

06 Mar


Originally posted by OhItsPreston

Don't get me wrong-- I think the current Eternals system definitely has value. One of my friends, for example, is a Lulu one trick, and a huge SKT fan. Since Faker got his 2000th kill recently (basically a Faker eternal :P), my group decided that when she gets her 2000th Lulu knockup we're going out for drinks. That's so cool, and it would've been impossible without the Eternals system.

But I care about my friend, and I care about her achievements in League. At the end of the day, I don't really care about whether my teammate got his lifetime milestone or not, I care that about the plays they made in my game.

If I were Riot, that would be the largest issue to address right now. I believe a major reason why some players feel dissatisfied about Eternals is because they don't see why they should care about a teammate's achievements. I think players also understand that their teammates don't care about their Eternals. I think if these were addressed, Eternals would ...

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Awesome stuff here. Really dig the idea about a post-game showcase. Much love. <3


Originally posted by OhItsPreston

Here's some feedback if you're interested.

My issue with Eternals right now is that when you achieve a milestone for Eternals, it doesn't always correlate with having a big moment in game, and I think that's a major failure of the system.

Here's an example-- Braum has an Eternal that measures how much damage you have blocked with his E. I don't think this is a good Eternal because I don't care how much damage that my support Braum has blocked with his E over the course of his lifetime playing Braum.

If you told me that my ally Braum has blocked 400,000 damage with his E, I wouldn't know what that meant because there isn't any context as to how many games he has played with Braum. If he's played 400,000 games of Braum then I would be very concerned about his gameplay, and if he has played 1 game of Braum I'd think he was the best player ever.

I think this is the crux of the issue with Eternals. Because I don't care about my teammate's E...

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I really shouldn’t be wading through Reddit before I go to sleep, but thank you for this feedback (and here I go postin’ again).

We love the idea of “max Eternals” where we capture single moments of glory. Massive Tryndamere crits. Huge Jhin passive hits. That kind of stuff is exciting, and we are absolutely interested in that idea for Series 2.

“Last fight Eternals” are an interesting idea I haven’t heard before. I see your point about relevant data here, but my concern would be around how we determine what cadence these fire at and what the threshold of success looks like. Are we calculating every minute and celebrating one person in particular? What is the threshold a player has to exceed to get the celebration? Things of that nature.

I actually think there is a combination of your ideas we could do that we have talked about a bit. What about this example for your Braum blocks:

  • We look at the average damage blocked with Braum E. Let’s say...
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Originally posted by TheRezyn

Does "Series 1" Eternals mean that there soon will be a series 2?

I'd gladly justify the 6000RP price tag as long as it's genuinely relevant for long.

But since they're secured for every new champion released into the future, I hope they're unique for long.

Could you help a brother out? :-)

Series 2 is unlikely to be released for at least several months. Our initial belief is they would release at the beginning of every season, but we may run a few experiments between now and then in response to player feedback.

05 Mar


Loot took a moment to update. Should be fixed now!


Originally posted by Shaka3v3

But will we have to purchase the pass every season or is the "for all current and future champions" truly forever?

Truly forever for all Series 1 Eternals. When Series 2 rolls around there will be another pass.

04 Mar


Originally posted by BlackTecno

If you dont mind me asking (because I cant find this anywhere), will series or sets (like series 1, series 2) ever be purchasable for BE??

Primarily asking because on the Season Start (for skins, eternals, maybe voicepacks hinted), there was a shot of Series 2 being able to be purchased for 25000BE for the whole set.

But I cant find ANY information on this, and since it is Series 2, either it was switched to Series 1 (and S1 to Starter) or it's the next set. Either way, I was under the impression that we could purchase the Series Sets for BE as well, not just the starter set.

I just really want some clarity here, I've looked through forms, posts, even support and I cant find any information on this. Will it go on sale eventually? During Essense Emporium? Will it be this Emporium or next? Just really want some answers.

The only Eternals series available for BE is the Starter Series. You will be able to earn Series 1 Eternals via Eternal Capsules later this year from Ranked Splits.


Originally posted by Djinn_in_Tonic

Good to hear about milestones continuing -- that felt unclear in the presentations I'd seen so far, and makes me feel slightly better. Seasonal Best would also be a cool thing to track.

And I'm glad it strikes a chord! If you end up implementing something like this, I might recommend a callout for top 5-10% of personal performance at any given breakpoint, with an extra fancy one for a personal best (at least for those with enough variance to make that difference meaningful). That would increase the frequency of seeing the Eternal give feedback (without making it absurdly high in frequency), and let players have feedback of a really good game even if it's not quite their best.

Of course, that does come with a processing increase and data storage increase for more in-depth tracking, so simply slicing personal best might be the more cost effective option. I just worry that still reaches some situations where a great performance just locks it out forever, and y...

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Totally agree this is a thing that could (probably will) happen. Love the feedback!


Originally posted by MagicChanIsayeki

EUNE still dont have them :(



Originally posted by D3AllDay

Are the passes purchasable forever or for a limited time? Don't have money for RP atm and I'd like to get them since they're the best deal.



Originally posted by F0RGERY

The N key disables it for about 5-10 seconds, until the eternals timer ticks down and it switches slides to the next one. There's no permanent disabling feature as far as I can find.

This is a bug we are going to fix soon. It should toggle off for the entire death, not just for the current entry.


Originally posted by TheJoeker98

when are eternals going to be live on euw?

Later today.


Really like your ideas about slicing Personal Best. We have been talking about seasonal best as well.

Also just to be clear, the milestones never stop happening. After hitting Milestone 5, you will still hit milestones at a regular cadence.


Starter Series Eternals are Common - they aren't unique stats for that champion. Series 1 Eternals are Unique, meaning they are stats specific to that champion. Once you unlock them, they're unlocked forever!


Originally posted by Dragons_Ire

Quick question

Will the eternal passes be staying or going away in a few weeks?

Staying permanently!


Originally posted by ThePoliticalTeapot

Do you know if it's also impacted shop settings? Shop layout preference, and getting beginner tooltips despite the box in the settings being unchecked are issues I'm facing.

Extremely unlikely that's related to Eternals (the system doesn't interact with the in-game shop at all) - that may be related to other system preference issues that we're seeing, but I don't know for sure.


Hi - there's currently a known issue with multiple settings (including Eternals Milestone Display) that makes these settings not persist after you re-log. We're working on this now, but if you're still seeing milestones (fly-out effect from the right side of the screen) appearing after setting the Milestone Display setting to "None", please let me know.

The Death Screen showcase is not something you can permanently mute in the game settings - you can press "N" while dead to hide it for that death, but there is a bug we discovered in activation that we're currently investigating where pressing "N" will only hide the showcase for the current entry if there are multiple people who participated in your death. We'll have more on this soon. Thanks for your patience!

27 Feb


I recommend Blitz! It's a desktop app that takes care of item builds, rune selection, etc and generally allows you to focus on the game more.

26 Feb


Originally posted by Spence199876

Been having fun when my teammates are paying attention and not asking me to be everywhere XD

Don’t worry, you can always mute them. :)


Originally posted by Spence199876

I may pick up zac as a backup for clash and such, but I’m only low Elo so tanks aren’t great for solo carrying XD Gonna give ekko a good go though thanks :)

Good luck! Jungle is a little rough upfront but it’s a fun role.


As a fellow Vi main, I’ve been really enjoying Ekko and Zac jungle. Zac has healthy clear, great ganks, scales well, and ultimately carries by way of being super disruptive. Ekko is fun as a more assassin-y jungles with a nutty ultimate and great clear. W takes some time to get down but it’s an awesome tool once you nail it.