

03 Nov


Originally posted by Herpadew

Could we poll having an unlock to extend revs tasks to 100-200 per task? It is one of the lowest weighted tasks already so I don’t feel like it would be too OP

This is actually a kind of cool suggestion, will bear this one in mind and perhaps add it as something at the top?


Hey all! This one's a short-ish & sweet follow-up to the questions from the WBR Poll Blog around the Rev weapons.

I likely won't be as responsive as I tend to be because I've got to finalise a few bits for a Game Jam pitch I'm working on with some other members of the team, but will be keeping a close eye out and responding where I can!

Also apologies if the table of drop rates is ugly, we figured more info in the post itself could only be a good thing, but it's not the prettiest thing we've HTMLed that's for sure...

Hope everybody's having a good week!

02 Nov


Originally posted by Penguinswin3

Sounds like the mystery quest may be a continuation of an existing storyline, cause if it was a new standalone quest, they probably wouldn't keep it a secret.

Based on the news post, I think the next entry in the Kourend series makes the most sense, based on the ending of A Kingdom Divided.

However I'd really like to see some other questlines continued. Penguin questline when.

they probably wouldn't keep it a secret.

Or would we...?

28 Oct


Originally posted by Zxsx9

So what are the untradeables that you get if you fail the 1/50 roll? And does that mean I can pretend every thread was a shadow?

(I know its only for entry mode)

The untradeables are the Thread and Jewels! You can pretend away!


Originally posted by Loveable_Teabag

“The fang isn’t rare enough to justify that sort of power”

Tweak the drop rate then?

We wrote later in the blog, we've fixed the Fang and it's now a little less powerful. We'll see where it settles, and retain the option to tweak the drop rate if it's still too strong for how rare it is. Rather than making several changes at once and risking them adding up to more than the sum of their parts - as with some of the initial TOA balancing changes.


Originally posted by tacobender69yay

Ffs rip Fang.... f**king Reddit complainers

Nothing to do with complainers, everything to do with it not working as intended and utterly demolishing future reward space in its current iteration.


Originally posted by Zabrinu

Why wasn’t fang fixed until now? It’s been a month

My understanding is that we genuinely didn't know it was functioning in a way that didn't align with how it was initially presented. After some digging we figured out what was wrong.

I'm also given to understand that the Fang is still good, just not BiS or near BiS at almost all content where melee exists - which was never the intention. Like the blog says, our big learning from the Equipment Rebalancing was that if something isn't in a healthy spot - better to rip the band-aid off now than wait even longer.

Apologies if this reply isn't a satisfying one, but it's what the truth of things are as far as I'm aware.


Originally posted by i_hate_fanboys

Why do you state that the maximum number of points a player can get is 64000 and then use an example of 350000 total points?

Maybe I'm just an idiot but I really don't understand what the blog says. What if you just solo 150 invo raids? Do I have to add up every single npc's hp to figure this out, why isn't it just listed?

The 350,000 is the amount of points that equate to a 1% chance of Pet drop at 0 Raid Level. As Raid Level increases, this 350,000 effectively decreases, and is combined with your actual points to obtain the pet rate.

We can't list NPC HP because of how path levelling interacts with Raid Level, monster HP etc., but we teamed up with the OSRS Wiki to make a calculator that does it for you and is linked at the bottom!

27 Oct


It's a private world for Hanannie's upcoming charity event, to raise funds for Rise Above the Disorder. Everybody flagged for access appears as a HCIM on those worlds.

Not sure if it's the place, but since the title of this post might draw some eyes - if you'd like to donate, you can learn more about the charity and the players involved over at: https://tiltify.com/+the-osrs-creators/not-dead-yet

Worth noting that to my knowledge the event takes place tomorrow evening (UK time), and the number of creators involved is massive so you'll likely be able to find somebody getting stuck in on Twitch, or see what went down after-the-fact on YouTube!

26 Oct


Originally posted by Karanmuna

Wheres the spooky uwu




Originally posted by JosephCBrown11

There is absolutely no way the formula is correct. Based on crowdsourcing in solos, a 350 invo raid is 1/17ish. Let’s be generous and say 1/20. People are doing 100-150 raids and going dry. Your math is incredibly flawed on solos.

I just threw out random numbers to illustrate what the blog would not be in terms of the numbers you'll see in there. i.e. don't expect 'this item is this rarity at this raid level' because TOA's drop mechanics are a lot more complicated than that, as you'll see later in the week.

Math is math, it'll be in the blog - if peoples' anecdotal experience isn't lining up with crowdsourced data, it's likely because there are some factors (especially death) which crowdsourcing isn't yet adequately able to account for.


Originally posted by Fxrguss

Can we please get a eta (at least roughly, november? december?) for this summit stream? Every update is so depressing and im trying hard not to be negative but other than toa the updates have been lacklustre for a while now for someone who isnt interested in quest speedrunning/fsw.

is there anything else planned for this year other than the wildy boss rework? When we can expect it? November? December?

Think we've said before in other comments, but currently pencilled in for early December


Originally posted by vauxchen

Just used my divine rune pouch on Purdu and it's now only showing 3 runesin there. I can still use the runes I can't see, but definitely a bug there

Both of these issues should have been hotfixed, and have been added to the top of the newspost. If either of them persist, let me know!


Originally posted by Dashjack30

Hey, just wanted to say I love the concept of the Halloween event this year! It really gives off the social MMO vibe from the old events, where everyone is doing the same thing. I feel like the group/social aspect could have been enhanced with a global indicator of how much candy was deposited into the cauldron. The model could change to appear more and more full, with an option to check global deposits.

Maybe a similar idea could be implemented with presents into Santa's sleigh for a Christmas event in the future? Great job to the team, made my day :)

EDIT: I just noticed the global count is there! Great job guys!

The Great Cauldron will change states as goals are reached, and should be a right-click 'Check' option on the Great Cauldron that tshows you the community's current progress. If the 'Check' op isn't showing up, let me know!


Originally posted by reaper140592

Unrelated, but is there a rough ETA for the dragon pick being added to KQ drop table?

My understanding is that this is due to occur alongside the Wilderness Boss Rework, so that the likely drop in the pickaxe's price doesn't adversely affect the current profitability of the bosses in a significant way.


Originally posted by Minecraft_Launcher

No update next week? When is the wilderness update getting released already.

I don't have a better answer for this thtan 'when it's ready'. The rework will be available before the end of the year, but beyond that I have no specifics to share.


Originally posted by Antwann

I just want to say that the skiller community is extremely grateful for the time you’ve given us on poison dynamite in regards to player feedback. I can’t wait to get on and try the sticky version!

I'll make sure to pass this on to the people working most closely on it!


Originally posted by andyp

Does anyone know what the candy that can be obtained from skilling does?

Pop on down to Varrock West Bank and find out!