Hello and welcome to the 126th CK3 Dev Diary. I’m Matthew, one of the programmers on the team, and today we’re going to be covering changes to modding support coming alongside Tours and Tournaments as well as how modding activities themselves can work.
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Activity Modding Activities are fully moddable, and as I mentioned in prior dev diaries they are composed of a variety of options and phases, where a phase is made up of a type and a location.
There are a lot of scripting options in activities so I’m going to also attach our info file on them for a more detailed overview. For this dev diary I’m just going to cover a handful of the bigger ... Read more
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Activity Modding Activities are fully moddable, and as I mentioned in prior dev diaries they are composed of a variety of options and phases, where a phase is made up of a type and a location.
There are a lot of scripting options in activities so I’m going to also attach our info file on them for a more detailed overview. For this dev diary I’m just going to cover a handful of the bigger ... Read more