

08 Feb

    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Bloodpoints will not save on the PTB.

11 Nov

    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I was actually thinking about it the other day. I bet it's pretty cool. It'd probably be really intense as a survivor, especially when going up against something like the wraith. Though you'd have to play in first person, so good luck there.

26 Jun

    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Watch for crows. They'll circle above idling players, and land on lockers if someone is camping inside.

19 Jun

    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's coming soon. No worries.

04 Jun

    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Offerings are "burnt" when used. Basically, they're consumable. You use them, they're gone. The ones that send you to a specific location do nothing in the beta, as only the McMillan estate is available. But in the full version, they'll let you pick the map when you burn them (assuming someone else doesn't burn one for a different map too).

15 May

    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Nah, not for that. I was a bit disappointed with the Friday the 13th game. When footage started coming out, I found the characters to look plastic-y. (That, and they don't understand what "gameplay" is.) This game looks a hell of a lot more refined. I also like the way DBD isn't locked into one killer, which should make it way more fun down the line. I can see playing Jason over and over getting boring.

And on a more technical level, I'm not a fan of the 1v7 nature of it. That's nearly double the survivors DBD has, and I'm willing to bet that's going to hurt the game. If you let people choose to be the killer, you're going to run into massive queues because you'll have 7x the amount of people needed to play as survivor just to fill up a single lobby. Or if you pick one random person out of 8 to play as the killer, it'll be a rare occurrence to the point where most killers are going to be sloppy and inexperienced.

That's not to say that it's not interesting, thou... Read more