

05 Sep

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Triggers always try to target the location/object responsible for the trigger. A skill triggered by CwDT targets the specific thing that dealt the hit which put your damage taken for that skill over the threshold and caused the trigger. If that thing is not a valid target for some reason (such as being yourself), it will look for valid targets in an area around that.

02 Sep


Supporting the raise spiders skill with the support works fine. And damage over time debuff stores the relevant drop modifiers in the debuff so they can be correctly applied if that debuff is the one that kills them.

29 Aug


Originally posted by RedJorgAncrath

Ok yeah we're speaking different languages right now. :) I'll try to make my question simple:

  • Lightning conduit does not have a cooldown, but mentions that it adds its cast speed to "its cooldown (doesn't have one)" if triggered.

  • CWC doesn't add a cooldown.

  • Spellslinger doesn't either.

  • CoC doesn't have a mention of cooldown in gem desc, but wiki shows it might be a factor.

The gist is I don't understand why the cast speed is even added to the cooldown of this gem if it doesn't have a cooldown. I assume we're speaking about a cooldown it acquires via weapon mods or supports. And there might be some reason you added the cast speed to the natively non-existent cooldown.

Not having a cooldown is effectively the same as having a 0 second cooldown - several things rely on the fact that adding to the cooldown time will cause a nonzero cooldown. This is how the unique jewel "From Dust" works, for example.

Spellslinger and Cast on Crit do add cooldowns to supported skills, which are explicitly shown near the top of the gem tooltip for those gems.

EDIT: fixed incorrect support name

26 Aug


Originally posted by RedJorgAncrath

Wait, so was mention of a cooldown in the gem description (neither lightning conduit nor CWC have a cooldown or added cooldown) a way to inform that this will work with CWC but probably not some other shit that adds a cooldown? The cast time added to cooldown must break some triggering setup. Otherwise it doesn't seem worth even mentioning or adding to the gem. Pretty confusing. :)

I don't understand what you're asking here


Originally posted by RelevantIAm

If the cast time (and thus cooldown) of Lightning Conduit but lower than half of the CwC trigger the time between attempted CwC triggers, it will trigger at twice CwC trigger rate, because every second time CwC tries to trigger it, it will still be on cooldown and fail to trigger

I'm dumb, I don't understand this part. Sounds like you're saying it'll trigger twice but also that it will fail to trigger the second time.

Apparently I lost some of that part when rewording it, in addition to getting twice & half swapped around. Should be fixed now in my post.

25 Aug


The added cooldown portion is NOT added on top of the trigger cooldown

Cast while Channelling does not have a cooldown to add to, so the cast time adds to 0 seconds and results in a total cooldown time exactly matching the cast time (assuming no modifiers to cooldown recovery rate).

Cast while Channelling tries to trigger the spell every 0.x seconds while you channel. If the skill is on cooldown at that time, that will fail.

If the cast time (and thus cooldown) of Lightning Conduit is shorter than the time between attempted CwC triggers, it will trigger at the CwC trigger rate, because each time CwC tries to trigger it, it will be off cooldown and ready to go..

If the cast time (and thus cooldown) of Lightning Conduit is longer than the time between attempted CwC triggers (but shorter than twice that time), it will trigger at half CwC trigger rate, because every second time CwC tries to trigger it, it will ...

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18 Aug


Originally posted by oneyou

Its on expendability and curtain call, but not swift assembly and minefield.

So its 50/50, and the skill gems are much more used ( gives 0 uses of curtain call, and 4 uses of expendability), so the info is unlikely to be noticed by new mine players.

Its on expendability and curtain call, but not swift assembly and minefield.

The reminder text is on both those gems. Reminder text on items requires holding alt to see to prevent items constantly spamming it in your face, but it's there. Passives always display reminder text because it's not intuitive to hold alt for non-items and they usually only have a one or two reminder texts each, where items can have lots.

17 Aug


Originally posted by masonimal

Wasn't there a change to Melee awhile back that basically gave (most) Melee based skills a mini cone that could hit however many enemies within that cone?

Yes that was in 3.7.0 (alongside Legion league), and was the introduction of strike skills.

The reason "Strike" exists as a gem tag is because we could no longer identify that set of skills as "single-target melee attacks" because they hit multiple targets.

