

05 Dec


Originally posted by elrd333

Can you explain how profesionnal player are given an account for international event. Don't say start at D1 mmr and inflate mmr?

Event accounts are seeded at a higher than usual MMR, but they do a lot less to disrupt the MMR balance because:

  • They're only active for a smaller period of time
  • They're seeded much closer to a reasonable approximation of their skill, since we know the pro player's performance already
  • The number of pro players coming in is fairly small.

These accounts probably cause a slight overall deflation (as we don't seed them as high as some of these players are on their home server, so they tend to gain MMR), but it's considerably less than if we let those players enter the system via smurf accounts without higher seeding.


Originally posted by Surrendernuts

Why not just have new accounts play 10 draft games before they can play ranked. From those 10 draft games you get a rough estimation about their skill level, and from that skill level you play your first ranked game?

Example First draft game is gold 5, after 10 draft games you become silver 3, then after 10 ranked games you are placed bronze 1

It's not a bad idea, but draft games aren't played with the same competitive intent as ranked games, so we can't guarantee that how you do in those 10 games is representative of how you'd do in Ranked. I wouldn't trust Normal data as the only way of seeding someone, but it could be part of the solution along with other info.


Originally posted by loyal_achades

You can't insert new players into the ranked system at an MMR different from the average without inflating or deflating the overall MMR of the system, because MMR gains and losses across teams are 0-sum. The only way to insert new players into ranked with a lower MMR would be to artificially add inflationary elements elsewhere in the ranked system, which is significantly more complex than just letting players enter in with the average MMR and a high K-value so they quickly correct to where they should be.

Hey there, I'm the game designer working on this space right now, and this explanation is pretty accurate! There's a couple other issues with entering people in away from the middle:

- If your median starts at value A, and you start to add new players in at value B, where B

- Not every new player is below average. Some are well above average, some are well below, but we're still operating with limited information in all those cases. Starting people too low means that above average new players create disruptions in the system for a longer period of time (because we're matching them and updating MMRs based on their current position, which is very different from the "true" position where they will settle).

This isn't to say we're happy with the new player experience to ranked right now - the way we do things now works out over time, but doesn't feel good for everyone. Our goal is to hopefully keep the individual matches feeling fair for both the new player ...

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03 Dec


Originally posted by KyuRonin

Wait? You don't need honor 2 anymore? Makes more sense

Basically, we tried out a couple tests without the Honor restriction, and found that removing the restriction allowed a lot more Honor 2+ players to actually play. Since forming a team can be difficult, having one friend below the Honor line was keeping multiple high Honor players out. We still want Honor to be meaningful, but this restriction was doing more to hinder people who should be qualified than discourage people from losing Honor.

24 Nov


Originally posted by Dragonbgone

Yeah this was f**ked for me too. Any news on them knowing it was wrong? Tanked lp during preseason and its showing my best rank as my current rank/lp

We're looking into it, thanks for the report!

29 Jul


Originally posted by TSOD

Thanks for the quick reply. So in my case I had Warwick, and got Twitch last week with Honor 5. I'll now be able to pick one of the chromas?

That should be the case, yes


Originally posted by TSOD

That's hopeful but the wording still worries me.

/u/RiotIAmWalrus can we get a final answer here?

We will absolutely get the reward to people retroactively - hopefully very shortly after the reward is available to everyone else. I'd really rather not make people wait for being extra Honorable.

26 Jul


Originally posted by SeizureLizard

Appreciate the update, kinda wish there was a little more transparency on the issue but I’ll take what I can get (and I realize this probably isn’t your department), I appreciate the information regardless, thanks for responding!

It actually is my department, so sorry for not giving more transparency earlier :D We were not talking much about it while we looked into the solution (since we didn't have much to say), but now that we have a plan it's easier to discuss!


Thanks for bringing this up! We did have a bug that kept the Stats page from updating - it wasn't throwing errors in the typical way, so it took us longer to notice than we'd usually like.

The bug is fixed, but backfilling the stats we missed will take a little time. We're going to start the process soon, but it will take some time until we get everything in there.

06 Jul


Originally posted by sp0j

Please remove all premade options on ranked. It's going to be abused by people sabotaging comps and inting to boost their friends.

Sabotaging is a good tactic. But when even a single friend can make it significantly more effective it's a massive problem. And creates a huge advantage to premades.

We'll be tracking how successful premades are, and if premades are a substantial advantage, we can adapt premade restrictions. We're going to learn a lot in the Beta Season of Ranked, and we'll make changes based on what we learn.

