

27 Sep


Originally posted by Sion_Wyn

Got sent the survey to the emails of 2 of my inactive accounts and not the current 2 that have an active membership on, very interesting

Makes sense - we are very much hoping to get perspectives of Lapsed players as part of this and it's one of the groups we targeted. Any inactive characters will likely be in that pool.

(I should mention there are some active groups invited as well - we're looking for a balanced distribution of player types as best we can).


Originally posted by getabath

They should have went with this, I have this in my lobby screen aswell. NO EMAIL

Jagex fix your shit

Emails might take a while to distribute as well. As Ryan mentioned, if you are invited, it will show in your lobby screen also.


Hey 'Scapers. Posted this on the website but wanted to also share this here.

We've just emailed a new MTX-focused survey to various players within the community. Given many of you are brilliant at being vigilant on clicking unknown links related to RuneScape - and because we're using a new tool called QuestionPro for our surveys that you may not have seen before - we wanted to let you know this was a legitimate survey.

What is this survey?

Building on the original Player Value Survey, this survey is being emailed to selected player groups to dive deeper into aspects of our additional MTX offerings.

This vital step is all about ensuring a deeper understanding the diverse range of perspectives and playstyles that exist within RuneScape. Through the questions, we're probing into some our considerations for a future direction - and across the varying communities that will be represented, understanding how potential changes may positively...

Read more External link →

19 Sep


If you haven't caught it, Mod Pips letter on the 21st August has the latest: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/the-future-of-player-value-in-runescape--a-message-from-mod-pips-

There's plenty moving behind the scenes on this, with more communication to come this month. Just to be really clear though, that communication will be about the consultancy - not any firm decisions or announcements.

Working with a variety of players through various forms of feedback / consultancy is what will lead us to any improvements or major changes.

02 Sep


Originally posted by Winter-Storm2174

It's simple why they haven't released them. They want to find a way to monetize them without causing an uproar. This is what would make most sense from a business perspective. These capes are highly sought.

Definitely not any sort of monetization discussion happening around these.

We just haven't found the right opportunity to release them in a way that feels right vs their original gameplay effort in FSW. We just don't want to do anything that massively undercuts the time people put into that mode (even if they chose to sell them in that short window afterwards).

As an example to be open about it - at one point last year, there was consideration of an RS Mode (like a FSW2 or something different). They were held for that as a potential great way to re-introduce them, but that plan was scrapped to make sure the bulk of our development effort went into Necromancy.

What I can promise you is that I am the first person to bang this drum in every Roadmap planning meeting we have and the team have not forgotten them. It's regularly discussed and we will get them out. But we need to do it right.

28 Aug


Hey, thanks for spotting this.

I checked with the team and you absolutely can still buy Premier Membership for 20 Bonds. I've notified the team so the FAQ gets updated to clarify this.

21 Aug


Originally posted by Zepertix

Just a PR article that didn't really say anything besides "don't freak out in any direction." I feel like this could have been stapled to the survey tbh.

Sorry, we just didn't really learn anything from this. There isn't even the faintest outline of *how* any of this is going to be done :/ I'm not mad or upset I just don't know what the takeaway is supposed to be as a player. I love this game and the team that designs it, I just hope that this leads to tangible positive change. My feelings, opinion, knowledge, or optimism just hasn't changed at all after reading this.

That's totally understandable! All Pips' is trying to convey is to say the survey meant something, we're going deeper into this process of looking at our MTX options in RuneScape and we're taking it seriously.

And, at least how I feel reading it, walk you through some of the realistic things we have to consider as we go through this.

We just don't want to go dark and say nothing while we pull that next stage together. There was a lot of speculation that deserved an answer.


Originally posted by Gluroo

Hmm, sounds good but im honestly going to stay sceptical about this until something is confirmed to happen. Being willing to talk about it is good but there are tons of things that could prevent any meaningful change from happening here so we'll see how it actually turns out.

That's completely fair to be skeptical at this stage.

To Pips' point near the bottom - all we want to convey is that this is a proper effort to take the survey further and explore options around MTX in a way we've never truly done before for RuneScape.

It's not simple as Pips outlines, but we're taking it seriously and involving player feedback in that work.



Hey 'Scapers,

Mod Pips, Jagex CEO, has a message to share as a follow up to our recent Player Value survey, and how we're planning a Community Consultation on MTX offerings in RuneScape.

Hear more on what this means here.

External link →

16 Aug


I will drop this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1cxgats/comment/l56rqcg/

This still holds true. Inverted capes are not forgotten and still talked about regularly. I know the team will make this happen, it's just a matter of how to do it and when it makes sense.


Originally posted by brainstrain91

It's something they are actively looking into. No timeline. I wouldn't expect any more news about it this year.

This. It's being actively investigated because it had clear interest in the survey, but we're far too early to say 'it's happening' for sure yet.


Glad you're excited about this - but just to clarify, Markos said the API is being investigated. It's very much not an in progress thing yet, just something we're actively looking at the feasibility of!

15 Aug


Originally posted by manray12

Nevermind--->(Black Party Hat again for Christmas Event has already forced existing down. A lack of imagination for a new rare degrades the enthusiasm for another (very rare luck) event, ie... black halloween mask during halloween event? Why not just give out Christmas Crackers with party hats if you can't think of new rewards? Only last years winners and current holders will see this as betrayal, so its easy. Otherwise,) -- ---THIS INSTEAD---> outstanding announcement.

Just a note on the Black Party Hat - we stated it would be available each Christmas along with the original announcement. It's always been the intention for that event that each Christmas would bring new another set of opportunities to get it.

The black partyhat is a very rare drop available each Christmas - but to have your chance, you'll need to be on Santa's Nice List at the Christmas Village.

Quote from here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/christmas-village--the-black-party-hat

12 Aug


Might be an early take. When you've made it, you may feel differently.

02 Aug


Originally posted by GamerSylv

Is this mostly going to confirm things from the last Roadmap or are we going to get more concrete winter updates?

It will add some expanded detail to our existing 2024 Roadmap, but we will be giving you more concrete updates beyond that into mid-2025. That'll include Winter 24/25!


Originally posted by yuei2

GIM is this year, in a few months, this video is for next year.

The show will cover the remaining 2024 Roadmap as well - not full reveals, but some expanded detail including a few release dates / more specific release windows.


Originally posted by Ashipwreckedguy

I'm guessing this is the runefest reveals replacement?

Entirely. We're not saving anything we planned to announce for RuneFest this year for next year's RuneFest. We'll almost certainly have plenty to talk about there too though.

30 Jul


*👍 Service Restored: 12:30 Game Time *

Login issues have been resolved and you should now be able to login to RuneScape.

Thanks for your patience. Enjoy some 'Scaping!


*👍 Service Restored: 12:30 Game Time *

Login issues have been resolved and you should now be able to login to RuneScape.

Thanks for your patience. Enjoy some 'Scaping!

Hey all. We are aware of issues impacting our Login Servers. The team are on it and investigating.

We are currently also unable to update RuneScape.com as we usually do, so we'll let you know here on Reddit when everything is up and running again.

Thanks for your patience. Stand by for updates as we get them.

External link →