so far:

  • You can get shards by using proteans.
  • At the moment, Sandy Clue Scrolls don't work for the clue step task, but I have a change for that in the pipeline, as it's a nice synergy between the events, so we're looking to hotfix that in.
    • Shards are not much rarer than in the previous event.
      • Bossing should be the same,
      • Clue steps might be slightly different, because I changed it from clue scrolls to clue steps.
      • Skilling shards are balanced to take a bit longer this time, but not drastically so, since there's more quick shards (Jagex account, gold/proteans, premier, quests(if you have them already completed)) this time around.

Yes, can confirm that you can get shards from all beach activities.


A fellow dev moved the duck to a new location for this run. Looks like it's time to go looking for it (I don't know where it is myself.)

06 Mar


Thank you! Glad you like it. :)

24 Jan


Originally posted by GivemePartyhatsRS3

That makes sense, thanks! Will FSW be run again in 2023?

Leadership hasn't communicated any decisions regarding future FSW or similar events yet, so not sure.

17 Jan


Originally posted by Various_Engineer6187

u/JagexFrosch Ditto to Giveme's comment above. I've already left survey feedback, but rereleasing the same Challenger Halo would be boring and is a sure way to reduce the likelihood of people wanting to compete/participate in FSW again. Part of the excitement was due to the novelty/exclusivity of these items, so I'd strongly suggest the development team consider brand new items and abilities (I'm sure the survey data will also be informative).

I would suggest a new Challenger item, a Challenger amulet/necklace/pendant, and perhaps an entirely new item that can be earned. I think it would be fine to reintroduce the same skilling capes, and inverted master capes, and pets. I would also suggest a new version of the skilling pets, and perhaps just make the chances of unlocking the old halo pets based on chance.

Maybe, the new item replacing the Halo of Returning could be the Black Partyhat? The Halo of Returning was a cool homeage to the Di...

Read more

Thanks for the feedback! I'd imagine we'd run a survey if/when we start preparing for another run of FSW. I'll remember this comment for if/when the time comes :)


Originally posted by GivemePartyhatsRS3

Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering what the thought process was behind the plan to make Halo of Returning discontinued and the Challenger halo being obtainable again through similar competitive periods in the future. Could you elaborate a bit on that? And understood about the possibility that those plans can be changed!

The idea was to, in the case that we regularly run FSW events, give all players a new reward to chase every time with the milestone hunt style system, while giving more players another shot at the established, more sparse competitive reward every time.

16 Jan


Originally posted by Various_Engineer6187

JagexFrosch, are you saying the plan is for Halo of Returning and Challenger Halo to be discontinued after this event?

In future FSW events, there will be new unique rewards then?

Hi! The plan was for the Halo of Returning and Luma to be the only exclusive/discontinued 'items' and the Challenger Halo being obtainable through similar competitive periods in the future. However, as I mentioned in another comment recently, I can't guarantee that this plan will be followed in the future, since I don't have the power to overwrite higher-up's decisions if they would like to use these items in the future in some way.


Originally posted by DonzaRS

Thank you for the reply, I understand there can never be any absolutes and will keep that in mind :)

Also really had a great time on FSW. It was a refreshing way to play rs3 from the start to revisit the heights of progression once again, was sad when it ended but look forward to more game modes like this.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

12 Jan


Originally posted by DonzaRS

Hoping for a clarification, when you say exclusive to this event does that mean to any future FSW as well or only to this specific FSW and there won't be any way in the future to obtain new halo of returning making it discontinued?

Hi, our (as in the team that designed the specifics of FSW) plan was to make those exclusive to this specific run of FSW.

Things is, you can take my word for it, but I ultimately don't have the power to 100% guarantee that this will definitely be the case, as I'm not in a leadership position.

05 Nov


Originally posted by Tkf530

Please don't just tease us with aura pausing! Release it.

It's all dev'd and QA'd, so should be releasable soon :)

22 Sep


Originally posted by DonzaRS

So to be able to get the inverted cape tokens for capes you just need to get the 99/120 you want before the end of the entire FSW time before it ends and merges, and not just by the competitive period? Ik the halos etc are for the competitve period but just to find out if capes are for obtaining in the full duration?

And thanks for replying to comments

Everything except for the competitive halo can be obtained throughout the entire event duration :)


Originally posted by paddytallywhacker92

Do these tokens has any sort of restriction? Like, if you were to trade a 120 cape token to a new account, you need to have at least one skill at Level 120?

You will be able to use the tokens on any account, but won't get any use out of them until you reach the respective level in the respective skill. You'll be able to buy inverted capes from skillcape vendors if you have the specific cape unlocked, but of course you'll need the requirements to be able to buy the cape.


Originally posted by IAmLordOwen

Will the inverted skillcapes (once unlocked) be sold by the regular skillcape vendor, or will a new NPC be added for this?

Existing skillcape vendors will sell them once you've unlocked the ability to buy inverted capes! :)


Originally posted by XyntakLP

Aren't there a ton of other boosts beyond a free death week that also last much longer than a week? It just seems weird to me that a single free death week and only a single free death week sometime during the whole FSW event would be even remotely comparable to all of the boosts FSW worlds are getting.

I appreciate the reply, thank you.

I'm not saying that the main game shouldn't get a free death week in the time of FSW. I wouldn't have an issue with that at all ^^


Originally posted by XyntakLP

If you honestly say that adding certain boosts to the normal game that are also on FSW would "give no reason to play FSW", that sounds like FSW just isn't good content and it's pre-existing boosts carrying the whole event.

I know that you as an individual and also basically all the devs didn't get a say or at least much of one in this strictly business decision but is feels weird when a game mod indirectly tells just the new content and game mode aren't actually that good.

That's at least how it seems to me. I truly hope that FSW is good and does as well as it deserves, however good or bad it ends up being.

Yeah that probably wasn't the best way to say "Boosts are exclusive to FSW."...Of course there are still other reasons to join FSW, such as rewards, and I personally am most interested in the new economy and what will come out of that.

I just meant to say that, as a new player or someone who wants to build up a new account, if both main game and FSW had the same boosts, there would be much less of a point to join FSW.


Originally posted by rsLourens

I couldn't find the answer anywhere - will the inverted cape tokens be transferable to ironmen?

Yep :) Via direct trading!


Originally posted by RS3_ImBack

Only on FSW or when FSW starts? Cuz if it's only of FSW then that's a big FU to the playerbase who don't want to participate

All gameplay boosts that appear on FSW are exclusive to FSW. If we added all of those to the main game, there would be a lot less of a reason for new players and lapsed players who want to build up a new account to actually join FSW.


Originally posted by MarcGregSputnik

Ah neat. I’m gonna try and learn so many bosses! Have my eyes on raksha, ed3 and glacor! Should be fun. I am a noob as you can tell!

Just to clarify, there won't be free deaths right from the start of FSW, but they'll come in some weeks into the event :)