

09 Nov


Originally posted by Toom345

Would you be able to give us an ETA of when it may be finished! We would all love to get back to playing the game as many of us disabled gamers cannot without an azeron!

I do not have an ETA at this time, unfortunately, but we'll be sure to keep everyone updated on Trello.


Originally posted by BigBoiRambo

Thanks for all the work you've put in over the past fewol months to deal with this issue.

And we thank you and others in the community for your feedback that inspired the option!


Originally posted by ExplorersX

Hey /u/M_House_Epic sorry for the wait but as requested here's the playlist of bugs/QOL items on the Building/Editing system that I've noted over time: Playlist

/u/TheStevieT calling you just in case this gets lost in house's notifications.

Thank you, u/ExplorersX. I'll take a look at your playlist.

Also, in case you missed it, we plan to add the option to disable pre-edits, which should help you with some of the issues you're experiencing.

07 Nov


Originally posted by Toom345

Lets get this going! Many disabled gamers like me cannot play without an azeron! Please post comments to make EPIC see this!

We appreciate the feedback here, u/Toom345. We've recently escalated this issue and are actively having discussions.


Originally posted by encamped


is this on the trello board at the moment? or any estimate when this will be fixed?

Hey, u/encamped. This is set to be resolved in our next major game update! 🙂

06 Nov


Hey, u/TommyOfTheShelbys. We're investigating this issue and have a Trello card you can keep tabs on here!


Thanks for the detailed video in response to our Trello card update, u/doelie247. I've passed it along.

05 Nov

04 Nov


I think this may count as elimination by car.


Originally posted by RebootedBlaze

They said they are working on this right?

Hey, u/RebootedBlaze.

To help you and others track this issue, we've added it to the Trello board today.


Originally posted by stasharena16

Thank you so much for the reply u/M_House_Epic. You’re the best! Seriously. <3

Anyways. This is in all modes. Even when you are in the Lobby. (Not even joking. Lobby too.)

I first encountered it when i turned off my controller to step out of the room for a second. Only for me to froze right as i turned off my controller. I saw the Title Screen. Showing “FORTNITE” “PRESS BUTTON TO START” (Eg: PS4 starts with X Button)

So yeah. Hopefully this can be solved soon.

Also. There’s a bug where turning off Voice Chat on PS4 will sometimes crash the game. Sending the player to Sony’s Report Application Tabs. Not sure if this is affecting other platforms as we speak.

And of course the Loading Bug. But since 14.50. I havent encountered it yet. But if i do. Ill let you guys know. :)

This is helpful info. Thank you!


Originally posted by lettersfromcats

for me, this occurs any time i turn off my controller in fortnite. the first time i noticed it, though, was during creative mode.

i could also record a clip of the glitch in action, if needed.

Thanks for the info, u/lettersfromcats. I'll speak with the team about this. Next time the issue happens to you, feel free to share a clip with us!


Originally posted by stasharena16

u/EpicBoaty or u/M_House_Epic

We got a major problem. This applies to Console. When controller turns off... The game will take you back to the Title Screen. Which starting up will have your character missing.

Workaround to fix the Character Missing: Start the game like normal. If character is missing. Selecting Game Mode will do the fix.

Reproduce: Turn off Controller on PS4/Xbox One in Lobby or any mode.

Thanks for the tag, u/stasharena16.

We'll look into the reports in this thread. Is this happening to you in Creative only or in Creative plus other game modes?

03 Nov


Thank you, u/FrikadasRandom. I've shared this video with the team.


Originally posted by Pliskin14

Hello again!

The "Lock input method as mouse" issue was completely removed from the trello board. Does that mean that a decision was made not to fix it? And if so, can we have an official communication on its reason(s)?

Fortnite was a textbook example on how to handle simultaneous input correctly (mouse for aiming, joystick for movement), and it's sad to see how it deteriorated in the past months...

Thank you in any case.

Hi again, u/Pliskin14!

Thank you for your reply. We still have the issue on our radar and planned to return it to the Trello board when closer to a fix date. However, to alleviate your concerns, we'll return it today!

02 Nov


Originally posted by stasharena16


We got more cases of the Skin Disease! Think we can pass this to the Doctors of the QA Team?

Thanks for sharing this, u/stasharena16. I'll pass this along so we can get a cure.

29 Oct


He is the best at what he does, after all.

22 Oct


Originally posted by ROMANREIGNS599

Thanks a LOT for replying me back AGAIN man, highly appreciate it. I actually shared a link with you earlier, this is the one: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/gjbedc/the_carbon_fiber_in_carbon_and_gold_wrap_has/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Sure thing.

It seems that image is from before the current release (v14.40). If the issue is still occurring for you, could you provide a v14.40 screenshot of the issue for me to pass along to the team?


Originally posted by ROMANREIGNS599

Hello. I just wanted to remind of the light texture on carbon and gold wrap. It seemed even lighter after the 14.30 update. Kindly, do have it fixed, I realise that major issues are looked at first. But please don’t forget it :). Thanks

Hey, u/ROMANREIGNS599. Could you provide a screenshot of the issue occurring for you in the current release (v14.40)?