Low IQ comment
Low IQ comment
You are right, Jagex can no longer add a spinning wheel to Morytania. But you guys can still add a "wheel-that-spins".
🤔 Now that’s thinking outside the box!
Add it in port phatysmatys as a reward for doing ghosts ahoy, it gets added and settled can’t use it! Problem solved
I suppose locking content behind that quest would certainly make things smoother, but in other cases it may seem like a forced requirement rather than a logical one.
Lmao, I'm still blown away. Thank you so much!
Haha, I can’t take too much credit :P It was Mod Acorn who got everyone to sign it. Glad you like it :)
Settled elaborates more on his point of view in his comment here. There's plenty of other clothing shops without a spinning wheel, to say it's thematic would mean you need to add one up varock, gnome stronghold etc too...
In this instance, I agree it would be going out of our way to cater to Settled. But what if in the future we want to add a spinning wheel to Morytania for a different reason? Suddenly we can’t because we’d be accused of doing it for Settled.
I do understand, he doesn’t want his progression made easier and any update to Morytania runs the risk of making it easier. I’ve ran into this problem before where I’ve worked on a design and it’s made Zeah only ironmens game mode easier or a new dungeon that makes caveman mode easier. So many different restricted accounts exist they’re almost certainly having an impact on the way we design future content whether we want it to or not.
The consensus is that we don’t cater purposefully to Ironman accounts but we get accused of it all the time when just making generic content. It’s kind of irritating, that’s my point.
I was exaggerating initially, we won’t stop updating areas because of singular accounts, even if they’re incredibly popular.
What idiot signed black on black? Oh yeah me.
Damn, suppose we can’t update Morytania any more. What a shame, I had designs for Slepe way before swamp man became a thing.
EDIT: I've not missed the point here, I'm exaggerating for effect. Where is the line drawn? Whenever we pitch Morytania content in the future it'll be torn apart to see in what ways it benefits specific limited accounts. Even before that, we find ourselves asking "How will this impact X player?" while designing content, whether we want it to or not. Regardless, we'll be accused of catering either way.
For instance, when we first pitched the Hosidius dungeon design back in October, it came to my attention that it would be the first tanner on Zeah and the first one underground, this hadn't occurred to me prior to making that decision. Now it haunts me whenever I sit down to design a new area.
I'm disappointed that another midtier boss is possibly being added when Grotesque Guardians are still in a state where they're not worth doing unless you're pet hunting. Are Guardians even a midtier boss when they require 85 Slayer.
What do you think of the boss perhaps dropping a attachment to the Keris to make it the Bug Destroyer equivelent of the Arclight? As in, it would be BiS when used against stuff like Kalphite etc.
I’d love for the Keris to be improved (see Ellen in the myths guild for my proposed weapon) but it should probably come from a continuation of the contact quest line rather than from a spider (which is an arachnid :P ). However, I’ve seen a fair amount of demand for a unique from this boss so I’m interested in hearing all possibilities :)
Off topic but do you know when the fletching animation update is happening? I'm looking forward to it and everything else from the poll it was on came out like 2 months ago so it seems forgotten.
Sorry about that! I initially made the animations several weeks back but haven’t had the time to fix the issues that came back from QA as the fix was too large to fit into my schedule. I’m going to get the job finished next week, so it should be out later this month or early next :)
Key man mode is becoming real. Getting a bit stale now... Konar keys, wilderness keys, prif keys. Can we try something else? b2b2b2b key updates is pretty boring. Its like 5 people used the in game thumbs up thing after opening a konar chest and the analytics team went nuts.
To me, getting a key from a mob always made more sense than just straight up obscure loot (especially when said loot is noted...). Things like the muddy key and crystal key I’ve always seen as classic OSRS content which is what the grubby key was inspired by.
When are you guys going to do something about all the bots mining clay :thinking:
As an artist there isn’t much I can do about it... if you report them though, our dedicated bot busting staff will be able to do something. I fear the low requirements needed to set up a clay bot may be the reason why they’re so prolific.
When is pinwheel skeleton boss?
This is why pvp is dying smh
Bh update? Naaaa
New slayer content? Weebs rise up weeeeeeeeereeetarfs
We released some PvP updates yesterday and have plenty more in progress. We have multiple sub-teams within the OSRS team all focusing on various different updates.
Getting a little worried with all these chests that getting added to the game.
They really do just feel like in-game loot boxes. And disjointed from the actual "drop" of the monster.
Like when you finish a task or hoard a bunch of konar keys, you're just rolling on a slot machine at the chest instead of receiving the drop on its own.
I get why the devs do this though. Its because people are stupid and riot like morons when they get a really rare roll from a lower level monster and pretend that their sample size is accurate or that "that monster shouldn't drop xxx item".
It provides some separation. But in the same way, it feels non-runescapey when you're just spam opening a chest and getting stacks of noted items/gp/alchables.
Funny you should say that! The grubby chest was inspired by the crystal and muddy chests, both of which really resonated with me back in 2004 when I was a noob. It's not the first time someone has said that they feel like loot boxes (when talking about Konar keys) which surprises me as this to me seems like classic OSRS content.
Interesting, ok. I'm of the opinion that the solo/team content balance has been pretty skewed in favor of solo recently- would you agree? Does the team consider team/solo balancing much in development?
I've got plenty more dungeon designs in the works that could easily have a group mid-level boss of some kind (:
Alter of the Sun? I'm ready to praise bois \[T]/
...If only I could be so grossly incandescent...
I don't see the need for the egg sack, seems to be useful only for irons.
Unsure if you're saying that red spiders' eggs are not needed or that the process of cutting it open for eggs is overly convoluted. I'll answer both, just in case:
Getting red spiders' eggs from relevant content is far better than buying it from a shop that shares very little connection with the item, an item which certainly has a use case. The fact that the shop sells these useful items yet they are not available to ironmen accounts goes to show that this is a rather overpowered way to obtain these items when compared with other methods.
The idea with the egg sac is so that we can drop multiple red spiders' eggs at once without it feeling artificial by it dropping noted eggs, which wouldn't make sense given the unlikely event that the spider has access to a bank. We've had a lot of complaints in the past around monsters dropping noted items, it's more convenient from a player perspective but has a rather odd feel to it; this we feel is a nice solution to this iss...
Read moreIt truly is breathtaking. The amount of work that went into this facelift is astounding, as someone who recognizes how much time and effort things as outwardly simple as designing a small town's layout or modeling a low-poly brick building can require.
You've done an amazing job, as did everyone who had a hand in giving Hosidius the look it deserved and now has.
It really is just plain GORGEOUS. It's cozy, charming, organic, oozing with flavour and polish. Outdone doesn't BEGIN to describe it.
From one fledgling game designer to one with much more experience... PLEASE keep this trend going.
Thanks! It means a lot, truly. World building is a passion of mine and many parts of Zeah are missing a level of cohesion and character that I’ve been wanting to fix for a long time now.
Big reworks like this one are difficult to get out due to the push back from changing things and the massive amount of testing required. I’ve plans for other houses too but it’s too early to share, but hopefully they’ll be just as good :)
Thanks also go to Mod Maz for making sure all the content worked and Mod Bruno for testing it all! (And all the rest of the team for feedback and play testing)