

02 Nov

27 Oct


The team had a lot of fun working on this year's Halloween event. It's great to hear that you're enjoying it!




21 Oct

19 Oct

16 Oct


I can really FEEL this beautiful drawing! Thank you so much for sharing these memories!

14 Oct


Love this!

12 Oct



Read more

05 Oct


Originally posted by ImRubic

We’ve also got an update on the Archaeology XP Embargo, and some exciting stuff about Interface Scaling – you know, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Where's the info about this at?

Unfortunately a section on Interface Scaling from an earlier newspost draft got removed, while the mention of it did not. I've taken that line out now. Apologies for the confusion.

More news on the subject will be revealed at a later date.



28 Sep


There was a slight misfire in the newspost about the XP embargo on Archaeology.

The newspost wrongfully had the end date as the 30th September. This is incorrect. The correct date is October 19th, which has now been updated in the newspost.

Apologies for any confusion!

21 Sep


Originally posted by JagexKari

If you're impacted by the crashing bug related to opening the Yak Track, please DM me your Display Name, which could help us speed up the investigation of this issue :)

Thanks everyone who sent their names across! We've got everything we need and hope to have a fix out tomorrow!


Kerapac Track - 17.45 BST, 21/09/20: We are aware of an issue impacting some users that can cause a crash when opening the latest Yak Track event. The team are investigating the situation and aim to implement a fix as soon as possible tomorrow.


Kerapac Track - 17.45 BST, 21/09/20: We are aware of an issue impacting some users that can cause a crash when opening the latest Yak Track event. The team are investigating the situation and aim to implement a fix as soon as possible tomorrow.


If you're impacted by the crashing bug related to opening the Yak Track, please DM me your Display Name, which could help us speed up the investigation of this issue :)


Originally posted by Adyi2015

No problem, was looking forward to doing some of this today if possible.

Mind DMing me your Display Name? It'll help with the investigation :)