

22 Oct


Originally posted by stasharena16

Will do Sir! Thank you for the reply!!! Have a safe and awesome Fortnitemares!!!

You too! Beware of the Shadows. 🙂


Originally posted by stasharena16


We could really use some assistance here. This has been an ongoing bug for Seasons...

Thanks for the tag, u/stasharena16. And thanks for the thread, u/Zyllooz.

The next time this issue happens to you, could you send a message to our u/TheFortniteTeam account to help us investigate?

21 Oct


Originally posted by Pliskin14

Hi u/M_House_Epic,

Thank you for your comment on this issue, but could you please tell us why the team needed a video in the first place? It's not a bug that requires a special configuration to reproduce. It happens all the time and for everyone. The option just doesn't work. You just plug a controller and mouse, and the issue is there to observe. The input display is not locked (as the option was supposed to do) and switches between the two inputs.

Hey, u/Pliskin14. Thanks for the question!

Even if we're well familiar with an issue, videos are always useful to us. Among other things, videos can help us see if an issue affects different players in different ways.

19 Oct

11 Oct


Very creative. I love the art style, too.


Originally posted by lucius_seneca_4_65

Is this solved its hapening to me

Hey, u/lucius_seneca_4_65.

We're currently investigating the issue. To track the status of it, you can keep tabs on this Trello card.

10 Oct


Cute! I just hope your screen's okay haha


Hey, u/Thatguy3265.

Thanks for sharing this video in response to our Trello card update! I've passed it along to the team.

07 Oct


Originally posted by Give_me_cookie123

Are you guys looking into the hulk smashers cause theyre bugged right now and have the wrong animation

Yes, we are!


Originally posted by Ok-Lifeguard6541

Same problem, i will up vote in hope for epic to see this

Hey, u/Ok-Lifeguard6541! We noticed a similar thread about this today and put up this Trello card.

And thanks for this thread, u/Flamingpaper!

06 Oct


Originally posted by devPadowan

Here's a video showing more detail he made as well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8qXQ9d9WgI

So awesome.

05 Oct


Originally posted by ROMANREIGNS599

You truly deserve it. I just wanted to ask something. I can’t add text in feedback from menu. I kinda lost hope since, I know it’s just a cosmetic but, the carbon and gold wrap has very light texture since months and it used to be almost black before that. It’s a solid neat wrap that I’ve always loved. Cosmetics are one of the things along with the art style that matter to me the most in this game. This is before and after in the same lighting: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/gjbedc/the_carbon_fiber_in_carbon_and_gold_wrap_has/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Thank you for the report. We will look into it.

03 Oct


Thanks for the video, u/Infidel_sg. I've shared it with the team.


Originally posted by ROMANREIGNS599

You communicate so much. Even tho it’s not me you’re helping currently, just thank you

Thanks for your kind words, u/ROMANREIGNS599!🙂

27 Sep


Originally posted by TheMarioManiac

How is the no rocket launcher in team rumble issue going? It’s been a while.

Hey, u/TheMarioManiac. Rocket ammo's current presence in Team Rumble is still on the team's radar.

25 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

No prob! Love the hard work that you guys are always doing. Cheers!

We appreciate it, u/SH4UNYY.

As an update, we discovered a workaround for the Team Rumble inventory issue as we work to address it. Dropping all items and picking them back up in your preferred order will prevent them from switching positions until you swap for new items.


Originally posted by SpcGamingHunter

How's it looking into the issue with not registering LT/RT controller inputs properly on android with Original/Day One xbox one controller properly for anything except riding a car?

Hey, u/SpcGamingHunter. We are continuing to investigate your report.


Originally posted by [deleted]

The scope lines seem much larger and lower rendered. The lines also continue out of the scope. If I have time I'll attempt to get an image.

Thanks, u/SH4UNYY. We're aware of these things and looking into them.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Oh wonderful! Also sorry to bug you again but sniper scopes seem altered. I think it is a PC only issue since none of my console friends dont notice anything.

Thank you for the report. In what way(s) do they seem altered?


Hi, u/SH4UNYY! We're working to resolve this issue. You can find the Trello card here.