We identified a bug with Stats right now where games were not being processed. As of this morning, the queue of unprocessed games was draining, so we should be up and running again in the near future.
We identified a bug with Stats right now where games were not being processed. As of this morning, the queue of unprocessed games was draining, so we should be up and running again in the near future.
Is it normal we didn't get any banner rewards? I got 750 points for winning a Tier I bracket and thus should have passed the 400 points mark easily but there is no banner to be selected in my profile.
We had a configuration error with the banners - they should be out now. Sorry for the delay!
We lost our first game yesterday and went to the loser bracket. Our opponent ff'ed their game instantly (probably someone left their team). So we had to wait almost 1.5h for our next game.
I think it would be great to give us the opportunity to spectate games while waiting.
It's on our wishlist - the way spectator works right now, we can't force you to leave spectator once your next match is ready, so it would be very easy for someone to be spectating a match and accidentally miss their next game. But now that Clash is looking more stable (knock on wood), we can start getting into a lot of those kinds of improvements
Its so weird that a bronze-gold team can get carried by a nearly diamond jungler in tier 4.
This was our matchup last night. He had equal/higher elo solo laners and he was almost 2 full tiers ahead of me (though I have like G1 MMR since MMR effects it, so just 1 full tier...)
If there is a player in P2+ they should automatically be a Tier 3 team regardless of what the rest of the team is imo. This game was straight up not balanced. Its SO easy to just put your really bad players on shit like Malphite or Veigar and they just get to survive for no real reason (and they still get to be useful)
(Day 1 was much more fun and balanced though. No random P2 players...)
We have tried that in the past, and found that it ended up having the opposite effect, where those teams with a single high ranking player were hugely overmatched and basically unable to play.
That said, we're going to keep tuning our matchmaking, and we may not be weighing a single high ranked player heavily enough yet. We're definitely going to keep tuning a lot of Clash matchmaking for a while, since it's a pretty different dynamic from our more established matchmaking methods!
BREAK BETWEEN MATCHES - This is a tough one. When you come out of a long, intense game, I totally get that feeling of needing a break. But typically, your opponents have been waiting for a while for your game to end, and are kind of having the opposite experience. I think we can try out a longer scouting period for rounds 2 and 3 potentially, but we risk giving teams that have fast games too much downtime, since we block you from playing other games while you're in Clash.
This, I had a 18min clash game and we all waited for 16min for other games to end, then a 5 min scout phase along side it.
Question, if the team I'm about to face off against is out of their game ( I can see they won their last game) why are we still waiting for teams who we're not paired with?
We wait for a full round to complete so that we don't generate more waiting later on. Let's say you're crushing it, win your first game in 15 minutes. So do your opponents, so you play the next game like 25 minutes after the bracket started, and you win again in 15 minutes. You would be done with all but finals in ~40 minutes.
MEANWHILE, on the other side of the bracket, folks are taking a more typical 35 minutes to complete a game. It'll take then ~80 minutes to reach the final - meaning you'd be all hyped for your final match, then wait 40 minutes for an opponent.
We think it's a better experience to have multiple smaller waits than a single gigantic one. Especially because we may experiment with longer brackets in the future, where this would be even worse.
Is there some kind of weighting within the tiers as well? Or is a team that's close to being Tier III totally the same as a team with full Iron MMR players? Because for us, it felt like the former - we are one Plat I plus 4 low Plat/high Gold players and only saw one Silver guy in 3 games. Matches were pretty well balanced.
Yes, we try to match based on team MMR - so low Tier IV teams and high Tier IV teams generally won't match up, unless we're at the end of the night and just have to make whatever brackets we can. But yeah, Tier IV has gotten a little too large so this feels very confusing.
We want Clash to be playable for all skill levels, so we're really trying to not throw Iron teams to the wolves :D
We've gotten this feedback and are looking into adding a third place match in the future!
