

13 Oct


Originally posted by CuriousBearxo

Risk it all for the wilderness! Go hard or go home!

I'm very excited to see what the Community votes in! :D


Originally posted by 858isaac

Beautifully drawn as always

That is so kind of you to say! <3


Originally posted by Thermawrench

This week? Ain't it friday soon?

Yep LOL don't we know it. The team is working really hard to get these all out in time. :)


Originally posted by hahatimefor4chan

I actually like having little bank space. It forces your group to communicate instead of just dumping 10000 random items into shared storage

Storage locked Group Ironman series when? :O


Originally posted by Emperor95

I would like to see a seperate highscore table for single GIM as well. You could theoretically be the most dedicated GIM with nothing to show for it because you are in a very casual team.

This highscore table would also ideally link directly to the team the player is part of, as you currently have no way to find a GIM on the GIM highscores, unless you know their team.

Thank you for your feedback I'll make sure this feedback is passed on to the team :)


Originally posted by freshoutoftime

Members of your group's POHs being accessible when the owner is offline makes the most sense IMO, especially if other alternatives will take more development time.

Unfortunately this would involve a complete re-write of Player Owned Housing code, so it is looking like this option is highly unlikely. However, we're still scoping out the work involved and we intend to update you once we know more on what we'd like to offer. :)


Originally posted by Yelmp

" We also know that some players find the Save function for the Group Storage rather clunky to use. This is because it’s different from the usual Banking process - Group Storage isn't part of your own saved game profile, so it must be saved to the appropriate server before another group member is able access it. "

" However, we think we can make some improvements here. We intend to change the ‘cross' icon so that it will have a Save and Leave function, meaning that the hotkey you use to close interfaces (usually ESC) also doubles as a save hotkey when you close the Bank. "


Why can't you just implement it the way it is in raids? Items are shared in there with no saving option/delay/separate server

They're stored temporarily in Raids and they are completely different systems. Group Storage is far more complex as the items have to persist outside of an instance, as well as whilst players are offline, etc. :)


Originally posted by VeganBigMac

Regarding group storage, I know "unlocking more bank space" sounds fun, but please just add the storage if it is feasible and don't add anything extra. I think it's a pretty unreasonable allocation of resources. Usually I am annoyed when people complain about things taking dev time, but I think the reality in this case is the vast majority would just prefer to have the space, and some would probably be actively against having to do additional unlocks for the already pretty slim bank space, and then more and more time will have to be spent reworking it, more complaints in the community about dev time, etc.

The only reasonable thing I would say to lock the extra bank space behind is either time played or total level, purely so that all that extra data storage doesn't have to be spun up prematurely.

Thank you, I'll make sure to pass this on to the team.


Originally posted by BrookieGg

Would really like to see better hiscores for group ironmen with all of the standard things other accounts get to be ranked for such as ranks for skills and boss KC. Preferably for both individuals and the group.

As is it's kind of like if a single member quits or plays less than others then there's nothing to have fun with competing hiscores wise.

Going for ranks in skills vs normal accounts with an 8 year head start is just not the same.

That's great feedback, thank you and I will pass it on.


Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

As someone that is playing GIM and has been pushing for it for years, i also consider Leagues to be some of the best content released in the past 5 years, its brilliant.

That being said, i have to agree. In Leagues, the task system/UI additions were basically key to the combat achievements being added and stuff, which was great and it worked.

Use Leagues as a way to add/introduce new systems you can then port over to the main game, it kills 2 birds with one stone.

There are SO MANY JMODS now though in comparison to a few years back and there is so little stuff being made anymore, its weird.

Also just get rid of Deadman. Its pointless, its crap, its always broken and its a complete waste of resources. IMO they should just reset the W65 DMM world, add 3 new DMM worlds and basically have them on a 3-6 month rolling reset.

If people wanna play deadman, feel free to jump on those worlds.

Hey you guys! This is feedback that we totally hear you on. We understand how this affects you and we have made some changes to our release schedule to try and address this sentiment.

I do want to stress that Group Ironman is a massive update which went out just last week. It's only natural that we will want to address any bugs and changes the week afterwards. :)

We talked about this sentiment a little bit more on our leadership livestream which you can watch here. It's timestamped in the description so you can skip to various bits.

In short, we hear you and we are taking all of our learnings from this and making improvements along the way. You are always at the heart of what we do. <3


Originally posted by arjstoc

give us ETA's for maingame updates please. It is so boring having nothing to look forward to.

We're planning to publish some exciting blogs this week :)


Originally posted by Brok_Enwings

Can you tell us who the Composer(s) are for the new Music Tracks?

Have asked Mod Ed and he has said he will get this for us - will let you know when I hear back :)b


Originally posted by Fcorange5

Yes! Love it, would love to increase bank storage, and would gladly be okay with devs spending more time for a shareable POH. GIM should’ve been delayed to make that a core function, it’s so necessary.

Thank you very much for your feedback!


Originally posted by ImN3wbie

I am really enjoying group ironman. Concerning the increase in shared bank storage this shouldn't be something too complicated, just plain gold should suffice. Integrating something too complicated will delay the project and more important projects (Like main game content, its kinda sad that the main game people didn't get any significant update in such a long time and won't get any soon especially with league coming up)

Thank you for your feedback!


Originally posted by -shalit-

last time we had a content update was with combat achievements in july 2.5 months ago

We've got some exciting blogs planned for this week. :)


Originally posted by boesbas

Very cool idea to make extra storage unlockable!

Thank you!


Originally posted by SeaworthinessGlad595

Can we kindly start focusing on the main game again!

We've got some exciting blogs planned for this week! Hang in there my brother! :D


Originally posted by Geyser_Lion

Pvm blogs when?



Originally posted by ZilyanasFeet

give us nex blog!

Nex Blog should be this week! :D


Originally posted by Twin_Turbo

Please jagex just go for the group hall instead of wasting dev time with letting you be in a friends house without them there. It is 100% the better option and most people won't need access to house stuff for another 2 months.

It would be so sweet to all teleport back together in the clan hall after killing a boss.

We are actively investigating this as a possibility. We'll update you when we know more about the scope of this project.