This is sick
This is sick
We'll talk more about this in the devstream and details will be in the patchnotes. When I first heard gold magazines associated with the words "automatic reload," my reaction was: 😳
After understanding the details and playing around with them it changed to: 👍
It honestly seems like more of a QoL attachment more than anything, but if it breaks things we'll balance accordingly.
Two things:
First, thanks for clarifying her passive is getting a nerf. Everyone on this sub will absolutely degrade anyone suggesting a nerf to her passive in a similar manner people revolted and wanted Pathfinder’s 15s grapple back.
Secondly, could her ult be a bit weak due to the time it takes? IIRC, it takes 6 minutes to call in a package which is a bit ridiculous compared to Loba’s ultimate that can do much more and you can spam it down every minute. Additionally, I’m not really sure how well it’ll work out to just keep supplying loot when another character does that better. Would an AoE heal be better? Similar to the one in DBD.
I think those who are against a nerf are justified. I always want to tread carefully when tweaking abilities that provide combat utility. I don't think there would be much incentive to pick her if we hit that passive too hard (other than small hitbox). She would just be a decent medic instead of combat medic. So instead of giving her the Pathfinder treatment (initial 35s grapple change) and straight up nerfing her kit, we want to move power around. Unlike old Path, Lifeline has a stable/reasonable pick rate. Her win rate, however, has crept pretty high particularly in higher MMR lobbies. It's not surprising that the the true potential of abilities are fully realized at this level, and statistically significant changes in win rate amongst legends don't really occur until you look at the top 5% (this is good, it means gunplay is more important than abilities for the vast majority of the player base). So Lifeline's high win rate at high MMR aligns with the frustrations that many playe...
Read moreThat's understandable imo. Could a fair buff be to carry additional heals per stack? or make the care package less noticeable or have better items? Just spit balling here, but right now that insta-rez is personally more frustrating than a Gibby arm shield or Caustic gas lol
Both fair ideas. We're looking at helping out the ult in particular, perhaps having it look at your squad's loadouts and give you a guaranteed upgrade. In its current state it's often useless past midgame. And like you mention it sometimes is actually a hindrance to rotations and can bring unwanted attention. Regardless, there's a lot of room for improvement there that we're experimenting with for introducing alongside the passive tweaks.
He's by far the best support character, but using his kit (minus gunshield) requires multitudes more brainpower than spamming res as Lifeline so she ends up more effective for the average player.
Obviously one of the biggest pains in the ass in the entire game is his gunshield. Apparently they're considering giving it bleed-through damage and allowing it to count toward evo shield leveling. I think those two changes would put him in a really good spot, but it's anyone's guess whether "our data" will allow the changes to go through.
I'm still of the opinion that the game would be in a better place if they never gave him fast res in his bubble. The bubble was already fairly safe to res in and making this change was undoubtedly the reason that they needed to rework Lifeline into the cancer she is today.
He's pretty annoying to fight, but we've come a long way since the walking tank and hospital all-in-one God Gibby of Season 3.
Unfortunately a couple meaningful tweaks to the gun shield just missed the cutoff for next week’s patch: (1) Bleed through and (2) damage counting towards stats/evo to mitigate some of the shield economy difference in poking engagements against a Gib.
Nothing at the start of the season for Lifeline, but we are exploring options to reduce some frustrations surrounding her passive. Taking some power from that and giving it to her underwhelming ult is what we’re looking at in particular. We didn’t want to act too hastily in nerfing the combat utility part of her kit without giving her a bump elsewhere. The other aspect is with communication. Let’s say we add a cool down to it: how do you best communicate it’s on cool down to the Lifeline, downed teammate, and enemy? That requires testing, getting feedback on what feels right, iterating, etc. Did want to let you know we are working on reducing that Lifeline frustration without discouraging people from using her.
Edit: W...
Read moreDevs have said they are looking to implement that, so hopefully it makes it in the patch next week.
Unfortunately a couple meaningful tweaks to the gun shield just missed the cutoff for next week’s patch: (1) Bleed through and (2) damage counting towards stats/evo to mitigate some of the shield economy difference in poking engagements against a Gib.
If he’s too strong on release this is how we’ll balance him. EZ
Tagging u/DanielZKlein RSPN_JayBiebs This has to be looked at seriously , it is a cancerous mechanic which makes no sense , if changing it in causal is not possible then atleast change it for comp playlist , all the teams are playing caustic now so this should be looked at along with giving enemy caustic gas some different color or indicators (maybe separate balancing for comp and normal game is the way to go forward ) , this changes will make caustic a lot better to play against ! Almost all pro want this change it is stupid no skill mechanic hope u guys change it atleast for comp balance u/RSPN_JayBiebs
This is a bug. I reiterated it to the team today with the Hal clip attached. I agree that it’s the absolute worst, and we’ll look to implement a fix soon
It’s safe to say she’ll be getting nerfed, but how we do that is important. I’m adamant about not gutting her kit; the synergy between her passive and tactical is awesome. Looking at her tactical alone there are all sorts of dials we can turn including vertical lift speed, horizontal speed/acceleration, ejection speed/time, cool down, weapon accuracy, and the list goes on. You name it we got it, but some changes are easier to tweak, test, and iterate on than others. It’s a work in progress but staying true to her design intent and how it feels to play as her is something at the forefront of our balancing conversations.
