

09 Oct


Originally posted by MayTheMemesGuideThee

Can you please clarify why new Elemental Overload can't technically affect DoT from skills like Vortex, but can affect DoT from Ignite?

This is a technical limitation of how we're able to detect the condition and apply the bonus - it's applied as a conditional damage stat, which fundamentally are a part of hit calculation, so can only apply to hits (and damaging ailments, which are part of a hit and calculated with it). I came up with a potential long-term plan for a new system that would allow the keystone to be implemented in a different way that could apply to all damage, but it's complicated and wasn't feasible for this patch. It's something I'd like to do eventually, as I think that system would unlock some other potentially cool stuff, but at this point isn't even a complete plan, so not something to expect anytime soon.


Originally posted by mewfour

Mark, completely unrelated but, how does blocking damage and recovery on block work on a single gameserver tick?

Let's say I take 50 hits, and manage to block 40 in a single game tick.

a) Do I take the damage of the 10 added up and then the recovery from the 40 I block?

b) Do I take the recovery first and then the damage from the 10 all together?

c) or do I take some hits, then some recovery, then some hits, randomly ordered?

My money's on a) or b) because I can survive esh's stationary ball lightnings with block just fine, but if they start stacking it really seems like all the unblocked damage received in the same tick is added together and dealt at the same time, leaving me with no time to recover my HP from blocked hits that may have happened

c), but order is not random (in some cases it is arbitrary, but it's never random). Each hit is processed separately, and that includes stuff you do for blocking it if that hit was blocked. There is no "grouping" of hits - each is separate and sequential.


Originally posted by sephrinx

Will this be coming with PoE2 perhaps?



Originally posted by p44vo

I'd be willing to bet basing the dot off the actual damage dealt and ignoring resistances for dot damage is massively more efficient.

"basing the dot off the actual damage dealt" only makes sense for ailments, and leads to double-dipping. Ignoring resistances for DoT would be a minor efficiency gain at best - there's still a bunch of other calculations that have to happen for damage taken, this is only removing a single step from a multi-step process (resistances, modifiers to type of damage taken as, modifiers to damage taken, modifiers to where damage is taken from, etc), and would lead to obviously wrong interactions - if you're taking fire damage, and do something that raises your fire resistance, that's obviously supposed to work, but wouldn't be able to under that system.


Originally posted by Praetorian_MK-II

What about "Enemies affected by Damage over Time from supported skills have -% to Elemental Resistance(s)"? Similar to Combustion effect, but for DoT, I'd even word it like that to specifically buff non-ailment DoT skills: "Enemies affected by non-Ailment Damage over Time from supported skills have -x% to Resistance matching Damage over Time type". Although its long wording indeed, but would be nice to have something like Combustion but for all non-ailment DoT skills:)
P.S. I already see it cannot work with physical DoT as there is no resistance to that, but that was just a quick idea anyway:)

Doing that would be mechanically possible*, but prohibitively complicated and potentially a maintenance nightmare, because there is no unified code path that all sources of damage over time go through that this could be put into - different damage over time effects are applied in different ways so skills can do different things.

Individual DoT skills could easily apply such a resistance-penalising effect to things affected by their specific DoT effect, but making it generic to all skills would be harder (but still possible).

*with some finagling of wording - it would only be able to depend on them having the DoT on them, not being affected by it or actually taking the damage


Originally posted by XR-17

Would a support that states "Damage over time for supported skills ignore % of target elemental resistances" be as difficult to implement?

Yes. That is the same thing.

Fundamentally, damage-over-time is calculated by the source only as a value of pre-mitigation damage-per-second to try to deal. That is applied to the target, which adds to a total value for damage per second they're taking of that type, and all mitigation and damage taking happens to the total, not to individual sources. Nothing about the source of a specific effect can do anything other than change the calculation of that initial, pre-mitigation dps value. Resistances are mitigation, so apply on the defender side to all damage-over-time of the appropriate type - different sources of damage over time can't be resisted differently, because this process isn't done to and has no concept of individual sources.

08 Oct


No, only the specific skill you dealt the crit with gets the benefit, not other skills with the same name.


This is not a "simple change". This fundamentally cannot happen without completely rewriting everything to do with taking damage over time from the ground up to be massively less efficient.

07 Oct


Originally posted by Tandoran

Would it be possible to have a Strike Skill support that triggers a Slam Skill?



Originally posted by ErrorLoadingNameFile

I was not aware of that, thank you for clarifying. In my defense I am pretty sure this was not public knowledge, and your explanation of spell suppression did not include this.

Edit: I just realized your explanation also means that Evasion based characters now have no way to mitigate secondary attack damage compared to before where they could with attack dodge.

Edit: I just realized your explanation also means that Evasion based characters now have no way to mitigate secondary attack damage compared to before where they could with attack dodge.

Evasion also applies to secondary damage from attack skills.


Originally posted by Highcradle

Regarding the animation issue, would having the triggered skill be performed through a spirit overlaid or above the character, like Ancestral Call/Fist Of War, make that easier? So that the character itself isn’t performing the triggered action.

Although I can already see there is the obvious difficulty of making the activation actually get communicated to the player without adding clutter.

That would be an entirely different mechanic with no relation to triggering, which would need built from the ground up.


Spell dodge and spell block were changed in the past to apply to secondary damage abilities. These abilities do NOT deal spell damage however. What this means is where before 75% of secondary damage was mitigated by spelldodge, now 0% will be. Or in other words your character will take 400% more secondary damage on average than before.

