

03 Mar


We'll take a look at this today - we're refactoring a bunch of the backing systems for the Stats tab this year. It seems to be more stable in most regions, but in some places where there are a lot of games to process (such as EUW) it may still be getting backed up. Thanks for the bug report!

25 Feb


Originally posted by Rojo176

Do you have plans for people who are unintentionally smurfing because they have only completed placements? I don't have the time or energy to climb ranked nowadays but I enjoy playing with my friends. I finished my flex placements so I could get a rank and be eligible for clash, but that rank is very clearly not as good as the rank I finished in last season.

We're still matching you based on MMR rather than your visible rank - so for people operating normally with a limited number of games, you'll usually be rated fairly.

24 Feb


Originally posted by lynxbird

So Tier I teams from the bottom portion of Tier I will be more likely to play other Tier I teams from the bottom of Tier I, rather than the Challenger/GM teams at the top.

And this makes it even worse, you are punishing the good players in the same tier by giving them harder opponents just because they are good, while keeping the same rewards in the tier. As it is now, if you have a smurf, there is no good reason to not use it.

And smurfs are often not just the bought accounts, often they are accounts borrowed from friends just for the clash tournament so that the best ranked player does not pull remaining of a team up to next tier, smurfing is a requirement at the moment.

I have a solution tho

LoL successfully copied and improved ELO ranking from chess.

Why you do not use chess Swiss system for the clash tournament.

With 12 rounds you can c...

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Totally get your concern on matching teams of similar skill together, but we think the benefits of competitive games outweigh the min/max potential. Most of Clash's rewards are just for bragging rights anyway, so shifting rewards around to try and deter smurfing is not going to have as much impact. In the case you're describing, where someone smurfs to pull up their friends, they're not getting any rewards on their main account anyway - so making the rewards they're not getting better or worse probably won't change anything.

Definitely not trying to say smurfing isn't a problem - we have a lot more tools at our disposal that we haven't implemented yet, but this is going to be a continuing fight.

Swiss tournaments are pretty good for large groups, but they are very inefficient time-wise. Since you need to wait for a round to complete entirely before moving to the next, if a game runs long it tends to drag out the whole experience, and it also results in too many ...

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Originally posted by TheNotoriousMID

Also, don’t make east coast players play till midnight on a Sunday. I feel as though mid afternoon games are extremely reasonable for west coast players so everyone can participate and then get to bed and not feel tired on Monday

Generally, we're trying to hit the most players possible with our Clash timings, but unfortunately, time zones in NA can make that pretty annoying for one half of the country or the other.

We're not necessarily going to run Clash at the same time every time, though, and I would be shocked if we never tried a slightly earlier set of times in NA.


Thanks for the feedback! Some thoughts:

- Scouting bug - something we are working on literally as I type. Hoping to have that ironed out soon.

- Copy/Paste Names - We got this feedback about the copy/paste thing for names in scouting a couple times, so I'll start digging into what that would take. It wasn't something we had planned, but it sounds reasonable!

- Leaderboards - definitely something we're considering in some capacity. In general, we think Clash is doing a decent job now of getting a simple, one weekend tournament system into place, but there's a LOT we could do for team legacy and recognition. We really haven't scratched the surface of the cool stuff we can do in that space.

- Subs - we probably won't bring subs back for this structure of Clash. We want your team to stay the same once you get into a bracket (partly because we want scouting to stay limited to just 5 players, and partly because we think it feels less like a team e...

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Originally posted by bz6

I actually had a half written response from this morning - promise I'm reading this :D


We're going to continue working against smurfs in Clash - we've got some measures in place already, but we definitely can do better! Smurfs in Clash are a major concern for us, but also a pretty rough problem to completely solve.

Increasing the requirements to play Clash are a possibility, but that carries a lot of risk. We've seen this before with the Honor restriction - even though a relatively small percentage of people were below Honor 2, every one of those people we pulled out of the pool potentially killed a team for 4 other eligible people. Game requirements can have the same problem, eliminating potentially normal accounts both through the restriction and through the people who would like to play with them. It's not off the table, but also something we have to be careful employing.

One thing to note is that the Tier system won't really have anything to do with it - Even within a Tier, you're matched based on the weighted average MMR of your team. So Tier I t...

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Originally posted by MegaverseFTW

Sorry, I saw an article saying clash would be every other weekend starting now. Is this true?

We're starting it off roughly once a month, and we'll see if it make sense to go more frequently from there.


Originally posted by Mayhem370z

I just want to add, cause idk where else to add this feedback. But in the scouting phase, all of the data was mixed up. Like, the current Ranked for say player 1, was actually the ranked champs played by player 5. Same for mastery. Which, without really checking EVERYTHING could be confusing for some. As the person it was showing say all top laners, in the history they are actually the support and its showing the incorrect champs on the mastery tab. I confirmed this via checking up on OP.GG.

If that was confusing. Ranked and Mastery on one player was actually the Ranked and Mastery of another. Although the history was always accurate.

