Stu stu stu, do you know if movement not being affected by surge/escape/dive is on that list? It was a gamejam shown off last year you could click a spot, start moving, surge, and at the end of the surge the character continued to move towards their destination rather than having to re-click it.
That sounds like something Mod Giragast (engine developer) started in a 2023 gamejam and was working on further during the Q4 community hitlists.
Looks like his engine work that it was dependent on has released but the content side of it is unstarted. Everyone who was assigned to work on community hitlists throughout Q4, including me, were assigned back to developing Q1/Q2 episodic projects at the start of 2024.
That specific issue (a task he created named "add variant of Surge that doesn't break pathing" looks to be what you're describing) seems to have been reassigned to the combat modernisation team in late January, so perhaps that's something they might explore after the release of the combat beta frees up Ryan and Sponge to work on other things.
(I can't confirm whether or not that's an imminent priority - that's just going off what I can see in our ticketing system, that the task is now listed under the combat modernisation team's backlog.)