

08 Jul


Originally posted by Mr__Perfect_

Hard disagree, you should be releasing boss drop rates on release like OSRS, not hiding what items are even on the log

Similar to us trying a move away from a tell-all approach before release day, it's equally fair for us to go away and look at these sorts of requests too. It has been off the table historically as you know.

Can't make any assurances other than we will chat to the team about it when we get a chance, but we will have that conversation.


Originally posted by 5-x

Once something is in game, there should be no more secrecy. If someone doesn't want to know what the new rewards are, they can avoid looking into the collection log.

Jagex is already unreasonably cagey with drop rates, don't start withholding more information from the players. That's just insane.

We want to approach this change to putting more emphasis on day one discovery with open ears, so it's good to know that feels a step too far for you personally. Thank you for sharing.


Originally posted by RSMinior

Not sure of it has been mentioned in the previous Release-day topic, but there's something to add to the magic of release day: If possible and if there's non-disclosed items to obtain, do not reveal the bosses collection log, as it is an easy way to tell what items can be obtained from the Sanctum.

We have discussed this for sure, especially given how well it worked for Nex AOD. The Sanctum team are keen to do it, but it's very unlikely we can do anything to hide the log for launch.

We ended up suggesting it quite late in development when we suggested a less detailed pre-launch reveal, and it's just not something that is likely to fit into the remaining timeline of development. It's not quite as simple as I had hoped when we suggested it.

If we can't for Sanctum (which is what you should expect), it's still something we'll likely make happen for future bosses / logs that would benefit from being hidden day one.


Thank you all so much for the feedback over the weekend - been reading it every morning.

Glad to see most feel this is the right direction, though I do recognize there's a few reservations from some of you. Let's see how this goes, and I'd be keen for feedback (especially from those not for this direction) so we can keep tweaking the balance.

05 Jul


Hey ‘Scapers,

Sanctum of Rebirth releases later this month – but how we do our usual full reveal of the content will be a little different than usual.

Given we've been in such a week-before-tell-all reveal rhythm for a while, I wanted to make sure we let you know our plans and run you through why we’re doing things this way.

So here it is – while we'll be confirming the release date for Sanctum of Rebirth this Monday, we’re planning to provide a less detailed look at the content before release than you might be used to.



Over the past few years, we’ve really been packing our content reveals with as much information as possible. While that’s awesome for theory crafting and getting prepped, there’s a feeling we might be stripping the magic of ‘day one’ a little out of the releases.

When we think back, some of our most memorable releases have involved a mix of enough upfront information wit...

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03 Jul


Originally posted by bigboy1173

on that  note, we going to get a right click examine for the skilling boss soon?

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Yeah pretty soon! u/JagexAzanna/ is working with the team to get one out - probably a week or so away.



Does this mean GIM will be coming out in 2025, or will that announcement be made outside of rune fest?

We're not holding GiM back for anything RuneFest related! Still on the Roadmap for later in 2024.


Originally posted by crash09

Please tell me group ironman is still planned this year? Any rough ETA?

Yup! We're still targeting late Autumn / Fall like we shared here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/2024-roadmap-group-ironman-skilling-boss-combat-content--more

No more specific ETA to share yet, but we'll be talking about GiM plenty in advance as we've been doing with all our bigger content projects lately.


Originally posted by srbman

Will there be any major livestreams before the new Runefest to cover the planned announcements between September and February?

Or will those mostly be the standard announcement streams/newsposts like we've had previously?

Yeah absolutely, we'll be sharing the sort of news you'd have gotten at RuneFest at some point this year.

Ideally it'll be a similar-ish timing to RuneFest's original date, but we're just beginning to cook up alternative plans now - so still a bit early to give a more specific timeframe.

02 Jul


Absolutely. We have the Community Hitlist from our last survey and it's still referenced regularly within the studio!

Our goal at the moment is that every week has a few patch notes or tweaks/fixes you'd usually find in a Hitlist rather than finding room for 'drops' all at once.

We're running behind on that goal right now due to putting the focus on monthly content as the priority, but it's one of the next things we're trying to establish in our normal ops going forward.

Yuey is already doing the weekly bug report stuff in our weekly Newspost thread on Reddit, and we're working with Production/QA on how we can effectively prioritise improvements/tweaks/fixes at the moment. Give us a while as there's a lot of change right now, but things are moving forward :)

21 Jun


Originally posted by Mage_Girl_91_

why do the unannounced title need a senior community manager tho

To talk generally (it is unannounced after all!), Community Managers being hired on unannounced/unreleased games is increasingly common.

Any game that does this gets the opportunity to really think about how they'll work with players in development, how feedback could be integrated, consider how/where they'll build the community, the pillars of the style / communications they'll have with that community etc.

It's a really cool thing and something I'm glad is being seen by the industry as more essential personally.


Hey ‘Scapers –

I’ve got a few updates to share on the RS Community Team front. Many words ahead, but I hope they’re all valuable!

