

18 Apr

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is technically correct - the reaper is told "do this dash attack" and then immediately told "do this dash attack". It can't do two actions at once, only one, so one of these "inputs" is wasted.
It's the same case as if you click once to use a skill, then immediately click a second time while starting that skill, you'l do the skill once.

16 Apr

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is not a bug. Impending Doom doesn't do anything at the caster's location, only at the target location. Triggerbots overrides the origin - where the spell is cast from, not where it's targeted.

05 Apr


Originally posted by foundashoe

Wouldn't "chance to avoid stuns" be clearer? "Ignore" could imply that you're still being stunned and just unaffected by it.

That is a different mechanic which already exists, doing a separate roll at a different time. This necessarily has to be distinct.


Originally posted by Ail-Shan

Okay. I posted this in the other thread I linked too but I still don't think this tech will work. I think cast when stunned would go off because of its extra line of being triggered if you block a stunning hit. But if you don't have block, you won't be considered to have been stunned if you avoid the interruption.

Yeah, this stuff was broken in some weird ways because of internal details about how blocked and unblocked hits deal with stuns.

This is actually being fixed in 3.21.0 now, the following was recently added to the patch notes, under Miscellaneous Player Balance:

Previously, modifiers providing a "chance to avoid Interruption from Stuns" worked in an unintuitive and inconsistent way. These cancel out a stun entirely, preventing effects that happen when Stunned. However, due to an oversight, they did not do this if you blocked a hit that would stun you. T...

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28 Feb


Originally posted by SmarmyPapsmears

So let's say player B has Arn's belt, and gains an Endurance charge (which converts to Brutal charge), would player A then gain an Endurance charge if he does not have the belt equipped?

Player B did not gain an Endurance Charge, so cannot share one. They gained a Brutal Charge.

Player A, without the belt, has 0 maximum Brutal Charges, so cannot gain the charge B tried to share with them.

But if Player A gains an Endurance Charge and shares that with B, B will gain a Brutal Charge instead due to the belt's effect.


Originally posted by SmarmyPapsmears

So if both players have Instruments of Zeal, then one of them could usefully share Fanatic Charges with the other.

Right, I plan on both characters having Supreme Grandstanding and Instruments of Zeal.

Charges are not buffs, and do not innately apply any bonus to players (or monsters). If B does not have any stats which give them something for having those charges, any such charges they gain will do nothing for them.

So does this mean Brutal and Absorption charges will provide nothing when shared?

All characters innately have specific bonuses-per-charge for the three standard charge types, and the three "alternate" charge types they can be effectively replaced with by the unique belts. These can be seen in the character panel so long as you have the ability to have charges of that type.


Ok so the text of Supreme Grandstanding says that any charge is shared amongst allies

It says allies share their charges (of any type) with you, not the other way around. Sharing is not innately bidirectional. If entity A shares charges with entity B, that means when A gains a charge, B will also gain a charge. This requires that both of them can gain that kind of charge.

If B has 0 maximum charges of that type, B cannot gain the shared charge.

Charges are not buffs, and do not innately apply any bonus to players (or monsters). If B does not have any stats which give them something for having those charges, any such charges they gain will do nothing for them.

So if both players have Instruments of Zeal, then one of them could usefully share Fanatic Charges with the other.

06 Feb

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is not a bug, Sandstorm Visage explicitly cares only about the critical strike chance of your main hand weapon, which is not changed by the link.

03 Feb


The question asked in the title is very different to the one asked in the post.

The totem's stats do not change when your stats do, other than when the stat that's changing is one that specifically affects totems, such as "x% increased Totem Life".

That is irrelevant to the effect of the totem attacking/casting something, because the totem is not using it's stats for that. Totems do not have their own skills separate from you, they use your skills. If your stats change in a way that affects your skills, it affects your skills regardless of whether you or the totem uses the skill.

So this has nothing at all to do with how your stats change, it matters which of your stats change. Stats which affect your skills will affect them, stats which affect you specifically will not affect the totem.


