

28 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]

we played many games most of them had cheaters.. I come from csgo .. I was supreme there and lvl 9 in faceit for more than a year... I quit because of cheaters there .. came to valorant for a way out but It's the same thing ... same cheats and worse of all ... when I call them out they laugh about it and get cocky ... are you really taking care of the hackers when we report them ?? are you going to implement overwatch cases like in csgo ... to help ban cheaters ?? How is riot going to repay the people who lost in ranked against cheaters ?? also are we going to receive notification that players that we reported with their names that they got banned ( this will help us know that you guys are taking care of things and let us feel at ease )... sorry for my bad english, english is my 4th language.

We will start notifying players that the people they reported were banned soon, probably next patch (though the first version will have some limitations like only showing the notification if you're online when the ban happens).

I'd be very surprised if most of your games had cheaters, if you send me your account name I'll review some of your games to see if I can find some cheaters to ban.

Every day I personally review the players who have been reported the most. I ban any cheaters I find that haven't been automatically banned and flag any undetected cheats for follow up by our analysts so we can automatically ban for it in the future.

I can't review every player that was reported but I usually get through a few dozen while drinking my morning coffee.

25 Jun


Originally posted by Hyperion21_

I've always wondered why devs wait between detecting a cheater and banning them. Also, are there HWIDs yet?

Sometimes we wait because it's convenient to do all the bans in one batch (so we can manually review them or at least spot check them), sometimes we wait so that cheat developers don't know that their cheats are detected and sometimes we wait just because processing systems can be slow. The solution to all of these is basically the same, we need to improve our processes and our systems.

Hardware bans are currently in use as the guy this post is about can attest to.


Yeah definitely cheating. We detected them but their ban was not immediately applied (it was going to happen in a few hours time), I've gone ahead and pushed the button now. We're working to get our bans out faster so that this doesn't happen in the future.

17 Jun


Originally posted by DeathlyMeme

mm this might be a bit late but that update you rolled out really helped, I rarely get frozen now.

great to hear, we've got some more improvements coming so hopefully "rarely" can become "never"

15 Jun


Originally posted by PaintheSky104

Yeah, again I’m not an expert in bans or computers but he got banned and we think it’s cause he switched out his hardware. His account name is BruhPP. Thanks for checking this out.

The only account with a name like that I could find isn't banned and the only hardware id associated with that account isn't banned either.

So if that's the right account something else is going on.


This story doesn't quite add up, things don't really work that way but if you reply (or message me) with your friend's account name I'll take a look.

14 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


We handled it a while ago but anyone can pretend their prerecorded footage is live.


This guy was already banned but is pretending his prerecorded footage is live.


Originally posted by OrbitaDropShockTroop

HMMM I WONDER WHERE THEY GOT THEIR BAN SYSTEM FROM looks at league of legends. Yeah son, it’s done been f**ked. Happened to me at least 5 times on league lmao

Hijacking top comment for vis:

I'm sorry you had a bad time /u/SammyTings, those players sounds gross and I've flagged them for follow up with player behavior specialists and I'm confident they'll be dealt with.

I looked into your chat restriction and from what I can tell it wasn't from these players reporting you but rather the behavior in previous games. I can't see the chat logs but it looks like you received dozens of reports across your recent games, averaging several reports each game.

So it looks like the reports from this particular game were either irrelevant or just the final straw but I know that the coincidence can feel really bad. Sorry about that!

12 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


The chat restriction on that account isn't due to any one thing that was said but due to a consistent pattern of negative speech that frequently gets reported.

I don't have access to chat logs but based on the amount of reports you receive across all your games I expect that you're often doing something that the people you're playing with find unsportsmanlike.

Edit: I don't have access to chat history since I don't commonly work with chat data not because the chat data is unavailable to people who do reviews.


Originally posted by DeathlyMeme

This may be unrelated, but are the recent PC freezes caused by Valorant on the team's radar? It's getting pretty repetitive.