16 Aug


No. You apply decay in this case, not the curse skill (and definitely not a different skill applying the curse). No skill's stats apply, but your stats will.

13 Aug


Originally posted by nexuzlol

maybe we could get /u/mark_GGG in here to clarify how the trickster's node with "at least 108% action speed" interacts with other sources of increased action speed.

it would be interesting to know if +6% increased action speed would bring it to 114% or if it would remain at 108%

If your action speed without this modifier would be below 108% of base value, this sets it to 108%. If it would be above 108%, this does nothing.

12 Aug


Originally posted by chx_

Sorry I am daft but let's try a specific example.

If you equip Viridi's Veil and Kalandra's Touch in the left slot and a magic ring in the right slot does "take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes if you have a Magic Ring in left slot" procc? I presume not.

No. It doesn't change it's own rarity, just what it gives to you.


Originally posted by frooch

Will a ring with “when socketed in left side” give a left side buff or right side buff if the mirror ring is in the right side slot?

The ring in the left slot is in the left slot and will gives bonuses as such. The ring in the right slot is in the right slot and will give bonuses as such. This is true regardless of which ring is really that ring.


Originally posted by Neeerp

What about a pair of 'handshoes'... gloves that mirror your boots. Works in German at least

Too many stats granted on those slots that either can't work or become broken if you can suddenly get them from two sources. Rings are safe because they're all built around having two of them.


Originally posted by MaXiMiUS

Related question:

If you equip Kalandra's Touch and an Unset Ring, will you have two ring sockets available?



Originally posted by Highcradle

So if Rings are the only safe slot that works, would it be possible to make say an Amulet that either mirrors or does something like copy one Suffix/Prefix from each ring slot?

Not in any way similar to how this works, this works on the level of the item, it can't do only part of it.

An amulet that reflects one ring slot is probably possible (but obviously no stats that care about being in the right/left ring slot would work in the amulet slot, so it's mostly just a worse version of this item) This actually doesn't work without a bunch more work - rings work if you have two of them, but there are several things that wouldn't work if you had 3, and a bunch of unique ring things internally have to care about which ring slot they're in as a way to let you have two of the effect, which aren't obvious to users that's what they do.


Originally posted by SimpleNovelty

Hm, so does this mean that if you had a Vaal gem socketed in your ring, you would get 2 instances of that Vaal skill, and it effectively has slotted the same item into both slots?

No, the socketed gem is a separate item - this only reflects the ring, not what's in it.


Originally posted by Nickoladze

So I assume that annointing it just does nothing? Shame that the mirrored tag wouldn't prevent it with the new oil announced.

Really neat to hear you have the ability for an item to act completely like another one now. I wonder what possibilities this opens.

So I assume that annointing it just does nothing? Shame that the mirrored tag wouldn't prevent it with the new oil announced.

Trying to annoint this ring will fail (rather than applying an annointment that the ring can't actually give because it's busy pretending to be a different ring).

Really neat to hear you have the ability for an item to act completely like another one now. I wonder what possibilities this opens.

Very few. This isn't something that can be done generically, and rings were the only safe item slot to do something like this on other than main-hand/off-hand, and that would need limited to weapons.


Originally posted by Nickoladze

so this in your left slot would be as if the ring in your right slot was also put in the left slot

This was the hold-up with Shav's Revelation which was a new hot unique back then. It would just double the "granted" mods that the item gave you and was totally busted.

Sounds like this works pretty much exactly how I wanted, although mine was going to spawn on any ring base and only dupe if your other ring was the same base. I thought that was a cool mechanic for trading them around. They just gave this one a blank base.

It needs the blank base - part of how we were able to get this version working is it can't grant any stats of it's own, so any implicit it granted wouldn't actually work. This item is treated as the other item, instead of itself.

10 Aug


Originally posted by blvcksvn

The triple and double rolls are independent of each other. The process is important, not just the outcome

It's because they're independant that this works - because 10% of all hits will get the double damage, and that's independant of the triple damage, you can look at cases where you don't get triple and know 10% will get double (so will 10% of cases where you do get triple, but you can ignore those since they're redundant).

09 Aug


Taking that damage as fire means as far as you're concerned, that's 800 incoming fire damage, of which you prevented 720 and took the remaining 80. There was also 200 phys damage of which you prevented none and took all of it.