

06 Jan

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

Unable to utilize the Umbral Shard system due to the lack of upgraded crafting stations in settlements? Unable to travel to certain testing locations due to lack of unlocked travel points? This thread is for that!

If you have a suggestion that would enable you and your fellow players to better help test our Public Test Realm, please leave those here!

Thank you for your help!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that this list is not all encompassing and is intended as an early look into a number of changes included within the most recent PTR build. This change list will be regularly updated, up through the retail release of the game version.

World Experience

Expedition Modifiers: Mutators

  • We are introducing a new end-game feature: Expedition Mutators! Mutators change the familiar by augmenting “Elite” and “Named Enemies” found within expeditions, changing the way encounters play out and what strategies players should consider before battle. And as combat changes, so do the rewards! New bespoke gear and resources can be found, providing additional means to increase your power level.
  • This system is intended to rotate through a unique combination of Expeditions and Mutations each week, with 10 difficulty levels per Expedition Mutation. Players will be challenged to climb the ladder, with the aim of eventually rea...
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05 Jan

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We hope you all have a fantastic holiday and start to the New Year!

As we return from the holidays, you will see an increase in communication once again. We do not have an update slated for this week, but, as always, keep an eye out on the Official News section for any announcements, updates, and additional notices.

See you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I mentioned this on another post previously but the team is aware and is looking into this issue. I don’t have an ETA on a fix for the desync issue at this time.

04 Jan

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve forwarded it over to the team and I know they’re working on a fix. I don’t know when this fix will be ready or released.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I saw someone else reported that they had this issue after switching factions. Did you switch factions as well?

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We have temporarily disabled world transfers while we investigate a recently discovered issue which is exacerbated by the transfer feature. This only affects players that have an existing server transfer token. We will provide an update once we have re-enabled the feature.

Thank you for your understanding!

03 Jan

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please reach out to me via dms.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks! I’ll pass this to the team.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I saw a few other posts about this and looks like the quest marker may not be completely accurate. I’ve forwarded that over to the team but in the meantime, please see if any of these threads have a solution!

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23 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

2021 was an incredible year for New World and we appreciate all the support and encouragement we receive from our community. As the holidays rapidly approach, some of the New World team will be taking some time to spend with their families and loved ones. Please be patient while awaiting non-critical (critical meaning things like maintenance notices, service outages, or updates) communication from us as the team will be operating at reduced capacity.

We hope you all are able to take some time with your friends, family, and loved ones this season as well. We look forward to an exciting year ahead and can’t wait to continue working with our players to see New World grow.

Thank you for your understanding and we wish you a happy holidays and a happy new year!

22 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

This issue should be resolved in the Weekly 1.2.1 Update. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations Aventuriers !

Nous avons terminé nos plans de fusion pour 2021 et nous voulions prendre un instant pour détailler ce qui allait venir ensuite.

Premièrement, si vous n’êtes pas satisfait de la faction que vous avez choisie précédemment, nous allons remettre à zéro le délai de réinitialisation de la faction dans notre mise à jour 1.2.1. Cela vous permettra de choisir une nouvelle faction qui correspondra plus à votre style de jeu sur votre nouveau serveur. (rappel : toutes les règles de transfert ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Seid gegrüßt, Abenteurer!

Wir haben alle geplanten Zusammenlegungen für das Jahr 2021 abgeschlossen und möchten euch kurz erläutern, was als nächstes kommt.

Als erstes: falls ihr mit der Fraktion, die ihr zuvor gewählt habt, unzufrieden seid, werden wir in unserem wöchentlichen 1.2.1-Update die Abklingzeit für den Fraktionswechsel für alle zurücksetzen. Dies wird es euch ermöglichen, zu einer Fraktion zu wechseln, die besser zu eurem Spielstil auf eurem neuen Server passt (zur Erinnerung: es gelten alle Reg...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are creating a weekly thread in order to track feedback that popped up due to the most recent update Weekly 1.2.1 Update.

You can find resources on how to leave good feedback in the How to Give High Quality Feedback post.

You can find our Weekly Update...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are creating a weekly thread in order to track new bugs that popped up due to the most recent update, the Weekly 1.2.1 Update. We will update the list below when we see new issues appear.

You can find our Known Issues list for December here and the Weekly 1.2.1 Feedback Megathread here.

Newly Reported Bugs:

Known bugs but not on the Known Issues List:

  • Some players are reporting that they are unable to place a tier ...
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações Aventureiros!

Completamos todas as fusões planejadas para 2021 e gostaríamos de tomar um momento para detalhar o que virá a seguir.

Antes de mais nada, se vocês se encontram insatisfeitos com a facção que você escolheu antes, estaremos resetando o período de espera para todos em nossa Atualização semanal 1.2.1; isso permitirá que vocês mudem sua facção para uma que se ajuste melhor ao seu estilo de jogo em seu novo servidor. (lembrete: todas as regras de transferência de facção se aplicam, você n...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers!

We have completed all planned merges for 2021, and would like to take a moment to detail what comes next.

First off, if you find that you are unhappy with the faction you chose previously, we will be resetting the faction cooldown for everyone in our Weekly 1.2.1 update; this will allow you to change your faction to one that better suits your playstyle on your new server (reminder: all faction transfer rules apply, you will not be able to join the most dominant faction in your world.)...

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21 Dec

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações, aventureiros.

Estaremos mantendo o tempo de inatividade em 2021-12-22T07:00:00Z para a atualização [1.2.1]. O tempo de inatividade é estimado em 3 horas (~ 180 minutos).

Vocês poderão encontrar as informações deste novo patch aqui: Atualização do New World 1.2.1 - Novidades | New World

Obrigado pela paciência e compreensão! Boas festas!