

18 May


Originally posted by yogoo0

Could you give us more information on this "cash out"? It seems like people(me included) are afraid to attempt to buy the points because they are scared of not getting enough before the expire date.

Not yet. We are still ironing out details here.

17 May


Originally posted by EnergetikNA

Yup, first time buying the pass this event and I'm at 36 prestige points (25 from the pass missions and 10 from like loot openings here and there over the past season), if I get the 100 prestige points that leaves me with 36 random prestige points that I can't do anything with. Most likely going to be random bundles like you mentioned to deal with leftover prestige points.

There will be "cash out" options near the end of the year for Prestige Points.

04 May


Originally posted by TerraRising

Let me add a good reason why this should be possible.

There are moments when the loading screen freezes and you can't click on anything to flip the card. That freeze often leads to a huge jump in the status bar at the bottom, thus costing you the opportunity to see how good your opponent is on that champion.

This happens so much on ARAM it's not funny. (Yes, I do want to see how good someone is on the champs they drew, ESPECIALLY if they've begged for a particular champ and only have 400 mastery points on it or it's the new hotness!)

Yea, we've thought about a "click and hold" interaction where you can simply hold the left mouse button down and drag around to quickly "swipe" all of the cards over. We thought about using right click for something like showing champion info to help players out in either ARAM or if they're just getting started as well. Gotta balance discoverability with feature set, though.


We've thought about a few things to do with right-click in Loading Screen, but we hadn't considered "flip all". Interesting. :)