With all due respect, and I am not aiming this at you personally or trying to start a witch hunt, but an "update" full of half truths and vague corporate deflection, that basically boils down to "We won't tell you anything yet" is not really a satisfactory update.
"We were saddened to learn that some of the team we were working with to deliver RuneFest are no longer with the company." It was already public knowledge that it was not just "some" redundancy, and that in fact the company was collapsing before this news post was made, this is a purposefully vague and disingenuous statement that is worded specifically for damage control, not honesty and transparency.
And while the news post promises every opportunity is being explored, there is absolutely zero context into what these opportunities are, this sentence could be talking about new venues and staffing and other avenues to ensure the event occurs, or it could be talking about how Jagex will handle the cancellat...