A Vanguard update went out last night that might help but to be honest we haven't figured out what the cause is or how to reproduce it yet so we can't have high confidence that we've fixed it.


Originally posted by Jahsay

Seems like Riot is bringing League's system to this game where instead of banning the afks and trolls they ban the people that call them out.

Hijacking top post for vis:

This doesn't sound right. I don't think you can get a restriction for letting the enemy team know that there's someone afk on your team.

If you send me an impacted account name I'll look into it.

11 Jun


Good sleuthing!

However we don't use GeoIP to decide between Instanbul and Frankfurt servers we use ping. It's not ICMP Ping (like ping.exe) but something that's closer to game traffic.

So if you're getting placed on the wrong servers it usually means that your ISP is routing the ping traffic incorrectly. For example if the ping packets go from your computer to Instanbul and then to Frankfurt then it's not surprising that Instanbul's servers have a smaller ping.

This can happen because there are many ways to connect to Riot's ISP (via our PoPs or Points of Presence) and often an ISP will pick one arbitrarily to send traffic to rather than the best one. The fix is usually that the ISP reconfigures their routing (Riot can help them) though sometimes there're other issues too.


Read more

05 Jun


Originally posted by 19Dan81

I woke up to the same issue and I haven't had a single issue with Vanguard or Valorant since beta release on 7th April. Uninstalling both Vanguard and Valorant doesn't make a difference, Vanguard won't initiate.


Edit: I fixed this by disabling everything but vgc in services (with exclude Microsoft services ticked) and rebooted system. It's odd since I have never had an issue with Vanguard until this morning despite playing several hours a day since start of beta.

I don't know if it'll help your specific issue but we have a Vanguard update coming soon (possibly today, otherwise likely Monday) with bug fixes.


Originally posted by Aunderis

I've had problems with your fog of war not loading the entity properly or something where I have hit, seen markers, blood and fired for at least a second plus before being shot back and upon dying get a 0 hit register half the time. Is fog of war setup to even out the load for people who have slower machines? It felt as if i get more kills when i drop down to 60fps limit instead of the 250ish i can get in 1440p. Just a curiousity.

Frame rate shouldn't be an issue but network conditions can be (ping/packet loss). I'll look into it though just in case.

22 May


We have plans for this! (for all kinds of bad behaviors including cheating) I think it's important for people to get feedback when their reports lead to a punishment being delivered.

20 May


Originally posted by jayfkayy

Oh.The guns sound much slower at lower framerates and I did some rough testing (there seemed to be a noteable difference with guns like Vandal and Ares) and just connected the dots and figured this might have been overlooked. Should have tested more thoroughly before busting out the spreadsheet. My bad and thank you for the clear up.

It's good, posts like this have helped us find bugs before.

We really love to see them.


Originally posted by x_marshmallows

^ Don't let the above comment discourage anyone from continuing their own tests. Riot has said a lot of things about Vanguard and networking that were not true until they fixed them later on.

Please do your own testing we love receiving more data!


Originally posted by jayfkayy

EDIT: Sorry guys, I drew too quick of a conclusion because PUBG and FOrtnite shared the same issue on the same engine as Valorant.

The issue appears to be just visual / sound on clientside, firerate does not actually fluctuate.

Based on this reply

I figure the only reason to cap your FPS would be to minimize such desync perhaps, assuming the calculations even apply and Valorant doesn't follow it's own rules.

I looked into this a little more and I'm confident saying that frame rate doesn't have an impact on fire rate.

The exception is that the client can only display tracers/muzzle flashes/etc on the cadence of the frame rate which can make it look slower in some cases. This shouldn't effect actual numbers of bullets fired.

There still could be a bug somewhere but we haven't found any compelling evidence of one yet.

Edit: "shouldn't effect actual numbers of bullets fired"


Guns shouldn't fire slower at lower FPS, I'll make sure we take a look at it. Gun fire is primarily executed on the server so my guess is that if this is a thing it'll be the client visualization that's broken.

That said I'm not going to rule out an actual bug where client frame rate impacts server shooting, stranger things have happened!