

16 Oct


Originally posted by poiska

Spawns every hour correct?

Spawns happen at Pumpkin Parties (1 party per hour) and regularly while skilling etc.


Now that the event has run through each of the areas, the first thing we're focusing on is lowering the number of Pumpkins required to successfully complete the event communally.

We'll have updates to share shortly.


Originally posted by overcookedchicken

So I have some keys, is it worth saving them for the H'oddments at midnight or using them now?

The Halloween promotion Grim Harvest goes live at 00:01am tomorrow morning.

If you're looking for H'oddments and potentially some of the Halloween rewards also available from the event, it's best to wait till tomorrow to use them.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Posted this in the other thread, but on this:

We're keeping a very close eye on it. Team are already discussing how that first one looked - we were in there with you to experience it in live and a lot less were smashed than expected.

It's worth mentioning the spawns are always the same, and Um is the most complex, so there will be some learning on knowing where they can appear - but we may make changes quickly if not enough pumpkins are being smashed on average.

Thank you for all the feedback in responses to this!

We're discussing it all now. Plan is to let a full cycle of each location happen (which should be completed 1 1/2 hours from now) and then decide on the best solutions from there. We're already working up potential options.

Um is the most complex, so we just want to see how it plays out across the other locations to see if it's Um changes needed most or event-wide changes.


Originally posted by chesshacks

Ensouled pumpkin mask gives you ingame benefit of not having candles degrade during rituals and ironmen can buy it from g.e?

what are you doing jagex

The team enabled this due to the fact you can earn the item through smashing pumpkins during the event.

We're open to feedback from Irons on this though - so if you're an Iron reading this, feel free to drop your thoughts either way as a commented response. We're keen to hear your takes.


Posted this in the other thread, but on this:

We're keeping a very close eye on it. Team are already discussing how that first one looked - we were in there with you to experience it in live and a lot less were smashed than expected.

It's worth mentioning the spawns are always the same, and Um is the most complex, so there will be some learning on knowing where they can appear - but we may make changes quickly if not enough pumpkins are being smashed on average.


Originally posted by Heavens_Vibe

Well, the first Pumpkin smash was an absolute dud in the City of Um.

Nowhere near enough spawns and scattered around miles apart with no accurate indication of where they are. W46 failed with only 1/5th of the total required smashed.

Disaster of a start and implementation already by the looks of it.

We're keeping a very close eye on it. Team are already discussing how that first one looked as we were in there with you to experience it in live.

The spawns are always the same, and Um is the most complex, so there will be some learning on knowing where they can appear - but we may make changes quickly if not enough pumpkins are being smashed on average.

I expect the Wiki will have the locations mapped soon enough which should help too.


Originally posted by 79215185-1feb-44c6

The H'oddments Store will be available at midnight game time (which is also when Grim Harvest activates).

03 Oct


Hey there. So if you're seeing this, it will be due to selecting an option saying you don't play RuneScape or you haven't heard of Hero Pass before.

As the survey is focused on gathering deeper feedback on existing conversation - in a way the dev team can most effectively use to guide them - we need responses from players who play the game and know what Hero Pass is already.

If that doesn't align to your experience, drop me a reply and I'll pass it to our Player Research team to have a look at.

22 Sep


Originally posted by Quirky_Ice_8006

I don't want to have to provide feedback via reddit or twitter

The surveys will give you an alternative way to do this as well as we appreciate open discussion spaces aren't for everyone. Look out for those beginning in October.


Originally posted by limixi

Content buffs within the Hero Pass and beyond eh. That doesn't really bode well for the future.

What that means is the concerns that were raised about Content Buffs in Hero Pass and concerns of what it might mean beyond that. It's not a signal of a direction.

We want to have that conversation in more depth and make sure we get to the root concerns that were raised on it. That will guide the team on making sure we come out with the right directions/solutions in response to those concerns.


Originally posted by mumbullz

We will have deeper conversations on the concerns with content buffs - both with hero pass and beyond it

So in essence the idea is not going away and we will be even discussing releasing stuff like this in more contained ways through TH for the right price then

Please stop trying to find ways to ease people into this idea of buying “content buffs” and scrap it ,even if you know you will find selfish people who will get behind it and others who don’t see where it is headed in the future.

Selling further intricate gameplay advantages is not fair at all gameplay wise and leads to a dead game.

I just want to be really clear that's not what this means.

