

13 Mar


Originally posted by KingPolitoed

Thieving gnomes is pretty lackluster considering the best odds for success cap at 57% with cape and diary and their loot is pretty poor, the best reward being a fire orb. Could it be possible to add a rare clue drop to their thieving table to make them a more interesting? Maybe a 1/100 for hard or elite?

Part of the way the increase is achieved is by increasing that success rate, but I'm sure the team would be open to adding more Clues from Thieving if people want to see it happen!


Originally posted by Puddinglax

New chance to drop the Bug Basher, a new degradable weapon that breaks after 1,000 uses. Has a 3-tick attack rate and a minimum hit of 5 against bugs.

Will the bug basher roll between 5 and the max, or will it round low hits up to 5?

Assuming you actually hit and pass accuracy check, the former - damage rolls from 5-max


Originally posted by Jukkii

What in the world is that tzhaar thieving xp rate, surely that has to be a mistake.

Think /u/alpersena gets it mostly right, but the team aren't beholden to anything on here and if it's felt to be the wrong direction then it's easy for us to adjust the proposal and take parts out or add other parts in!


Originally posted by AfroDizzyYak

Appreciate the quick response. But pardon my confusion:

“When handing over the currency you’ll get to choose between xp or cold hard cash”. Sure makes it seem like the bots will also get this currency, and they’ll likely choose “cold hard cash” instead of xp right? Don’t think there’s many bots doing zalc for hiscores and cold hard cash certainly makes me think raw gp.

Have updated the blog, think something got lost in translation with some of the edits - my comment is effectively a TLDR, choice becomes 'loot I'm already getting' or 'more XP', uniques unaffected!


Originally posted by Fleschlight36

Why not buff other content xp instead of nerfing the xp/hr though?

Other courses are getting diary-based XP buffs to compensate, namely Pollnivneach & Rellekka.

That being said, team's not beholden to any of the changes proposed and could absoltuely dial back if it's common feedback!


Originally posted by Kresbot

Slayer - Can we have jellies added back to higher level slayer monsters too please?

Mining - if you’re improving motherlode it seems redundant to nerf the outfit pieces required for the task, it was hardly an outrageous grind to begin with. - amethyst change will be nice, thanks!

~Zalcano - any plans on tackling the bots there before dumping pure cash to them as a new reward?~ Seems the blog was adjusted for this comment

Can raise the Jellies stuff as a feedback point with the team!

Think the Diary task change is more that the number of hours you have to invest into a specific piece of content is a little out-of-line with other Hard tasks where it's usually 'get a requirement, do one reasonably quick thing'.


Originally posted by AfroDizzyYak

Love zalcano changes except offering cash. It’s one of the most disgustingly botted pieces of content in the game, surely you’ve got a plan to combat bots before pumping in loads of pure gp?

The regular loot is totally unchanged, the proposal effectively means 'get shards, trade in for the same loot you would currently get or for Mining XP - your choice'.


Originally posted by Biglippedafrican

Agility - Lackluster and why are we decreasing Seers agility xp per hour???

Thieving - Alright boost

Slayer - Great for the 0.1% of people that kill killerwatts?

Mining - All for it

The Seers course adjustment is to smooth out progression so that you're actually moving over to new courses rather than parking up at Seers for ages, and rolling out some similar Diary-based rate improvements at other courses.

Slayer is probably primarily aimed at people who are less likely to be posting on here since they're aimed at super early-game Slayer grinders and not necessarily at people who are already comfortable with the skill!

06 Mar


Originally posted by Chriskies

MAKE sure that the zap does the same damage as HMT too ! it only does 14 damage in HMT solos.

That's in there too dw!

29 Feb


Originally posted by The_left_is_insane

My problem is you concentrate on Pkers while it should be on pvp. PKers are just toxic people who want easy money killing people who for the most part don't fight back. They are the worst

Don't disagree that newer PKers will absolutely get their reps in on PvMers/clue scroll doers etc., but the overwhelming majority want to graduate to fighting with other PvPers because there's more money in it.

That being said, we've seen a lot of this kind of comment and it's partly why we included specific mentions of things like DMM and Emir's Arena coming up, but also wanted to challenge it lightly by making it clear that the number of real players engaging with this content has absolutely increased as a result of a little more attention in the area!


Originally posted by hallwaypoirear

Such a hard push for this content for seemingly no reason. There is literally no need to create go generating content. There are plenty of other incentivised ways like the chaos altar utilizing XP gain.

Easy No's on vote. f**k your clans jmods.

It's not a push at all? We're polling stuff that players voted for us to explore at a rate of 88% Yes. If it fails a poll, it fails a poll and we'll look elsewhere or find other ways to fill up that team's time.

The Chaos Altar is less XP/hr than using a POH altar, but has an opportunity cost due to the quantity of bones you save that effectively make it a GP/hr method by mitigating loss - but people hate getting PKed there because there's no strong incentive to stick it out longer and gear up, leading to interactions that are 'logout as fast as possible' or 'use as many bones as you can while dying'. I don't think many people on any side of the PvP fence would argue that the Chaos Altar drives a particularly healthy engagement.

Still more than welcome to vote no, but wanted to say that literally none of the people working on this are in any clans. We have some team members scattered throughout Iron/Completionist/PvM clans, nobody on the team is in a PvP clan and t...

