

22 May


Originally posted by yuei2

Two questions!

  1. Any update on DXP tokens

  2. Can we see that old roadmap now? Just for settling curiosity sakes and also because it helps us understand the process that lead us to the new. 

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I very much owed that response on DXP Tokens, thank you for reminding me!

I just responded on the original comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1cugb29/comment/l56w1ne/

Seeing the old Roadmap is an interesting question... I think it's unlikely, as a couple of the previous projects could end up in a future Roadmap based on the survey. We wouldn't want to steal their thunder in that sense. Assume no, but... maybe?


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Since it's now the end of the day, just wanted to drop an update for any of you waiting to hear back from us on this.

We have caught up with the team today and they're reviewing the data as of this afternoon. We should have a clear answer to give on this tomorrow either way.

And just like that, it's Wednesday. Sorry to keep you waiting. Lots of conversations happened yesterday on this, and I missed updating you to let you know it'd be another day.

I'll get to the answer you're waiting on first - for this Double XP, the Token Rates are going to remain the same.

The general reason is all about balance, and how Sprites were appearing way more than expected vs the balancing of the Store.

The team feel the rates look much healthier from a balancing perspective, and being quite late into the event by the time we could assess this properly, now feel it's safest to look at this for future events. A quick not fully considered change might put us back where we were.

That said, your feedback on how this feels for rewarding your time is a really important factor. Things have to be fun. We are going to take a deeper look at the balancing ahead of our next DXP with the team to see if we can address that point.

Last bit from...

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Originally posted by NationalTrain9353


Saying inverted skillcapes are coming back and not delivering them is extremely frustrating. When are they coming back?


We are going to bring them back. We've been floundering on this for ages and I totally get the frustration, so I want to assure you, it will happen. You have this to screenshot and shame me on Reddit if we don't forever more now.

Lots of ideas have been discussed, but we have never really committed to any direction. But they will come back.

We have talked about it in the new Roadmap Planning and they are far from forgotten. We need to make sure we get them out in a way that's respectful to FSW players, which is why it's taken so long, but we also need to get them out!

We'll start another discussion on them at the studio specifically, and see where we go. Might be something we bring to the community even. But just know, they are lost but not forgotten.


Originally posted by Daniel_The_Damned

Undoubtedly on the right foot, most would say you guys have gone above and beyond since the reveal of the roadmap.

If you don't mind, is there a reason why this wasn't revealed earlier if work started in December (as the community was extremely cynical this year) Too early in the design process to announce I'm guessing?


There was a lot for us to figure out, and truth be told, we have had a lot of 'we've changed for the better!' moments over 23 years. I should say - those are always from the best of intentions! Sometimes things aren't as simple as you'd hope.

Anyway - the first thing we wanted to do was make sure we'd actually gone through the change, we had good content plans in place, and we could put it into action as soon as we talked about all this. Otherwise, it's all just words right?

In terms of the content, we did have a Roadmap for the year that was built prior to us going through this internal rework. We didn't share that version of the Roadmap because we felt we could deliver something better if that rework did what it was supposed to do.

It was a hugely tough call because we could see the frustration. But to be honest about it, we are all much happier with the Roadmap we have now then our original one. The benefit of waiting till the end of o...

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Originally posted by KeKinHell

Yeah, I'm seriously thinking about coming back to RS3 from OSRS.



Originally posted by MajorRedacted

I still maintain the opinion that the developers should've provided a complete road-map every year post EoC update.

I suppose they're moving in the right direction, but I'm still skeptical.

That's the goal going forward at least. We're planning a Winter Summit-esque show to show a good view forward of 2025.

Whether it'll be a Summit or maybe an RS take on it is completely undecided yet, but some moment where we reveal a ton of content coming in the future is the bit that won't change.


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

All this changed due to Mod Markos taking over. He is taking the positive aspects of OSRS's development cycle and applying it to RS3.

Mod Markos has definitely been an awesome influence since he joined.

I do want to jump in to give credit to the whole RuneScape team though. Sounds a bit corny to write that now I have, but seriously - from about December last year, the whole team has been building to this even pre-Markos.

We've been working towards a player-involved development future for a while now (our approach to Necromancy & Community Hitlist are good examples of first steps), but in incremental steps.

The missteps in the second half of last year were a real sign to us that we should push to make the full change in our development approach now, not incrementally (along with addressing some other areas like release consistency). Not necessarily our 'final form' on those fronts, but to the point where it is the norm.

We spent a lot of the early part of this year completely re-assessing how we operate RuneScape. A metric ton of time and effort was poured into bringing that togethe...

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Originally posted by JagexRyan

That's very kind, thank you.

I would LOVE to sit and talk endlessly for hours about RuneScape design. Finding the right place to do that is the tricky part.

Seems like I'll need to drag you onto another Discord stage 😉

20 May


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Dropping in to say we have seen this and we've started some chats with the team on the feedback. I don't expect to have a more concrete response until Monday given the weekend.

The token rates have gone through some balance tweaks before, and I know we were intending to do some correction on the rate this time as it was way too fast last time out - to the point where players were even questioning it.

I don't believe some of the rates I've seen reported here are the intended target though as that's less of a tweak and more of a significant shift, but I'll need to verify that with the team. Could be the Sprite RNG is playing havoc a little here.

Step one will be to catch up with the team when next we can, understand if the rates are as intended or something is up, then either fix the issue or - if it as intended - discuss the feedback and review the rates. We'll report back once we've had the chance to chat to them.

Since it's now the end of the day, just wanted to drop an update for any of you waiting to hear back from us on this.

We have caught up with the team today and they're reviewing the data as of this afternoon. We should have a clear answer to give on this tomorrow either way.

