Hello! There isn't any malicious intent at hiding information from you here, guys. That's simple hiccups in delivery of information in the patch notes from our side.
This may happen due to technical reasons such as incorrect version tag on changes, in which case they don't show on the list we use for composing the patch notes. This sometimes happens when works on the change start in one version, and get released multiple versions after.
Human factor is also a thing: a dev that's working on the change may forget to add description or consider the change too small to add any at all. Or the community team may miss something during formatting or when getting the info from the database. Or the patchnotes may simply be too large to include everything, like it happened with one of the early big patches.
In either case, we do our best to improve on that front.
On datamining though: no, we won't be doing that. Content found in the data files may be incomplete...
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