

20 Feb


These are great suggestions! We are definitely open to exploring future releases of Eternals where the objectives are significantly more difficult. We are experimenting with a few of those in the launch release to see how they perform, despite some of the data indicating they will be way too hard to increment.


Originally posted by Ariscia

I wonder whether Eternals will be restricted to tracking only on certain modes? Eg. no ARAM or bot games, because that would defeat the purpose.

Correct - at launch, core mode queues like SR, Clash, and ARAM will be supported. Most RGMs (namely, URF) and Co-op vs AI will not increment Eternals. There’s an icon in the Lobby screen at the top to indicate whether or not Eternals are tracking for that queue so you won’t have to guess!

19 Feb


Originally posted by WarriorMadness

His new eternals are probably related to his new kit, so they didn't add his yet as to not spoil it.

That's correct - Fiddle's new Eternals for Series 1 will come out one patch after his rework. He'll still have his Starter Series at launch!

18 Jan

15 Jan


Originally posted by asiantuttle

Will there not being a self only players for the people who like to ride it solo?

Maybe in the future, but we've seen that there's a positive social element to seeing an ally do something cool and get recognized for it. We're hoping it results in a friendlier experience for people, but if it nets out neutral, we may give players the option to only show their own milestones.


Originally posted by Zellion-Fly

They were way to cryptic on that.

What different toggles?

Can I fully mute them? So they won't exist whatsoever to me?

If so fine. If I'm forced to take their shit into my mouth, then no. Still shit.

You'll be able to choose from three different display options for Eternals milestones:

  • On (Allies, Self, and Enemies)
  • Self and Team Only (Self and Allies)
  • None (Off Completely)

EDIT: You'll also be able to show / hide the Death Screen Showcase as well. You can't permanently mute it, but we've significantly reduced the amount of space it uses and added Mastery info and KDA / bounty status. You can show / hide it by pressing "N" while dead.


Originally posted by Narutojames

If you reroll the prestige skin with the icon + border still be full price or will they have a reduced token/point price like for skin bundles?

If you re-roll the skin during the event, you'll also get the icon + border.


Originally posted by TestRoyale

Uh oh. Icon now included with the skin means they'll likely be jacking up the prices across the board. Don't be surprised if using your Event Tokens for Prestige points means you no longer have tokens for anything else.

Rough Guess

100 Prestige Points + Icon = 2500 Mecha Tokens

Prestige Skin + boarder and icon = 105 Prestige Points

Not increasing the price of getting the icon + border with the Prestige. It's designed to be a reward for players who were there in the moment!

21 Dec


Originally posted by TragicTrajectory

they are in fact hot garbage

I’ve seen a few threads on this topic, so I just want to add some context on why the Jackpot changed for Night & Dawn:

Previous jackpots have been low drop chance, high reward. We wanted to test a jackpot that dropped significantly more frequently to give more players a shot at feeing good about getting something special, but we undershot the value to the point where the moment wasn’t exciting at all.

For Mecha Kingdoms, we are going back to a normal jackpot style, but adding in a “Lucky Roll” drop as well. The Lucky Roll should accomplish the goal we were after (a drop better than the base orb value, but not quite jackpot level) while the jackpot bags in MK should feel suitably juicy and exciting to open.

Thanks for all the feedback here! We are still discovering what players love about Loot in League (some players love high variance high reward, while others prefer more controlled odds, for example) so the feedback really helps!

06 Dec


Originally posted by BratwurstZ

Or Metal Gear Rising. The Sword-play was amazing in that game.

Be still my heart.

29 Nov


Originally posted by SilverStickers

Holy hell, chroma shopping is a complete nightmare

Yeap - We know this. Something we plan on working on in the future. :)

26 Nov


Originally posted by SkyShield21

Thank you so much! Swain is one of my favorite champions and I happen to be at 8 gemstones right now!


25 Nov


The next two Event Passes will each include 2 Gemstones as Milestone Mission rewards if you want to earn your way towards him!

21 Sep


There will be ways to support your team for Worlds, but it won't take the form of chromas. More soon.

20 Sep

11 Sep


Originally posted by MibitGoHan

It's clearly being imported automatically from a database and something went wrong with the initial implementation. They're testing to make sure nothing goes wrong when fixing it, like Western splash arts being shown to Chinese and Korean markets, which would be an actual legal headache, as opposed to the current implementation which is just a slight inconvenience, if that.

Pretty much this ^


Hello! We've fixed the issue internally and are doing extensive testing on it for the next couple weeks. Should be on track for 9.19, BUT we have to be sensitive to regional requirements. We haven't forgotten about it!

10 Sep


First and foremost, these are super cool! I love the Trickster Ezreal mock-up the most.

Secondly, I've seen the topic of rewards come up a bunch on different channels, and I'd like to add a little more color to the discussion here.

So, here goes:

When we wanted to add stat-trackers to League, we looked at what other games were doing in this space and how we could level it up. While flexing your stats was cool at a base level, we saw an opportunity to add a progression layer on top of it to give players who invested in the system something to chase and ultimately show-off when they got it, regardless of other personalization decisions they made on that champion. Basically, we didn't want to create a scenario where you would unlock something by engaging with Eternals and then have that reward come at the cost of something else you like (base chromas were something we talked about, but it means that to show off your unlock you have to choose between a skin yo...

Read more

08 Sep


Great write-up! You're right that this is definitely not intentional, and a lot of your solutions are super well thought-out and considerate. I'll bring this back to the team and see if we go with one of these to address the problem or if there's another solve out there that ensures that people with Eternals don't have a way to "fish" for info in Fog of War.