18 May


Dropping in to say we have seen this and we've started some chats with the team on the feedback. I don't expect to have a more concrete response until Monday given the weekend.

The token rates have gone through some balance tweaks before, and I know we were intending to do some correction on the rate this time as it was way too fast last time out - to the point where players were even questioning it.

I don't believe some of the rates I've seen reported here are the intended target though as that's less of a tweak and more of a significant shift, but I'll need to verify that with the team. Could be the Sprite RNG is playing havoc a little here.

Step one will be to catch up with the team when next we can, understand if the rates are as intended or something is up, then either fix the issue or - if it as intended - discuss the feedback and review the rates. We'll report back once we've had the chance to chat to them.

17 May


Given we've seen a lot of questions on if this is accurate or not, I can confirm Keeper has departed the team recently for new opportunities. 

It's worth mentioning that, in his time as EP, Keeper played a key part in making some needed improvements behind the scenes for the long future ahead for the game. We do wish Keeper all the best.

13 May


Originally posted by vVerce98


Maybe an idea for future maintenances + streams, do the maintenance when their is a stream, so people who want to play but can't, can just focus and enjoy the stream. :o

Also, the spirit during dxp will not appear anymore, still give the tokens, but will it still be in the chat or is this already changed?

We have talked about this a lot of times at the studio - it's a really nice idea in principle.

The downside is we can quickly be cancelling people's evenings if something doesn't go right. It's more responsible (and fair to our team) to keep our maintenance windows with some allowance for monitoring/reacting within standard hours, which I totally support.

(We also can't move streams earlier as it would make the timing too difficult for most of our playerbase!).


Originally posted by 5-x

Worth noting the "Double XP Live" naming seems to have been dropped. Good job.

The DXP spirit will no longer appear in the game world.

Probably for the better.

I can confirm this is true. No more 'Double XP LIVE', just 'Double XP' from now on.

07 May


Originally posted by TheSilentVorteX

The calendar looks great. It's kind of no different from the previous one, but bigger. Why doesn't the calendar allow us to customize it the way we want, like adding our very own plans/events (similar to how we can in our phone calendar, including alerts)? For clan events, it could automatically be added to all participants' calendars (and this could work for a custom group of friends as well).

This is some great feedback for us to consider! I'm completely blind to any technical limitations here, but we'll definitely chat with the team about it and for ways we could improve the calendar in future.

06 May


Originally posted by theflightofporter

Dang Doom and Azanna have been getting beat up for months and months and Hooli swoops in for all the praise for the Roadmap reveal announcement

Ah no, they should still very much get lots of praise directed at them for this!

It's a Bank (Stat) Holiday in the UK so I'm covering posting it to make sure they enjoy their hard-earned days off.


Hey all -

We know you've been wanting to get a more comprehensive look at our content plans coming up for RuneScape this year - and now we're in a spot where we can do just that.

Join us on May 14th at 4pm Game Time on Twitch for a first look at our Rest of Year 2024 Roadmap.

Can't make the stream? We'll have an article covering all the key news live right after the show, as well as a VOD of the stream on our YouTube channel too.

Hope to see you there!


External link →

16 Apr


Originally posted by Nokturn_

I don't know where Jagex got the idea that people would rather have permanent content and no seasonal events. There is no reason why we can't have both. Whatever you do, just don't cancel the Halloween event in favor of permanent content. Last year's Halloween was the most disappointed I have ever been with anything in this game. Please give it a proper event like Christmas & Easter.

We know these upgraded Seasonal Events we can build on each year are popular, and we're not disregarding that feedback either. I think you're far from alone with wanting the same treatment for Halloween.

For the long term, the thing we've primarily taken away is that there's a balance to strike on delivering permanent update and the timing of when we make this bigger investment seasonal event upgrades.

To be open about it, whether or not Halloween gets the upgraded Hub/Quest/Activities treatment this year is TBD right now. We haven't Yay or Nay'd it either way as yet.


Originally posted by ExpressAffect3262

I'm just going to come off as really cynical but I can't help but feel it's worded in a way that it's the players fault somehow.

Like "Hey, you're the ones who wanted better seasonal events, so we were doing that but you're still not happy, so we'll stop them!"

Why is it one or the other? Why's it difficult to have a average-good seasonal event (not just some cash grab, but a 5min quest would be wonderful), as well as monthly updates?

The new matriarch has been discussed for months now. Why wasn't it and the archaeology site not active in development?

Genuinely worrying as that would have implied that after the summer event, there still wouldn't have been content after June...

That's not the intention of the post for sure, we're not putting anything on players here. We just wanted to provide context on why we had this in plan for Summer in the first place.

From our perspective, listening to that feedback has been great given the positivity we've seen for Christmas and Easter. We simply made a misjudgment to prioritize another better seasonal event for Summer over a new piece of persistent content for June.

It might be an idea to return to next year, but the feedback clearly said our near-term balance was off - which is why we changed plans.


Originally posted by PhantomForteGS

Will the summer skilling event be revisited in the future, or is it scrapped permanently? I’d hate to see the dev time go to waste when Christmas and Easter have been great.

Too early to say right now. The only decision we've really made today is to move our development efforts from that project to these two.

We may very well come back to it for next year, but based on the feedback, we'd look at it in context of the balance of the amount of persistently available content released around it.


Originally posted by vulturecornbreadbass

Since we are getting another Archeology digsite, are we going to get something we can store damaged artifacts in? Even if it's only possible to store when standing at a bank... At the moment, my (and probably many others) bank is littered with random artifacts.

We'll pass this to the team to consider. I think I recall seeing a good few mentions of this in the Community Hitlist submissions as well!