We're looking into this today . It looks like something during scouting is shuffling the data and the names around - so the ranked info is there, but it's all under the wrong names (which makes it a LOT less useful, obviously).

Haven't figured the bug out yet but we have some good leads and can hopefully knock it out before the next Clash

21 Feb


Originally posted by IxdrowZeexI

I am still waiting for a valid explanation why we even need two different "elos" and why the imprecise one is the more powerfull one (it decides wit who we can duo and which rewards we get in the end)

I just wrote a long post on why we think MMR and Rank have value, and we wouldn't necessarily show MMR. But as for why we use Rank for things like premades and rewards - it's the one that's visible, and we want you to have the information you need to know who you can group with and what you'll get at the end of the year.


Hey there! I'm the designer in charge of Ranked, so I can speak pretty directly to this. To start, I totally get the pain you're feeling here - seeing players with really different ranks in your game feels like garbage, even if we tell you that the MMR makes it fair. We want to solve this problem by getting MMR and Rank closer together, something we'll be talking about more over this season. But there are some really good reasons we don't just show MMR:

First, check out this post from a couple years ago where Riot Gortok goes over this question: . I think that answer ho...

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20 Feb


I just replied on Twitter, but to try and get the message out:

We had a brief error with the matchmaking system last night that caused some players to be matched WAY below their actual skill - and unfortunately, this game was hit by that error. We're cleaning up the last couple impacts of the error, and should have it fully resolved within a couple hours.

14 Feb


Originally posted by imaphleg

Hey i know im late to this just quick question about that. I noticed they dont mention the 5 ticket to get higher prices anymore and no more limit to buying clash tickets per week. Does that mean the only way to get increased prizes is through the rp premium ticket?

Also, what ia the highest tier skin you can get for winning the whole thing? Thx!

Yeah, we changed the ticket system so that now you either bid Standard or Premium tickets, so no more 1x/5x bid. That model basically trapped us with a lot of problems, since we couldn easily give away low entry stuff without letting people get to the 5x bid, which then meant that we had to limit the quality of the 5x rewards because they could be done for free. It ended up sort of incentivizing people to not play and save up tickets, which isn't ideal.

For Standard tickets, winning a bracket gets you:

A Tournament Logo, a Standard Ticket, a Champie Summoner Icon, a Ward Skin, a Mystery Emote, a 975 Skin Shard, and a 1350 Skin Shard.

For a Premium Ticket, first place finishers get:

A Tournament Logo, a Standard Ticket, 750 Orange Essence, A Champie Icon, a Gemstone, a 750 Skin Shard, a 975 Skin Shard, a 1350 Skin Shard, a 1820 Skin Shard, and a 1350 Skin

05 Feb


Originally posted by BranianGames

Hey in Garena SG server, should we expect it anytime soon (within the first half of the year) or later? Just want to have an idea on what we can expect!

Sorry, we don't have a date for Clash in Garena at this point


Originally posted by Kairoszz

Will there be the same rewards as before? Also, if i recall correctly, I remember Riot saying that clash would be biweekly or monthly or something of this sort, is that planned to happen after the initial day of clash? Thanks!

Haven't made major changes to the rewards this time (except that we added a 3rd/4th and 7th/8th place match, which means everyone plays 3 games, and so there's some new rewards for those ranks). This is also the first time people will really get to use the VP track as intended, so hopefully we can get a better read on how that feels.

We're doing Clash about once a month for now. We want to keep it frequent enough that people aren't starving for it, but infrequent enough that it still feels like a special event.


Originally posted by LikeRealityDislike

Is this gonna be global or just NA? (Im on EUW)

All Riot regions (unfortunately not in some of the Southeast Asia/china regions yet)

04 Feb


Originally posted by LoneLyon

Anyway we could get trophies as a wardskins for a more permanent reward? Along with a display case sonewhere on the profile to archive them?

Display case: pretty likely. Ward skins: less likely. As mentioned above, we don't want Trophies to be on the Rift all the time, or they'll be less unique. Making them an always available ward skin would mean that, after a couple years of clash, they'd be fairly common.


Originally posted by ArkiusAzure

Hey, is there going to be a honor requirement to play? I havent grinded out honor 2 again on my main.

There is currently no Honor requirement for Clash.


Originally posted by BabySealSlayer

will the won trophies still get deleted from your profile after every clash? my profile is kinda empty since they deleted it when there wasn't even another clash to get a new one. and even if... having his trophy taken away after a while kinda beats my motivation to try to win another one.

Hey there! The trophies will stay on your profile until the end of the Season (this was actually true of the Beta Trophies as well, it's just that the season ended right after since we ran it during Preseason). The Trophy will only show up in-game for 2 Weeks (cause we want the Trophies in the base to be something special and not something that eventually happens every game)

As for the Trophies you earned during the last Beta test, we're working on a better way to display them. We definitely want those past trophies to be something you can celebrate.

14 Jan


Originally posted by RaphtotheMax5

Awesome thank you so much for the response

Yeah, sorry the darn page has been so unreliable. We're in the middle of some work to make it more stable in the future, because we think the feature has potential once it's more consistent.