I also feel it’s important to point out that Wraith and now Horizon are neck and neck in regards to encounter win rate; both are head and shoulders above everyone else. I’m happy that Wraith finally has some company, and there was a deliberate goal to have Horizon release strong given the track record of legends getting introduced to the game as underpowered....
Read moreThis is the dumbest and greatest thing I’ve seen in awhile
Sooo when/how can I buy one??
Glad there were people that found value in that thread. As I continue getting up to speed I plan on being more active on the socials in general. I've been a daily lurker here pretty much from the inception of this sub, initially as a player with a love for comp and more recently as a dev. I appreciate you.
Maybe you can tell me if this bug as already being investigated or fixed. Ramped amp walls cannot be placed on all-terrain anymore, it will show a "white" amp cover preview, but if you click it will start the animation only to cancel it and no amp cover shows.
It came with a patch we pushed for winter express but we’re tracking it
Yeah, if you're able to send a clip that's the best way for us to diagnose what's going on
On the Caustic change. As a player who often plays with a friend who runs caustic, my biggest complaint is never being able to tell if gas in a fight is my team's barrel or an enemy caustic's gas. I can be fighting in an area, in my teams gas, slowed but okay, then suddenly walk into a wall of sadness with no visual or other cues.
What's the reasoning behind not giving a visual indicator for friendly vs enemy gas. The enemy gas would still zone me in these situations, it just wouldn't be something I can't avoid, particularly in fights where I never got to find out the other team pushing us had a caustic at all before the fight happened.
My gun skill gets thrown out for "oops guess that's enemy gas, and I'm dead." This feels awful.
I hear you. We don't want Apex to feel too cartoony with a rainbow of colors for friendly/enemy abilities. However, something like Gib bubble and Wattson fences do appear differently, so there are some inconsistencies here. Something on my radar for sure as something we could use to help teammates feel more inclined to support their Caustic teammates.
Hi Jay,
Do you guys look at other places? Most of the caustic community is active on the CM discord. We've sent bug repros with video over the past few seasons, most have never been fixed. I'm confident in speaking for the caustic mains comm in how disappointed and ignored we feel overall when it comes to balancing (since season 5.) I'd love to chat with you guys but I am not an active reddit user (use everywhere but reddit.) I'd love to set up maybe a QA or some kind of communication for caustic mains to have our voices heard. You can find me on twitter I'm also in contact with a few devs however I don't want to compromise our relationship so please do reach out either by yourself or through others if you like. DMs are also welcome here.
If you want to tag me on twitter in some of those bug repros, I can make sure we're tracking them. My twitter handle is the same as my username here.
I really appreciate the open communication when it comes to this. I was scratching my head at the Caustic buff, thinking you might want him to be a new Wraith.
Ever worry about power creep in Apex?
Power creep is definitely on my mind. At it's core Apex is a game where gun skill should matter most. When we encounter stuff that feels bad in playtests, it's often times because legend abilities feel OP or overtuned. Abilities should generally compliment teamplay synergy, but not be the sole reason a fight is won/lost. There are niche scenarios where legends are super strong, but as long as that's mitigated it keeps the game fresh while staying true to its core
Sort of reposting what I put on Twitter:
As someone in the room with u/danielzklein when we initially decided to reduce Caustic's tac cooldown, I want to clear the air regarding our balancing approach and provide some context as to why we're now keeping Caustic as is. First and foremost, I look to the community and my own playing experience to gauge what I think could be on the table for balance changes. If I'm not working, I'm playing Apex, perusing Twitter/Reddit, or watching Apex. These are my most valuable resources.
Some of the stuff we measure like pick rate, win rate, and encounter win rate serve as auxiliary tools. We break these metrics down by skill brackets as well. They rarely drive balance discussions, but rather compliment intuitions we have about legend meta. Regarding Caustic:...
Read moreAnother interesting element in all of this is regional differences exacerbated by the pandemic with the lack of LANs, at least from a competitive standpoint. With strictly online tourneys, we see unique metas develop in different regions. In the latest ALGS, Caustic had a 30% pick rate in EU and less than 5% in NA. Bloodhound has been on the up and up with a nearly 60% pick rate in NA but right around 30% in EU. APAC leaned heavily on Rev during the summer circuit with nearly a 90% pick rate but more recently has resembled NA and EU team comps. This mirrors the feedback we get from pros in different regions when they claim fill in the blank legend is overtuned.
This isn’t a bad thing, it’s just interesting that the lack of LANs has had this great of an effect on what the hot balancing topics are for pro communities around the world. I’m curious to see if team comp variation flattens out when LANs return.
We heard your concerns over the ambient noise in places like Solar and Turbine so we disabled the fans /s