

25 Aug


Originally posted by SixtyMailadresses

I won't be playing any forced PvP game but I appreciate all updates that cause Torvesta to make more videos. Cheers.

I'm excited about the content, too! Thanks for your support.


Originally posted by LeaguerOfLegends

Please Jmods, shut game down and roll back, people are sigil'ing in real game and getting increased rates (farming papayas for 70k)

We're looking into this immediately. Hotfix has been deployed to fix.


Originally posted by Einheerjarr

Sigils are activating in regular worlds. Remove it before it is too late plz.

We're looking into this immediately, thanks for raising. Edit: This has now been fixed.


Originally posted by JoinMyGild

"Combat Rxperience Rebuild! Supplies contained within the starter packs are untradeable."

There's a typo in the news post. Literally unreadable.


(this is a joke!)


Originally posted by Stewyjunes

Is the update in 20 minutes?

The update has happened, worlds are back up - we're expecting the DMM tournament to begin at the expected time of 12:00pm BST. :)


Originally posted by Stewyjunes

Me and my friends thought it was in less then 2 hours.

Can you please confirm when it starts?

12:00 BST??

But it says early and the game is updating now.. so is it a early update..?

Confirmed it's starting at 12:00 BST, but we're adding the worlds earlier to make sure it's working as normal.


Originally posted by Zuropia

Anyone got a dmm clan I can join? Am UK planning on a big dmm effort.

Someone get this guy a clan! 😚


Originally posted by Serpentaus

Please let us see all relics asap

https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Deadman:_Reborn/Sigils Full list of sigils from the Wiki here!


Originally posted by Gerritkroket

I can't pk for shit and haven't played in months but I'm hyped??

Hype levels increasing 😁


Originally posted by TheChairYT

Aight this gonna be chaotic but im ready sorta

The only way!


26th August, 13:45 BST - The Deadman Reborn Newspost has been updated with our recent changes and hotfixes. Check out the table at the top of the Newspost to find out more. Let us know what you think.

The Deadman Reborn PvP Tournament begins today at 12:00pm BST - Ready your nerves and prepare yourself to be the last Deadman standing!

We'll be keeping up this Reddit Megathread with all the latest from Deadman's latest iteration.

UPDATE STATUS: Deadman Reborn is now live in-game! Our Q&A for Deadman Reborn is today at 17:00 BST. We're taking questions here.

Useful links:

Read more External link →

04 Aug


Originally posted by t-w-b-

Same has happened to me with Bryophyta. Hasn't happened to the regular gauntlet though.

I have submitted a bug report in game.

We're looking into this now - thanks for raising!


Originally posted by marquant

New YouTube series: Playing OSRS without a minimap!

Quick someone jump on this!


Originally posted by JerryRigger66

Ah, that's a bummer.

ETA: Would it ever be a potential update to have multiple in-game accounts linked to the Steam account, perhaps with a client "lobby" to choose which to log-in to?

I think this is a Steam related thing, so not really something we can do on our end? But we'll bring the suggestion up to the team!


Originally posted by wastecadet

It would be smart to have a link to the nerch store when talking about nerch, because now my impulse to buy has gone

Aw man, looks like we forgot to add it in but we'll do so now. Thanks for raising it!

30 Jul


Originally posted by D2agonSlayer

Especially if you lived in Cambridge on a Jagex salary.

*nervous laughter*


We've discussed this as a team but there is a lot of code that would need to be checked and run every time a player hits an NPC and then remember that. This could cause serious lag issues at this current time. We've discussed potential alternatives and it's something we'd love to do, but just not at this current time unfortunately as it is a large undertaking. Thanks so much for the suggestion though.

29 Jul


i work as a community manager. it's pretty chill. just reading reddit all day honestly

28 Jul


Hello! We're aware of this but thanks for raising again. We've got a job in for it already (thanks Mod Arcane!) and a fix is scheduled for next week's game update.


Originally posted by zukowsij

I walk in with pray missiles and poison protection on, wearing full T5 armor. Take 1 damage from the doorway, but then tried to do a few kills once I'm established in the room. Not hit at all by jumping attacks or spawns, not in melee range for that attack, and none of the projectiles do any damage throughout the fight. Tried it on 3 of the 2k worlds, and also fought all 6 of the shamans because I thought it might have something to do with the room. I was thinking it might be something with the poison projectile landing a 0 hit? Or that I was misreading it and it's supposed to be the task-only cave instead of the temple? Thanks for looking into it!

Thanks for sharing more info.

I'm wondering if this was the issue? -> We've identified an issue with Shayzien Protector where a task might fail if a player gets hit by poison even for null. We'll be deploying a hotfix to resolve this soon (will update the newspost). I'm so sorry for the inconvenience caused!