

27 Apr


Originally posted by MatheMann6-21

He's pretty good, actually. I've used him (Cloaked Shadow) in some of my older ninja buids in support and he added some nice passive damage. It makes it easier to fight large crowds of low hp enemies.

I'm a huge fan of Cloaked Shadow! Very fun perk to use. Newer players will definitely get some great use out of his per.


Thanks for BEARing with us while we got this one resolved. Definitely a long standing bug that I'm glad we were finally able to squash.

26 Apr


Definitely an awesome prop! This was one of my favorite pistols when I ran a Deadeye set up.

Fantastic job.


Originally posted by zacman17716

They just posted the blog about it:

Skin is named Deimos and will also be a new Ninja in StW, does not say the perk so could be new or a reskin. Also StW access is permanent.

He will have an already existing perk. Homebase Status report will have the perk details.


Originally posted by OKgamer01

This is best case scenario. But I definitely get the feeling it's just "try StW for 1 month" then you have to buy it if you want to continue playing it.

Full, permanent access. Take a look at the new blog for more information!

16 Apr


Originally posted by nullsmack

This is awesome. The voice in the trailer is a little off but I can live with it.

Battle.. it changes you.


Originally posted by FDJ21FDJ

Ps4, but it was a random pub lobby in ventures, so the guy was probably on PC.

The pack is still taking some time to populate on PlayStation. It should be live later this afternoon (Or tomorrow at the latest).

13 Apr


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

Hello Magyst, i'd like to add more about this bug.

Their propanes are also damaging B.A.S.E through the walls. Not to mention the Flingers can damage the shelter through the shield during Evacuate The Shelter.

I am mostly concerned it's a hitbox issue with the projectiles OR the objective/B.A.S.E

Thanks for letting me know about the flingers as well. Definitely sounds like the Objective could be the cause rather than the projectiles. But we'll investigate further.


Thank you very much for the tag u/italomartinns. We implemented a fix that was supposed to resolve this, at least it did when it was tested.

I'll add your video to the bug report and let the team know this is still a recurring issue.

08 Apr


Originally posted by yeahbuddygq

Hey /u/Magyst, I feel like you’re not doing a good job of showing to epic games how your respected fans feel about STW. It sucks so much to see this game gradually go down hill. Maybe it’s time for a new epic representative on here ?

Definitely apologies if you feel I've missed the mark. Please take a look at this recently released hotfix thread regarding changes made to the Ventures modifier based on the compiled feedback. Hopefully this helps!


Hey Commanders,

We’ve heard the recent feedback about the Scurvy Shoals Venture modifier and agree that things are aggressively overtuned.

Here’s some changes that have been made in a recently released hotfix. Note, these changes may take a few minutes to impact all players:

Super Ranged Monsters - We're temporarily removing the Ventures modifier from Lobbers, Flingers, and Pitchers. This means they’ll only throw one projectile and deal their normal damage to players and structures rather than their modified projectiles. Zappers and Blasters will remain unchanged for the time being.

We definitely want to introduce a challenge when creating these modifiers and want players to find new and creative ways to handle them. However, these projectiles are way overtuned due to both balancing and a bug that’s causing the damage reduction of these projectiles to only apply to Heroes and not Structures / Objectives. We feel t...

Read more External link →

Thanks for the tag.

I've been compiling and shooting feedback on the state of the modifier over to the dev team. The Husks are definitely strong at the moment, that's for sure.

05 Apr


Originally posted by CreamDollar420

Eh there's definitely a point to report it still.

Please keep reporting bugs. Despite what other players tell you :)

Thank you!


Originally posted by XylicSTW

Do we have an ETA on the Perk + Ability buffs or is it still to be determined?

Still to be determined at the moment.


Originally posted by stasharena16

Sorry u/Magyst. But it’s the ENTIRE Tropical Biome Zone.

No matter which type of map it is. And no matter what Mission it is. It’s the ENTIRE BIOME. 99% Chances of me encountering the Atlas Underground or in a place where it shouldnt be. (AKA. Unable to grab access as it’s inside of a wall or such)

Lars’s Van and his Equipment are in the worst position to fortify. (Unable to place a wall or so due to it’s landscaping.) But can be solved by going around it. Or putting up traps to mitigate.

Radar Towers on a Rift resulting me to not build the towers due to the collision. Additionally Radar Towers may collide to a wall.

Falling into death zones. Such as caves and such.

And let’s remind you guys that these bugs existed when THE BIOME WAS ADDED...

Hurts really bad my man. :(

I understand 100%. However, It's a lot easier to point the QA / Dev team to a specific location to test vs "the whole map sucks". This is why I've made the thread!

Some players will encounter no map issues at all and others will hit every map issue under the sun. I definitely need help pinpointing exact locations so that we can get fixes for those spots.


Originally posted by XylicSTW

Unrelated to the post, but are you also logging feedback on the current Ventures season's modifier?

Smashers are nigh-unkillable (even more than usual) and they one-shot Tier 3 walls. In later Ventures levels, 4+ Smashers can spawn at once and can entirely take out a fully-stocked base before you can kill a single one. The abundance of triple-burst Lobbers and Flingers certainly don't help.

Unviable to run in and smack them with melee weapons, considering melee enemies slow you down to a crawl and Zappers can one-shot (or in this case, two-shot?) you. Abilities are your only real option there, and very, very few Abilities have the firepower to take down a Smasher on their own. Plus, the Nature enemies zap away your Energy.

You need to keep your distance, but are punished for doing so. You need to get up-close, but are punished for doing so. The treasure chests full of weapons and ore aren't worth the trouble, nor are the 1.5 second stuns upon killing melee e...

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Absolutely. The Ventures season has only been out for a few days and, typically, the feedback is negative as players are learning to adapt to the new changes. There will be builds / loadouts that players come up with to counter the new modifiers and we definitely don't want to make things worse with immediate tuning, a great example would be Husks who can't even break buffed walls.

However, I do get the sense that things are over-tuned at the moment and should be looked at.. especially with ranged Husks and Smashers. I also agree that there are definitely some underperforming perks which makes dealing with empowered Husks a lot harder than it should be.

A few weeks ago I compiled a massive list of underperforming perks and abilities and sent it over to the dev team to look into. As none of these changes have been made.. having these insanely strong Husks as a modifier is definitely making things a lot tougher than they should be.

As always, I keep a watchful...

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Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

Hello Magyst,

Remember when you asked me to provide evidence in every bug when i reported that mega buglist?

Now i made a trello with every evidence

I hope i did enough for you.

Most of these are already logged. I'll grab the remaining few, along with the links you sent.

Thank you.


Originally posted by Landriff

WORKAROUND: Disable DX12 and use DX11 for the time being. This resolves the issue. Hopefully it gets patched so I can go back to DX12.

Just saw this response also. Thank you for providing that information.


Originally posted by T_manYT

How are we meant to report a bug in detail when you can only take screenshots with the in game flow?

If not on PC / can't provide screenshots then please be sure to use the in-game bug report feature. That will give us a location.

In the meantime, please feel free to leave what mission type / zone / issue on this thread.