To answer the tier question. I’m not sure because one of my team mates it’s gold 2 and the other is gold 1 and the the G2 is tier 3 and the g1 is tier 4. Could possibly be MMR?
It is definitely MMR - Rank doesn't always match MMR 100%, especially when you're talking about the difference between a 1 and a 2 in the same Tier.
Also, Clash does use some separate methods for finding smurfs, so it's possible one of these players is triggering one of those adjustments.
Thanks for the feedback, lots of good stuff here!
TIERS - Even though Tier IV is very big, we still match teams against each other based on MMR. So while a team of five Golds and a team of five Irons might both be Tier IV, they won't typically end up in the same bracket (unless it's the end of the night and we're closing things out). That being said, Tier IV is definitely too big right now and we're going to move things around to make it smaller.
3RD PLACE MATCH - Been getting this feedback a lot and we agree. Can't say when just yet, but it's on our backlog of things to add!
BREAK BETWEEN MATCHES - This is a tough one. When you come out of a long, intense game, I totally get that feeling of needing a break. But typically, your opponents have been waiting for a while for your game to end, and are kind of having the opposite experience. I think we can try out a longer scouting period for rounds 2 and 3 potentially, but we risk g...
cheers bro, just wondering if we'll get our blue ess back
Yup, and tomorrow will be free entry
How likely will this be fixed in time for NA Clash?
It seems to have been a singular error, so we're keeping an eye out for it in other regions. Haven't seen it anywhere else, and don't have any reason to believe it's happening anywhere else yet.
So tomorrow we can make new teams or are we going to use the same ones? Because my team left and found someone else when I was stuck in this bug..
You can make new teams for tomorrow!
This caused those Unique Identifiers to get reused, making them... not unique.
Hah. Thanks for this example to illustrate the importance of GUIDs.
To be fair, this is my "I'm a designer and explain things in the simplest terms" explanation. From a technical perspective, there's more nuance than that.
Can you also investigate why im stuck in a 10 man group i didnt join, and why i cant play any other game modes because of it.. f**king annoying.
This is the same issue - you should be able to play other game modes once all Clash games have completed today. I know that is unfortunately a lot of time to not be blocked, and I'm really sorry for the bug.
Our team was deleted because we one of our players couldn't lock in because of the bug. Can we make a new team for tomorrow at least?
You should be able to play tomorrow, yes
We're working on an in-game ticker right now and I believe some more official channels are tweeting, so I think it should be going wider as we speak.
happens. it's a test so problems can happen. Biggest problem for me is that it gives me less of a chance to get the LIMITED rewards you made for this clash test.
Has happened before and i lost out on some then as well.
Totally agree - we're focused on getting this fixed for tomorrow (and next weekend) right now, and we're going to talk a lot more about the situation next week.
Got an idea if we're gonna be able to play tonight? Don't wanna wait the whole evening to do something and then not be able to play.
I think it's not super likely you will be able to play in Clash tonight, but we're working on a way to unblock you from other game modes.
This should be resolved before tomorrow's test if your team is still around then - though I know that may not be the case, and I'm sorry about the error.
Same happened to me but I'm playing for them right now i guess... (the team I don't know)
Hey, trying to confirm what is happening here - you made it into a game with the incorrect team?
We're investigating this issue now. Did your game start with this team?
EDIT: Thanks for the replies - we're pretty sure we've identified what happened on our end and are working on a fix.
EDIT 2: For players stuck in queue right now, you will probably not be able to play Clash today, though you should be able to tomorrow. For tonight, it looks like you will be locked out of other queues until all Clash matches are done tonight (roughly 3 hours after Lock-In ends). We're extremely sorry for the error and will follow up as the situation progresses.
EDIT 3: For the curious, this error happened because an error in a related service lost track of the unique identifiers we use for Clash Teams. This caused those Unique Identifiers to get reused, making them... not unique. That's why a lot of people are ending up on teams they were on in 2017, since it was grabbing the identifier used in the previous tournament.