Spell dodge and spell block were only changed to apply to secondary damage from spells, not all secondary damage (secondary damage from attacks being affected by the attack versions of those mechanics).

Chance to Suppress Spell Damage also applies to secondary damage from spells, just like Chance to Block Spell Damage.


Originally posted by taggedjc

Would it be possible to do this with an active skill, such as:

Combo Strike

Grants Combo Strike and supports other linked strike attack skills, granting them a cooldown and allowing them to be triggered by Combo Strike and each other. At the end of Combo Strike or a linked attack, if there is a target within melee strike range, trigger a linked attack toward that target.

And then have it grant something like 20% more attack speed for each attack previously used in the combo (up to a maximum of 80%)?

The cooldown could be short (like 0.5s or something) and just there to prevent attacks from triggering each other back and forth repeatedly unless you get super slow attack speed (and even then you'd be able to "break" it by canceling the attack action by moving or ordering some other action, or running out of resources to use the skill, or running out of targets).

Hmm. I suspect that as fun as something like that would be to try to build around, ...

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Grants Combo Strike and supports other linked strike attack skills, granting them a cooldown and allowing them to be triggered by Combo Strike

Yes (with caveats, see below).

and each other.

Not in any reasonably practical way. The rest of your post indicates to me you are operating under misapprehensions about triggered attacks. Triggered actions are instant, they would not take an attack time to perform, they don't have an "end" in the way a skill being used does, and thus having a "sequence" doesn't really make sense.

In order to do this at all, a lot of work would have to happen because most player attack skills can't currently be triggered - most slams would be simple to add the capability to, strikes would be harder unless we accepted slightly lesser functionality than using them, some specific case like Leap Slam just aren't going to practically work, and thus need a way to be excepted. In g...

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Originally posted by dfkgjhsdfkg

is it possible to make the trigger support remember which supported skill was manually used to differentiate it and then trigger all other attack skills?

Would be interesting if one could use either skill to trigger the other.

A skill is either triggered or not. If it has a trigger condition, it is a triggered skill, and cannot be used. If the support gives modifies melee attack skills it's linked to by giving them a trigger condition, it does that to all of them.


Originally posted by ammo--

Couldn't you accomplish that with something similar to the way Corrupting Fever works? It wouldn't be a trigger gem anymore but it would accomplish the same thing more or less.

In this case, a hybrid active/passive gem that gives the player a buff that triggers an unlinked attack when a linked attack is used.

You are describing a support that modifies all attacks it's not linked to (by giving them a trigger condition). That is fundamentally not how supports work.

05 Oct


Originally posted by DaBritt87

How about something like:

"Supports melee attack skills, causing other melee attack skills to trigger when used. Cannot support Vaal skills or triggered skills. Only skills you use can trigger other attack skills."?

Give it about a level 1 20%, level 20 39% chance to trigger, and a .35 second cooldown.

Supports can't affect skills they aren't supporting, and they can't do different things to different skills they support without a way to distinguish. If the support is making melee attack skills triggered, then it does that to all melee attack skills it supports, and thus none of them can be used, because they're triggered.

20 Sep


Originally posted by IceColdPorkSoda

I’ve heard the vengeance granted by MoI cannot have its CDR modified, and the same goes for other skills granted by items. May be wrong. /u/Mark_ggg please advise

This is not true.

13 Sep


Originally posted by Nivius

couldn't there be a trigger attack in the style of "alternating attack support gem"(with inherit +dmg or attackspeed bonus) linking 2 attack skills (lets say ice crush + tectonic) grays out the second skill. so that when you attack with ice, holding down the button then it does an tectonic, then an ice, then an tectonic, and so on.

having 2 skills linked is an inherit negetive, whilethe trigg support need to have some +x damage in some way. could make use of some nice combos, easily as elemental ofc.

imo sounds like an easy simple support gem that seems almost like a spellslinger, for attack skills

No. Supports apply to all skills they support. They have no concept of treating the "second" one differently - there is no actual ordering in terms of how supports apply.

You could potentially have something like cast while channelling which e.g. triggers a supported slam skill when you hit with a supported strike skill - that can differentiate the skills by having a trigger stat that only applies to slams, and a stat for causing the trigger that only works with strikes.

Also, if a skill is triggered, it can't be used at all, and the kind of "alternating" you describe is fundamentally at odds with how actions are input in PoE. That would need an entire new system added on top of the existing handling of actions.

10 Sep


Originally posted by TobiasTangent

It would have to be a new type of gem altogether. If it was just a support gem, it would lead to an infinite loop where your first attack triggers a second attack which triggers the first attack, which triggers the second attack, and so on and so forth. A gem like this would have to be it's own attack+trigger in one gem. Not saying that it can't or shouldn't be done, just that it's not as simple as just creating a support gem to link 2 attack gems to as you're suggesting with Chain Hook and one of the other skills.

If it was just a support gem, it would lead to an infinite loop where your first attack triggers a second attack which triggers the first attack, which triggers the second attack, and so on and so forth

In practice that wouldn't happen because in that case both attacks are triggered, and thus can't be used, so there's no way to get the loop started. Skills can't work if they have multiple triggers, either, so such a support would effectively make all linked attacks useless.

26 Aug


Originally posted by omdryn

I get it why is it like this but its a bit unituitive. For example stuff like "if you have used a minion skill recently" is activated by triggering an offering or sometthing so this should work as well.

This is not true. Triggering a skill is not using it - triggering an offering skill does not count as having used a minion skill recently, for any effects in the game with that condition.