Thanks a lot for your detailed answer, and actually it would make a great ted talk yea :)
I understand your points, it’s quite logical that if you have lot of things inter-linked it’s even harder to make the whole program multi-threaded. And I’m sure it becomes complex quickly.
But I also think that the game industry in general didn’t realize how fast the speed limit would be reached and so that we would be forced to make more cores instead of more frequency. I may be completely wrong since I’m not in the game industry, but from an outside perspective it feels like the problem hasn’t been worked on early enough.
Worse, I’m not sure it’s actually a priority. I can understand people want to mitigate risks etc. but also maybe there are some people (management, business, maybe dev themselves) who don’t realize where we are. And where we are for more than a decade now.
You look at benchmarks, you see those massive power house that are the new threadri...