

20 Jul

15 Jul


During this event the only activity with a pet chance is Fishing.

13 Jul


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Originally posted by predarkness

Love the new format, much easier to navigate. Also as a returner I like the little updates that we get every week so thank you for that as well.

Glad you like it!


Originally posted by Legionsx

Yes! This is much better than seeing 'game update' with no proper update. Happy for this change! Curious now though if it will still be called the same thing when there is a new update haha, or maybe it will just have game update as one of the menus?

Glad you like it!

The current plan is to maintain the new This Week In RuneScape branding to keep it feeling more grass roots and community driven. That said, we'll be keeping a close eye on feedback and tweak accordingly!


Originally posted by damlarn

The single-post format is good, I think, but keeping text post content behind tabs is generally not a best practice for websites. I would instead just have regular linked sections (meaning #section_name URLs) but keep everything visible on the page at once.

The page respects #anchors to navigate between tabs :)

Keeping everything visible at once creates a bit of information overload for some of our longer posts, plus it makes it harder to find the information that matters to you.


Originally posted by chi_pa_pa

was "This Week at Bungie" of any influence?

This Week at Bungie

Surprisingly not, but great minds think alike!


Originally posted by awesomeeness

Is it 3 or 4 umbral chest from twitch prime? Says 3 on Twitch and 4 on patch notes

It should be 4 chests.

Where abouts are you seeing 3?


Originally posted by ImRubic

New format is great for finding all the update changes in a single post.

However, I think having certain tabs be overly length can be an issue though. For example the "Meet the Player Advocacy Group" could have just linked to the initial post talking about each member rather than it being a copy and paste of it thus pushing down actual new information down.

Also it seems a bit odd to me personally to have descriptions of some core changes and then also the patch note of the same change just under. I see it as saying the same thing twice. Maybe do what the previous patch notes did and use the description field for these core changes?

Thanks for the feedback!

The new format is part of an ongoing evolution of how we want to deliver information and news to our community. It might not be perfect first time, but it's paving the way for future iterations.

We opted to go a little heavier on the PAG coverage to maintain the transparency and dialogue we feel is important to the process. We could have simply linked to the previous post but we'd rather make it as easy as possible for newcomers to understand what's going on.

Similarly doubling down on the ninja changes is us trying to make it as clear as possible what has changed.


Originally posted by Lewney

I like the format, very clear. small question! from what I'm reading, the PAG basically knows beforehand what updates may come to runescape, is there anything set in place to prevent them or their friends from abusing insider info?

When the PAG members were selected they were picked for being trustworthy and dedicated to the game and the community. We're monitoring their accounts and communications to ensure that they aren't abusing any information they may have gained from this process.

It's also worth noting that the PAG was formed as a way for players to guide and influence game content. Their input was subject to change and polish from the Ninja Team who ultimately decided what would make it into the game in in what form.


Be sure to let us know what you think about our new format!

10 Jul

06 Jul


Originally tomorrow's stream was supposed to be showcasing T92 armour and the recent changes, but we changed it as Mod Warden was keen to instead discuss our upcoming content.

Unfortunately it looks like our French newspost team didn't quite get the memo in time. I'll ask them to update it now.

03 Jul


Women were invited to the PAG, but chose to decline the offer.

The Ninja team is led by two strong Jagexian women. One of which participated in every PAG meeting, alongside myself (another women from CM).

While admittedly this first PAG didn't achieve perfect representation, it wasn't for a lack of trying.

That said I am looking forward to further opportunities to work with the amazing women of our communities in future PAGs and projects.

01 Jul


Update: July 1st 11:45 BST

The update that was deployed yesterday to resolve log-in issues is now available for iOS users to download.

To do so, head into the TestFlight app and tap on the 'Update' button next to Runescape. This will ensure you are running the correct version (913.2.4), which is necessary in order to play.

Once again we'd like to thank you for your patience while we addressed this issue.

The RuneScape Team

29 Jun


Thanks for raising this with the team. We're investigating this bug and hope to get it resolved as soon as possible.

Edit: This has now been hotfixed. Repairing uncharged augmented T92 equipment with repair patches will now correctly repair them to a charged state the first time.


Thanks for reporting this issue. I've passed it onto the team and we'll get it investigated 🕵️‍♀️