I can’t find any information about this: is it 4 games every day or 2 games each day?
4 every day
I can’t find any information about this: is it 4 games every day or 2 games each day?
4 every day
does that mean games start a bit earlier? or will it start at the same time and go on for longer?
I believe it varies by region, but we are generally starting a bit earlier. I think you can check the schedule for your region in the Clash Tab of the client.
Wait so is it triple elim now or how do the brackets work
The easiest explanation: everyone plays 4 games. If you want to win first place, you have to go 4-0.
Will we get the basic winning rewards along with the worlds orb or only just the orb?
The orb is in addition to normal first place rewards
Alright, so it could have been some edge case (I try to question him about this specific match, but he is sleeping atm, it's a middle of night here! :P), anyway there are a lot of friends on eune and euw complaining about ranked experience this season, but can't put a finger exactly on what's wrong besides huge skill difference of the players (they even compare normal games with gold/plat players around to be harder than ranked high mmr games with diamond~ players mostly and apparently I kinda think so too, I mean I have more often tougher games on normals haha).
Also just one more quick question - is flex and soloq algorithms different? Besides taking maybe extra factor of different size of a premade team?
Flex ratings differ from solo queue ratings - they're informed by some of the same stuff, but not the same. The algorithms are almost exactly the same, but the base info is different. It's something we're looking into changing in the future!
Will this impact the ARAM queue as well?
The change we made would not impact ARAM, I believe.
How does it look like on EUNE? I was wondering, since I felt like the matchmaking felt as awful unbalanced as in EUW, in essence friend of mine just recently played with a team where there was like gold team vs gold players + bronze~ with 20% wr and some diamond (I know it's not example from higher mmr, but it also happens in there and I feel like something is awfully wrong on low/mid-mmr). Anyway, I have strong feeling there is the same issue going on with EUNE, as in EUW did.
Definitely not seeing the same stuff on EUNE, and this would only be affecting the very top of the ladder.
Ah okay thank you! Is MMR closeness the indicator of match quality? Are there post match analysis of the quality dependent on the result? I only casually understand league and matchmaking processes.
So defining the "quality" of a match is something we approach from a lot of different angles, but for the purposes of "is the matchmaking system working correctly," we generally care about how close teammates are to one another, and how close teams are to one another by MMR.
For post-match analyses dependent on the result, we also do that - getting matches with close MMR differences only works if the rating is correlating properly with actual skill/wins. Loosely speaking, for any given match, we can assume that the team with the higher MMR is predicted to win - and the difference gives us a level of confidence in our predictions. We're aiming to keep matches as close to 50/50 as possible, so when a match is close, the prediction is less confident because both teams could very easily win. We then check that prediction against the actual results to make sure the system is predicting correctly, and especially so in cases where it has strong confidence.
by the metrics we actually use to make games
What are those?
We have a matchmaking rating (MMR) that we use as a current estimation of your skill. When we make a game, we try to find players with similar MMR, but also account for factors like how long they've been waiting, if they're in a premade, etc.
When will this fix go live?
It actually did before I finished writing that post - the change itself is pretty simple.
Posted above! Thanks for flagging me
Interesting analysis! I have some more detailed takeaways, but here is a quick TL;DR:
EUW did have a configuration difference that was optimizing for faster matches at higher MMR for a little looser matchmaking. The actual Match Quality is way closer when measuring by the metrics we actually use to make games (not LP), but there's some room for improvement so we're going to shift it to be closer in line to other regions.
- First, cool idea and thanks for bringing this stuff up!
- So as you know, we don't match on LP, we match on MMR. The two numbers correlate pretty well up at the top of the ladder, but there's a lot of ways it can differ from region to region. So while the numbers can look pretty jarring here, they're much closer in reality. For example, looking at only players with Master or higher MMR, the 90th percentile of worst games still had both teams within ~1 win's MMR of each other in all regions. Differences between teammates were a...
Will this apply retroactively to trophies we've already earned? It would really suck to see my demacia cup throphy go away
It should apply retroactively.
Do you have any info on when clash comes again?
We are scheduling the next set of tournaments today, so you should see the dates in the Clash Tab soon.
Also do sth about performance pls. 130 ms locked during clash games both days not only me but many other players.
We're looking into it!
Definitely something we're working on! We don't want your trophies to drift off into nothingness either.
I'm curious how many of those dodges are due to technical issues with computers / internet, and how many dodges are due to trolls holding champ select hostage, rather than specifically dodging a bad team comp (or other intelligent dodges.)
I think you might have a point about the win-trading, but aren't win-traders already communicating anyways? They know that they have their friend in the same lobby because they can just compare pick/bans.
I'd hate to see intelligent dodging get punished, because I really value competitive matches, even over winning. It's such a bad feeling to lose, then find out your Lee Sin has a 30% winrate over 50+ games, or the enemy Master Yi has an 80% winrate over 50+ games.
We have a separate category for most technical issues. Obviously some stuff can fall into the wrong category, depending on the error, but that percentage is primarily intentional dodges.
I totally get what you mean about valuing competitive matches, and I think that's a problem that's on us to solve through better detection and faster adjustment of accounts. But unfortunately, dodging slows down matching for the entire system, leading to longer waits, worse matches, and potentially more autofill (as when players wait longer, the system will do more to ensure a match).
We wouldn't eliminate dodging entirely as things stand today (as others have mentioned, there's situations where a dodge can feel like your best choice). But the current state of affairs is creating dodging more often than is healthy.
Do you have any data on what percentage of players dodge frequently? My gut says it's incredibly rare for the vast majority of the player base to ever dodge.
Also, how would you feel about displaying Enemy Player's names in champion select? (after their champion is locked in to prevent target bans) This would allow people who care about fair matches to dodge when they see a smurf.
Depends on the region, but on the whole, about 10-15% of lobbies end in a dodge (instead of a game). That number doubles at higher ranks. EDIT: Should have mentioned, that's just Solo/Duo Queue.
Introducing enemy player names in champ select would lead to more dodges, but also probably increased win trading in certain regions/skill levels where it's more prominent.
Hey, we're looking into this as we speak, but this isn't the intended behavior of dodge penalties. We still intend for dodging multiple games to incur an additional penalty.
Dont tell me this was just now realized????? I came back to play in last September and didnt worked at that time too. (Even reported in game and to the support)
We've been aware of the issues with the stats tab (hence why we've been refactoring it). Just making sure that there aren't any additional issues.
From what we can tell, this is related to the game backlog that has built up in EUW, and was exacerbated a bit by other recent issues. It's in the process of being corrected, but that's taking some time.