

16 Jul


Originally posted by yoomathafacka

this is why ive stopped playing runescape. even if the community doesnt want it you slippery dogs will try slide it in somewhere.

Only if we had some kind of polling system where you had your say...

15 Jul


Originally posted by Fake_Fluency

There was a huge pvm community that wanted raids. Nobody asked for warding.

You just said it. They asked for raids, not chambers of xeric, why is this any different? There’s a huge skilling community that want a new skill.


Originally posted by snugRs

So is that minigame basically going to be runespan?

100% no. I wasn't a fan of Runespan and have 0 intention of ever adding anything like that. The XP from the minigame would be worse than conventional training methods by a lot, but the process would be less repetitive.


Originally posted by Davban

The underlying issue with warding is still there for me.

The skill simply doesn't have a clear cut and straightforward focus and identity.

There is close to nothing here that doesn't fit into any other skill.

Why isn't making the robes in crafting? Making dhide and splitbark are already in crafting, etc etc

How much of Construction is just Crafting/Smithing? Runecraft could just be Magic. Hunter? Didn't we do that already with ranged and chompy birds? I don't mean to sound defensive here, it's just that this reasoning doesn't hold much water. I do understand where you're coming from, but very few skills are as unique as players seem to think/want.

That being said, if you're not sold on the idea, that's totally fair. Thanks for your feedback (:


Originally posted by Technoso

I’ll be voting no. There are other current skills in the game that needs to be worked on instead of focusing on a new skill.

Fair enough. Could you elaborate on which skills you feel need some attention? With Warding we wanted to improve the viability of other skills at the same time (Magic, Hunter and Runecraft were the focus) and I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether there are others that need more attention.


Originally posted by Roonskepe

If this doesn't pass we're literally never going to have a new skill. The updated blog is about as solid as it's going to get for a new proposal. The new items and mechanics are cohesive with what have already and it's expanding an area that really needed it (magic).

I'll be sad if it doesn't pass because getting new skills was part of the game's charm back when I played in 2004.

Don't see this as the only opportunity for OSRS to have a new skill. If this fails, we'll take what we've learned from Warding and try something else, much like how we learnt from Sailing and Artisan. It's a very divisive update and the way we decide future projects has changed quite a bit since we pitched Warding at RuneFest, so I expect the process will be quite different if we are to do it again.


Originally posted by Fake_Fluency

How about instead of voting on the details of how warding will work... we vote on whether we even want it. It failed like 3 polls and instead of letting it die you just keep developing and appealing to the players. Why are you so desperate to release a skill in the first place. Especially one as boring and pointless as this. Where was this level of devotion to Sailing and Artisan?

How about holding a poll- “Should we continue working on Warding?” And “Should we hold an open forum for other skill suggestion?” “Should we develop other ideas and poll them against Warding?”

The first question in the blog is what you're asking for and this is the first time it will be polled. I'm unsure where you got 'It failed 3 polls' from.

I wouldn't say we're desperate for this update, we're just giving it the best chance possible of passing much like we do with every update we pitch. Sure, this one has had a few more revisions than most, but skills are quite complex as they impact larger elements of the game when compared to other types of updates. Wouldn't you rather we took care and thought it through as much as possible rather than doing half a job?

We have a polling system for a reason - to assure we're making something the players want! If the super-majority don't want it, we'll move onto something else.


Originally posted by Radaenne

Would the effect of the Thammaron’s sceptre stack with the effects from the Thammaron’s robe set?

Yep (:

14 Jul


Originally posted by jasonrulesudont

No you’re incredible!

You’re all incredible!

09 Jul


Thanks! Channeling that old school vibe is always my number 1 rule :) Had great fun working with Mod Husky on this, his knowledge of the more intricate aspects of the game is far better than mine, which is why the boss is so great!

I don’t shout about it (because I haven’t posted in a year...) but an early design was initially teased a year ago here. I should probably look into teasing a few more of my map designs there, but the last one I created ballooned out to be 3x the size of Forthos... so we’ll see :P

11 Jun


Originally posted by ziploque

This reads super passive aggresive.

It wasn’t, you just read it that way. Text is best read emotionless, otherwise you could completely change the entire message of the text.


Originally posted by SwDolphinFlip you can't be serious, Mod West. Adding new content (I mean after all, there's a whole city in Morytania that is still inaccessible) is not the same as updating specific things into existing areas.

You’re not seeing the larger picture here, it’s not just adding a spinning wheel. What if we added a monster that drops an RCB to Morytania? It’s not completely out of the question but would be seen by some as catering to specific builds.

The point I’m making is that new content can have an unforeseen impact on an area locked account. How are we to prove it wasn’t on purpose?

A great example was the deranged archaeologist on fossil island; on release he dropped amulets of glory which made obtaining one way easier for Ironmen which saw pushback from the players so we changed the drop to crystal keys instead. Players don’t want us to cater to specific builds while also catering to them simultaneously.

I think it’s a valid concern but I suppose it’s the nature of the beast. I was just opening up a dialogue on the matter and it’s nice to hear a wide range of player opinions as they may shape the way I go about my work in the future :)


Originally posted by llWoodsll

Any reason why it took 7 years?

As someone who’s been here for 3, it’s before my time. Perhaps who ever owned that specific job left and didn’t pass it on. Just a guess though.


Originally posted by Bucky640

The picture I snapped on my phone didn't do it justice. In person your signature comes out just fine :) It means a lot to me that you took the time to sign it, I don't mind the color of your pen :p



Originally posted by MandaTohru

You really shouldn't. You should be pissed at the apparent neglect and indifference.

I thought the pen was silver and had to commit once I'd started ):


Originally posted by Aeglafaris

Time for everyone to stop making fun and interesting content because it annoys the jmods.

That’s not what I’m saying and you know it. I too thoroughly enjoy his videos, after all. What I’m saying is we shouldn’t be blocked from updating the game because a singular player wishes to restrict himself. Nor should we go out of the way to cater for them specifically.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Low IQ comment



Originally posted by BasicFail

You are right, Jagex can no longer add a spinning wheel to Morytania. But you guys can still add a "wheel-that-spins".

🤔 Now that’s thinking outside the box!


Originally posted by DenslatX

Add it in port phatysmatys as a reward for doing ghosts ahoy, it gets added and settled can’t use it! Problem solved

I suppose locking content behind that quest would certainly make things smoother, but in other cases it may seem like a forced requirement rather than a logical one.