

15 Nov


Originally posted by Rockley95

Sorry if I am stupid right now:

I know we get some earlier stuff for the path of the gold dragon (the two new religions) but will we get the mythic path earlier as well? Or do we still start at Act 5?

No changes as to when you get it. That'd be way too much of an overhaul, sorry.


Originally posted by Lower_Lack_7940

Love it.

Now I'm curious if GD still retains the merged Angel/Lich spellbook... If it does, it'll be the only Mythic with two mythic spellbooks (on top of being the only lategame Mythic with a unique spellbook).

I would absolutely love that too.

If it was merged, it doesn't disappear.


Originally posted by T_Wayfarer_T

:') Owlcat really did put a golden bow on the package. Sad to know this is the last content type support of this masterpiece of a game, but so proud to see it overcome all of it's weak points. Bravo Owlcat, Bravo.

Also, GOTY edition? Should who already own the game be worried?

Thank you!


Originally posted by Mr_J90K

If the Gold Dragon has a Spellbook, will it be mergable? It would be really interesting if it was mergeable with Draconic bloodlines.

Looks really great.

Not mergable as far as I know. Sorry :)


Originally posted by Cakeriel

Thanks, that one worked. Will Dance of Masks be required for accessing the new deities and domain?

Not required. But I vastly recommend that DLC, it's got a lot of love in it, in all senses.


Originally posted by The-Jack-Niles

The scalykind domain is interesting in that it gives you a companion. What if you also have a pre-existing animal companion and/or pick up animal domain?

Like, if I was a Trickster and picked up both with Mythic Religion 2 or 3 let's say, how would that play out?

Would they overlap, grant two seperate pets, or just grant one pet and default it level wise to whatever would be further along?

If you already have a pet, you can continue levelling it afaik


Originally posted by Nigilij

This is absolutely tasty! Thanks a lot!

I do have a question, however. Would elemental conversion to holy stay at MR10? Would be a big + to have it at 8 or 9 to be able to use it throughout Act 5.

MR 9 :)

14 Nov


Originally posted by Llez

(needy Swarm buzzing noises)

Shush, you had your own special FEASTival in DLC6 :P


Originally posted by MajikMike_Prime

Yess, any chance we can get goblins race for KC and mercs in the future? Maybe mongol and android mercs as well

At this point in development, only in the form of mods I'm afraid :)

13 Nov


Originally posted by AppropriateLeather41

For what it’s worth I view story in late mythic paths as extensions to early game ones, so if we can get similar treatment Devil Path got - I’m fine.

But I’m really curious what mechanical changes they could make.

You both will find out soon :)