We just wanted to show we recognize the conversation we've seen surrounding their inclusion and let you know we will be including it as part of this process - because it's clearly an important one to all of you. It's called out for that reason.

We understand Content Buffs created some clear concerns even beyond Hero Pass itself. We want to have that conversation, get a deeper perspective on any thoughts/fears in as much detail as possible and how we should address those concerns properly.

We do not have a plan for their future either way. This is purely about getting the root of those concerns in detail, and using that to inform us on where we go from here.

06 Sep


Originally posted by Japanese_Squirrel

I can't help but notice that your team twisted the players "reduce dailyscape" message into a convenient way to deprive us of a source of daily TH keys and replace it with more intense dailies in the form of a battlepass.

I hope you understand that in 2023 people are more reactive to manipulative word choices and misdirection than in the past, and there comes a point where bad publicity just outweighs the overall revenue the company was trying to get out of selling the battlepass.

Dishonesty and mismanaged PR hurts the product way more than Jagex realizes. I hope the higher-ups in corporate who give you these goals are made aware of how reactive players can be in this day and age.

It isn't intended to be more intense - this is an example of where our design may not be aligning with our intent, which is something we're looking at. There's a reason we've been transparent on our goals, and that's so we can get more direct feedback on how you feel it's performing knowing what it should be playing like.

A lot of the design has been matched to data on existing player time spent in game, but that might not be how it's working in practice (and there's some other things we'll be going into that come into play that we'll go into in the post).

Balancing is something we need to monitor closely and adjust as needed. We're only a couple days in so far, so we don't have a lot of data, but we do have a lot of feedback to already begin guiding us while we wait for the other half of the picture to start forming.

05 Sep


We've spent all day discussing your feedback at length and there's been plenty of design discussions throughout today.

We are going to be sharing our plans to address key feedback points as soon as we can, ideally tomorrow.

04 Sep


Originally posted by Californ1a

When you pin the daily mission to the activity tracker, it doesn't show what skill it's currently attuned to in the activity tracker like the yak track tasks would. It was much nicer with yak track being able to pin the tasks and go through multiple tiers without having to open the yak track UI every tier just to see what skills those tasks were. You can't do multiple tasks in a row now because you have to open the UI to claim stuff every task.

Especially with it being multiple layers of interfaces you have to go through now to find what skill it is - click upgrades & extras button on the ribbon (since for some reason it's the only ribbon button without a hover menu to go directly to a specific window), then click hero pass, then go to the missions tab, then potentially scroll up to daily if it isn't currently selected, then x out of both the hero pass window and the upgrades & extras window. There's a lot of extra UI friction now on every task.

The activit...

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Thanks for this feedback, we just passed it to the team to consider.


Originally posted by Next_Astronaut_3458

u/JagexHooli u/JagexDoom Any comments on how gutted this content is for Irons? Between this and combat xp I picked a terrible time to decide to start playing the game again and playing an iron as of that. Also why Oddments instead of hero store currency if you aren't going to give us the satchels?

We are absolutely looking at that feedback yes. We're hearing Irons loud and clear - working on what we can do with the team.


Originally posted by majkelj

Screen flickering still occurs.
During zamorak the lord of chaos fight, when u enter infernus, you still get black box "artifacts". Any of the client performance issues getting addressed in the near future ?

We're waiting on an engine fix for this - /u/JagexDoom may be able to share the latest dates from the team.


We hear you on this, and began conversations last week about how to improve Hero Pass for Ironman players based on the feedback we saw then. The intention of Hero Pass clearly isn't hitting the mark for the Ironman experience as it stands.

It's a focus for the team at the moment and we'll hopefully have some updates to share in the near future.


Originally posted by Deminfire

Why the heck do I need to spend Vis Wax to select my task now rather than be able to block skills I'm already 99/120/200m in?

I thought this update was supposed to mean I can just go about my own business than do some random task in this stupid pass.

You can do absolutely anything to progress it.

You just gain bonus progress from a randomly assigned Skill associated to it, which is purely for optimisation (ie. if you want to finish all three tiers of rewards in half the time).

The Vis Wax is there if you want to get that bonus progress specifically in what you are doing regardless of what is originally assigned you as the bonus skill.


Originally posted by peaceshot

Why can't we open the interface while in combat or while skilling? Seems really silly to have to stop what you're doing to open the Hero Pass.

This is feedback we're discussing with the team now. Hearing this loud and clear from initial hands-on experiences.