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Originally posted by shoo14

Nobody cares about risk.

This term is made up by pkers. If people liked this sort of game play more people would do it. You can already do everything agility has to offer in a PvP situation on PvP worlds. These updates are meant to bait low level players guess. Not sure how that’s better.

Easy no. This stuff will ruin the game in the long term.

Completely understand your perspective, but wanted to say that this sentence in the blog 'This number of players has increased significantly over the last ~2 years' was added because more people are doing it when we do more out there. The relative increase in the number of players engaging with Wilderness content (whether as PvMers/moneymakers or PKers) has increased at a rate higher than playercounts.

We're not looking to bait low level players, if you don't want to lose your stuff then there are loads of safe alternatives to make money or gain XP that might require some better stats or more effort etc., but they're all entirely risk free.

Cheers for sharing your feedback!


Originally posted by Molly_Hlervu

Question 4: Should we approach these adjustments with Option A or Option B, as described in the blog?

Please do not forget the option C: none of the above. Or an option to Skip question. This is important. You want to know which variant the community prefer, but how about those who are against the whole idea of a tradeable Chivalry scroll? There should be an option to bypass the choice between two ways to improve it, otherwise a part of answers ought to be random - from those who oppose the idea, but still want to complete the poll.

Just to make it clear in case I'm misunderstanding, this is dependent on the outcome of Question 3 (should we adjust) which is in turn dependent on the outcome of Question 2 (should we add). If this question gets to the point of relevance, it's because players will already have voted to add the scroll and adjust the prayer. If neither of those come to pass, Chivalry won't be touched. That being said, there'll be a skip option also!


Originally posted by Pondera

What about scroll of abyssal anchoring?

This is pretty strong, at the very least 'Anchoring' feels nautical enough!


Originally posted by noobtablet9

Lol no away it's a double down blog. Wilderness course got nerfed which is wild. Fountain of rune changed make eternal glory way worse to go for. We get more PvP updates than quests and quests is what make RuneScape RuneScape.

So much of the player base will never interact with PvP but it gets more updates than anything else lately.

Very conscious the the delays from Poll 80 coupled with the stuff in this blog (aiming to give the team working on Undead Pirates some on-theme bits to package into the release) and a quieter release schedule at the start of the year ahead of Varlamore dropping definitely makes things feel like 'more updates than anything else lately'.

Would temper that by saying that things like what's proposed in this post are utterly trivial to do compared to writing a quest, designing new areas, implementing all the cutscenes, designing any combat encounters for the quest, thinking up rewards, whether it ties into a wider narrative etc. and rely on a different skillset, where perhaps our foremost expert on quests (Ed) is currently heading things up for Varlamore and While Guthix Sleeps.


Originally posted by We_all_owe_eachother

Seriously, no changes at all around the new clue spot? No proposed agility shortcut, closer teleport location, it not being near small larrans? Really? Nothing?

There actually was meant to be something in the post but I've been in and out of meetings all day while writing and totally blanked it - so that's entirely on me!

Will get it added to the post, but for the sake of speed, proposing that we instead move the Chaos Temple clue here:


So it's still 'about as risky' as before, but sits much closer to a teleport by way of the Wilderness Obelisk!


Originally posted by CalebJAllen

What about a random (low chance) drop chance of an item that can let you dye a piece of graceful to any existing colour one time? That way there's some optional graceful-related reward with very little extra art required

Think it feels a little off-theme for something which might cheapen the incentive for grinding the other colours purely for the sake of fashionscape, not sure it's something the team would be likely to get on board with.


Originally posted by Thermald

I think we're really hesitant to offer rates beyond that from Wilderness content because it's not historically been popular, it feels like players find it more frustrating being killed and not risking anything (like suiciding at the Chaos Altar).

Are black chins unpopular now? I haven't really done the content since I've been maxed, but I remember them being fairly popular a few years ago.

Do you reckon in practise that you'd prefer being killed by newer PKers and likely not hitting that XP rate while sinking money?

So some background on me: I am a max main with a large enough bank to be considered "functionally unlimited", no intention of playing ironman, no real intention of going for 200m skills / playing for ranks. For my account, there is no reason period for my account to go to wilderness agility unless it has the best pet rate or an obscenely high (90k+, comparable to consistent 6:30 sep runs)...

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I don't think Black Chins are super popular, nor are they too unpopular tbf, but for how good they can be they're probably less popular than you'd expect.

Totally get where you're at, but if you're at the point where your bank is 'functionally unlimited' then I'm not sure any update centered around moneymaking is necessarily targeting you, unless you're looking to have a go at PvP yourself. Which is fine I think? I get the point around pet rate for sure, but think that might be a little 50/50 on whether or not it'd be well-received.


Originally posted by buddhabomber

Do you guys ever watch content creators in the office? Is it a collaborative session? Or maybe you watched saebae in your personal time?

Not uncommon for me to jump between streams while I'm writing for background noise/extra stimulation. Though a lot of long-form 'ramble' videos are things I tend to watch in the evenings so I can focus on them and their content in case there are some good nuggets buried in there - mostly just consume an arguably unhealthy amount of OSRS content!