Mod Doom
I’m delighted to share that Mod Doom has been promoted to Senior Community Manager and will be moving from RuneScape to work with another unannounced title at Jagex. Doom was brought onto the team to really put the focus back on a deeper connection to the community, and it’s great to be typing this knowing many of you likely agree that he smashed that role.

He’s been a huge part of the efforts being made to deepen how we involve players in RuneScape and a fervent champion of players from the day he joined – and on a personal level, an absolute delight to mentor and watch grow as a Community Manager.

As much as we’ll miss Doom, we’re so so proud of him to have progressed so fast within Jagex and he’s going to do amazing things on his new project. Please do wish him all the best!


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19 Jun


Update - 16:32 Game Time, June 19
Our tech staff have been working to address the potential risk to AUS worlds. Following our investigation, we will shortly be bringing AUS worlds back online.

We believe the risk to the stability of these servers is low, but if you are concerned about particularly dangerous content, we would encourage you to continue to use US West worlds where possible.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!


Hey 'Scapers -

We are investigating a potential issue with our Australian Data Centre. To avoid potential unexpected downtime and safeguard item losses, we will be temporarily taking AUS worlds offline from 2pm Game Time until further notice.

If you currently predominantly play on Australian worlds, we recommend using West US worlds at this time. We appreciate your patience while we explore further.

We'll update you via the link below as soon as we have further information to share. Thank you for your patience and understanding the team is working hard to mitigate all risks associated.

We'll post updates in this thread as we have them: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/australian-worlds-s...

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18 Jun


On June 25th, the price of Bonds will be changing.

The price of Membership, Treasure Hunter keys, RuneCoins and RuneMetrics will remain unchanged.

Read this post for more information: https://rs.game/BondPrice2024

External link →

12 Jun


Originally posted by JikkirWolf

We all want RuneFest to go ahead in some form, but there is presumably a cutoff date you're using internally as the "If we can't get confirmation by this date, we'll call it off"? (if that ends up being the case)

We appreciate attempting to make it happen, but there comes a point as OP mentioned where we need to start cancelling travel plans, hotels and for some, flights to ensure we get our money back - so having an idea on when the latest we can expect either positive of negative news would be much appreciated and allow us to determine when and if we should be cancelling for refunds..

Absolutely, the RuneFest team is super conscious of the fact this is not just uncertainty for event attendees, this is also uncertainty of a lot of commitments you've made around the event - travel, accommodation, time off work etc. Time is of the essence and they're acutely aware.

I can't speak for the RuneFest Core Team in terms of any hard deadline. I can say that it's been three weeks since our original May 14 ticket delay, and the team have no intention to keep you waiting another three. A lot of work is being done in a very short space of time, and as soon as we have clarity on our plans, we'll be communicating to you.

Thank you for wanting to be with us at RuneFest, and for your very fair question. We won't keep you waiting a second longer than we have to.


Originally posted by CarlosFlegg

With all due respect, and I am not aiming this at you personally or trying to start a witch hunt, but an "update" full of half truths and vague corporate deflection, that basically boils down to "We won't tell you anything yet" is not really a satisfactory update.

"We were saddened to learn that some of the team we were working with to deliver RuneFest are no longer with the company." It was already public knowledge that it was not just "some" redundancy, and that in fact the company was collapsing before this news post was made, this is a purposefully vague and disingenuous statement that is worded specifically for damage control, not honesty and transparency.

And while the news post promises every opportunity is being explored, there is absolutely zero context into what these opportunities are, this sentence could be talking about new venues and staffing and other avenues to ensure the event occurs, or it could be talking about how Jagex will handle the cancellat...

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I hear you, and I can tell you everyone here absolutely understands your frustration. We know we're on the clock and clarity is critical given all the other commitments that attending the event comes with.

Not a single bit of what's going on behind the scenes is about damage control and I'm totally willing to stand by those words publicly. The RuneFest team have been working insanely hard on a very tight schedule to get across this situation, exploring every possible avenue and option to adapt to what has happened, all for the sake of attendees.

The reality is that it's been three weeks for us to get across a sudden, completely unknown situation with our core event partner and explore options. We will have definitive answers to share very soon, and the second we have them, we'll be communicating a clear plan for our attendees.

Bear with us just a little longer so we can provide the clarity you're looking for from us.

11 Jun


Just to make sure you've seen it, we provided an update a couple weeks ago on this: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/runefest-2024-more-tickets-available-may-15th

In terms of further news since then, all I can say is we are working very hard to provide more clarity on this whole situation as soon as we possibly can for you. Please do bear with us a little longer, we're doing everything we can on this.

28 May


Originally posted by bloody_angel1

Couldn't you have waited until after the Wildy Wyrm event was over to update?

We try to consider this as much as possible - we even moved our standard update time to 10:15 Game Time for this entire reason. This likely just got overlooked due to the later deployment on this one unfortunately. Sorry we busted up your Wildy Worm plans!

23 May


Originally posted by The_Jimes

Respectful to FSW players or to rich mains that bought tokens?

Both are valid to be fair, but much more for the FSW players. However we introduce them, the current feeling it should be in a way that doesn't massively undercut the time people invested in FSW to get them.