Originally posted by KidZesty

Does Oriath’s end behave in the same way even though it’s a flask effect?



Originally posted by mineral4r7s

So does despair work for Original Sin as the ring states "Nearby Enemies Chaos Reistance is 0" and despair states "cursed enemies have -X% to chaos resistance"? Or is the devil in the detail and the "is" fixes the resistances at 0 and renders despair useless?

Also getting a reply from Mark. Today is a good day. Keep doing the good job you and the team do \o/

No, modifying the resistance doesn't work, because the modifier setting it to zero will still do that. Penetration works because penetration doesn't change resistance values, it causes a hit to calculate as though resistance was lower than the actual value.

02 Feb


Originally posted by mineral4r7s

If they use Balance of Terror then its for wither. Otherwise is 0 is the same as inquisitors "ignore enemy elemental resistances".

If u want a damage curse use punishment and temporal chains

Otherwise is 0 is the same as inquisitors "ignore enemy elemental resistances".

This is not quite true - a resistance of 0 can be penetrated, an ignored resistance cannot.


Originally posted by Arturion

There's a fair number of mechanics at play here, so I'll try to be as thorough as possible. I'm going to assume we're talking about Inpulsa's explosions here, but most of this carries over to other similar effects.

  1. Yes, the explosion damage is "your damage". It benefits from modifiers to lightning damage, area damage, and generic damage, but it is not spell damage or attack damage, so won't be affected by those. It will also benefit from debuffs on enemies that reduces their resistances or causes them to take increased damage (such as curses, exposure, etc.). The damage has 0% base crit, but if, for example, an enemy is brittle or is cursed by Assassin's Mark, the damage can theoretically crit.

  2. Shaper of Storms will not let this damage shock, even if converted - the restriction on Inpulsa's isn't tied to the damage being lightning, and so it doesn't matter whether you convert it or not. If you want to have chaining explosions, you'...

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This is all correct, but as an addendum to point 3, I'll point out also that modifiers to "elemental damage" or other modifiers that can apply to damage of multiple types don't apply more than once to converted damage.

Any given modifer in PoE either applies or doesn't, it never applies twice. If one thing is converted into another thing, any modifiers that apply to either or both of those things will apply to the converted value.

23 Jan

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's definitely working in-game for me. The patches of Fungal Ground from the Contaminate Skill are smaller than the one applied around you while stationary, so may not be as obvious if they overlap, but the skill is definitely triggering and creating them when I kill things.

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report, this does appear to be wrong, I'll look into it.

" devon752 wrote: Can confirm that the Frigid Wake Freeze is not affected by Freeze duration, effect of non-damaging ailments or increased effect of cold ailments (which is also Freeze).
The freeze is correctly affected by modifiers to its effect, which the latter two stats you list are. Effect and Duration are not the same thing. Since the base effect of freeze is 100% less action speed, increasing the effect doesn't make a noticable difference unless something is ... Read more

11 Jan

08 Jan

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is not a bug. Historic Jewels modify different passive skills differently. The underlying tree has changed - the Skittering Runes notable used to be in that position, now Malicious Intent is there and Skittering Runes was moved further down close to the centre of the tree.

These are different notables that do different things and are affected differently by Historic Jewels.

22 Dec

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

This stat is working as intended, the wording has been updated locally and will be fixed in a future patch to specify it specifically affects "Spell Critical Strike Chance", which as has already been noted in this thread, refers to the critical strike chance of spell damage, which heralds don't deal.

13 Dec


Originally posted by Meowrulf

Also, just to point out, it won't work with cursed ground either

Yes it does, provided you cast the spell creating the cursed ground (as opposed to having a totem/trap/etc do it for you)

12 Dec


Originally posted by virulia

/u/mark_ggg any clarification on this please?

Brittle modifies the critical strike chance of hits against that enemy, it will be unable to modify them such that the cap is exceeded. Luckiness does not modify the chance value, it just rolls that value twice and pretends one of them didn't count.