05 Jul


Originally posted by aqwsz

It says gold can duo with diamond on one side and the other side gold can’t duo with diamond?

Sorry about that - Gold cannot queue with Diamond. We'll be correcting that graphic soon!

03 Jul


Originally posted by Pleinairi

Though wouldn't something like TFT be easier to honor farm? Since essentially you'd be screwing no one but yourself over at the end of the day. The only reason honor really works in the other modes is due to being a positive player can have positive results on your team and get you the honors.

Not saying that there shouldn't be an honor system in TFT or something along the lines, but I feel like if it isn't done right it could be subject to a lot of abuse.

Precisely - there's a lot of questions to answer before it's ready for TFT.


Originally posted by FourtE2

Hey, I have question.

Honor and Teamfight tactics, what's the deal? I've been playing TFT a lot and I'm a lil' worried that my honor won't increase and I'll miss out on my warwick :(

We don't currently have a plan in place for getting Honor into TFT, but I think it makes sense to not limit Honor to SR-only. We just have to figure out a couple changes before it's ready to carry over.


Originally posted by I-am-a-hat

Howdy. Due to RNG, I have been honor 5 both previous seasons but only have medieval twitch and not grey Warwick. My current understanding is that this season I will receive grey Warwick as I don’t have it, but not the chromes. Is there a plan in place to level the field for everyone who ha consistently been honor 5, or am I a victim to RNG? If I simply lost to RNG, is there a justification or is this just a “shit rolls down hill, and you’re at the bottom” type of situation?

We'll have more firm details Soon, but we are working on a way to get those skins out to Honor 5 players with less RNG. The current design would let you choose between the skins or chromas - so in your case, since you already have Medieval Twitch, you could get either the Twitch chroma or Grey Warwick.


Hey, thanks for bringing this up! We're still getting the chromas ready to get out to you, and unfortunately, we didn't finish this up before some players are able to hit Honor 5. The chromas will be available in a few patches, and anyone who hit Honor 5 before they are released will be granted the reward retroactively. Sorry for the confusion, but we'll get you some shiny chromas before the end of the season.

I think there's a more detailed explanation coming out soon (once we have a final date for when the chromas are available), but I'm happy to answer any other questions!

28 Jun


Originally posted by culinko

My main issue is that I love playing TFT so much but I still don't have all the champions in league so playing it without being able to level up or get champion shards feels really bad. Additionally there is no honor progress so I would be missing out on the Grey Warwick by playing TFT as well.

Is there any chance those things could be added to TFT at some point in the future? Thank you, much appreciated!

I definitely hear you on the lack of Honor progress. I don't think we have immediate plans to bring Honor into TFT, but that could change in the future.


Originally posted by andreasdagen

we'd like those accounts to play some Summoner's Rift games before entering Ranked

Speaking of Summoner's Rift, have you considered making it so that every new account has to play a certain amount of Summoner's Rift pvp games before playing ranked? I have seen a lot of people who played bot games to level 30, and they dont know anything other than how to push open lanes.

It's definitely a possibility, especially if we want to give out XP through TFT.


We're going to be addressing this in more depth in a dev post soon, but the TL;DR: we're not going to give BE/XP through TFT at launch, but we may reconsider once we know more about how TFT looks in the real world.

- At launch, we don't want to include BE/XP as part of TFT because there's a lot we don't know yet about how typical games of TFT will go once the meta is settled. Stuff like how long a game lasts, how long it takes to get to your next game, and how different those numbers are for 1st vs. 8th place are all things we're tracking. We don't want to make assumptions and end up giving out way too much BE/XP, potentially unbalancing those systems.

- With new accounts coming in specifically to play TFT, giving them XP could allow them to reach level 30 without ever playing Summoner's Rift. Playing TFT isn't the best preparation for Ranked, so we'd like those accounts to play some Summoner's Rift games before entering Ranked. There are definitely other solutions ...

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31 May


Originally posted by boshjailey

I'm really disappointing they gave up on the larger brackets. i want to feel like im actually progressing and facing better and better teams as the bracket goes on instead of getting 2 different 8 team brackets

There's a lot we loved about the larger brackets, and we're working on ways to bring more of what we liked about them back to Clash. We definitely haven't given up on them, they're just not where we're going for the start of Clash :)

03 May


Originally posted by SometimesMainSupport

We've made some adjustments to high MMR matchmaking this week based off some problems we've been seeing this season with too wide an MMR discrepancy occurring in really high skill games

Is this a ranked-soloQ-only change or does it apply to other queues?

It's ranked only