First….Thanks for doing this! I’m a day 1 player and really loved the change in comms in the last year. I know yall are doing your best balancing competing priorities and I genuinely appreciate the effort.
Question: I think it’s fair to say that some legends are stronger than others in a competitive setting. Besides any given “meta comp”, do you all have an idea about which legends are potentially “overpowered”? For example, Seer was considered a weak legend after his first round of nerfs until Furia’s ALGS champs run—was this a bit of an open secret for you all or did your team discover how overtuned he was along with the rest of us? If yes, is there currently a legend or two that you believe is similarly “undiscovered”?
Lastly, the above question is in good faith and hopefully could encourage more teams to experiment. I’m really enjoying watching Rampart on a few teams in PSQ and seeing how teams leverage their creativity with rarely chosen legends.
u/RV-Devan can attest, I literally started every balance meeting with, "They're still using Bloodhound over Seer, I don't know why. He should be busted in comp."
We absolutely theory-craft and try to predict how the meta will shift, and I can't remember the last time something has flown completely under the radar. We definitely over/under estimate things though... I've personally been surprised by the amount of Conduit usage in scrims, but I love to see it.
I do think their are a couple niche picks that are on the precipice of gaining popularity. Maybe I'm off the mark, I'll let y'all continue to explore that yourselves :)