

21 Apr


Hello, designer for the tank here.

I understand the concerns here; high skill generally translates to high agency (semi pro-skewed), and tanks in general tend to be pro skewed as well. One thing I want to clear up is that 'high skill' isn't really a mechanic that has too much game impact. Its more a consideration of audience. The current roster of tanks tend to have fairly easy to figure out patterns and approach fights in similar ways. Our goal with this character is to create a tank who appeals to players who like deep mastery curves and characters who really test your ability to approach fights in clever ways. I don't believe we'd ever cut that aspect of the character, since that was the whole impetus for making them.

We have a couple things we're working on to mitigate the balance concerns. I don't want to get into specifics since we're still pretty far out and not everything is sorted yet, but generally we're looking at making sure they're more gold reliant th...

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17 Apr


Originally posted by UNOvven

Does that mean you expect Gwen to be a champion with perfectly average difficulty, since youre aiming for 50%?

No, we use 50% as the target for her long term resting win rate average. Mains of a champ tend to be above the average.


Originally posted by JumboFister

Hmm hot fix buffing a champ literally a day after release when people haven’t figured how to play her? Getting Volibear and Yummi and Akali flashbacks

The way we determine wether or not to hot fix comes down to our estimated win rate growth and where we expect them to be for players with zero experience in the champ. In Gwen’s case, we estimated that she’d grow a little under 10 percent given her fragility and high mechanical burden. Her win rate on launch plus our estimate still put her under 50%, so we did a cautious buff in order to try and get her more in line.

Yuumi was actually a learning experience for us, that we should be factoring larger growth estimates for weirder champs. That’s why these buffs are so minor. We could buff her to be 50% right now, but the goal is to buff her to be long term balanced. Like everything we do, the live environment is much different from our testing one, so we monitor the champ closely as the players grow to learn the new one.

31 Mar


Originally posted by Cashmiir

Lillia is a sweet bb angel and I would die for her (as an aside, /u/riotmaxw3ll also worked on her).

But similar to Neeko, her amazement is less new-to-life and more blooming confidence.

I don't want to speak on behalf of that team, so I can't really say more with confidence.

Luo would have a better answer, but my read on the differences are that Gwen is amazed at everything because it's new to her. Neeko has a curiosity because she has an ethos that already exists (the connections between people and their shoma) and is reconciling that with our world view. Lillia is a much more withdrawn character who, as she blooms, becomes excited specifically about the human dreams and what they mean for their dreamers and her.

27 Mar


Originally posted by bibbibob2

My guess is it just "morde ults" herself in the shadow? So skillshots/projectiles stemming from outside the mist aren't interacting with her but spawning from inside the mist they are.

Localized Morde ult was the first implementation of that ability :D


Originally posted by bz6


Sucks that you moved away from the champions team. Lillia is such a unique take on a jungler and Gwen looks interesting from the looks of it.

Well... I may be coming back shortly :D


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Whatever Lillia is, she's one of the best champion designs in years. Just thought you should know :)

But yeah, I think it's not that crucial to have every last champion in a neat little box. Lillia is a naturally squishy DPS/DoT AP fightery-magey champion with no dashes but a ton of mobility via MS and no inherent defensive tools -- and she works fantastically, all with nothing in the way of completely unique mechanics. It's a total slam dunk of a design.

Thank you so much. That means a lot.

26 Mar


Originally posted by anialater45

I don't want to get into too many specifics

Why not? Gotta wait till the official ability reveal?

She plays around it a little like Wind Wall, protecting her from enemies outside it, but if they cross the threshold, they're in there with her able to fight.

That seems more like Xins ult than wind wall.

Is there a plan in place for if it becomes an issue? I'd be more willing to be optimistic if I knew we wouldn't have to wait months for it to be taken care of if it turns out to be an issue.

Yeah, I want to give the comms team time to roll out their stuff. They make a lot of awesome things and I don't want to scoop them.

The mechanics of the zone are more similar to Xin ult, but where he has the tools to dive on you and lock you down, Gwen is much worse about being able to choose her fights. Gwen is still very dangerous in melee range, so it plays a little bit more like fighting against yasuo where he's protecting himself from a fight but can definitely fight you if you try and go in on him.


Originally posted by Soundvx

Bit confused how she will deal with fighters that 100-0's squishies in one rotation, supposedly she's squishy too. Looking forward to the kit regardless

She's got a few in built defenses that will help her out, but getting bursted is definitely a weakness of hers.


Originally posted by Caenen_

So this is the real AP Xin Zhao everyone was talking about lately...




Originally posted by Djinn_in_Tonic

She definitely feels more like a battlemage to me, as she lacks the strong personal defense that basically every other skirmisher in the game possesses, and her damage tends to be almost entirely area-of-effect.

Her stacking MS is a pretty powerful defensive tool, allowing her to dodge a lot of skill shots + kite backwards in ways that let her choose her fights more than most battlemages ever get to. I can see the argument though for sure.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Lillia is kind of a "we don't have anywhere else to put her in" case, but yeah.

skirmishers are a subclass riot hasn't made that many champions for until recently, much less AP ones which is just sylas pretty sure

yeah lillia was hard to classify. I put her as a hybrid skirmisher/mage, but I think battlemage could be a reasonable argument.


I don't want to get into too many specifics, but her Hallowed Mist essentially provides her with an area of safety from enemies outside it. She plays around it a little like Wind Wall, protecting her from enemies outside it, but if they cross the threshold, they're in there with her able to fight.

She's not designed to fight ranged champions; her target access isn't that great. She just wants some safety while she snips up the frontline.

28 Feb


Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Lillia is unironically one of Riot’s best releases in the past 15 champions. Her kit is simple and unique, yet has deep skill expression without paragraphs of text explaining her spells.


cc u/RiotMaxw3ll


27 Feb

19 Feb


Originally posted by TobiasX2k

Glorious. Please revert the change that removed this.

you think you hate yuumi now.... Jesus.


She could auto attack while attached for exactly one playtest. Meddler played her that game and built RFC

22 Jan


Originally posted by F0RGERY

I'm going to use an example of what you're talking about: Zac right after his rework.

Zac pre-rework was a bit of an ap bruiser. He had decent damage, could spam abilities in a side lane, and generally had a bit more to his kit that was damage leaning vs being cc. Riot decided that they needed 3 tanks to rework when they were doing a "Tank update", and alongside Maokai and Sejuani, Zac was chosen.

Now, Zac's rework was exactly what you described. He lost a ton of reliable damage in his q, w, and even ult in order to get more cc, bringing him down from being roughly top 30 jungle champs in terms of damage to the worst damage dealer in the jungle, below Ivern and Nunu in terms of dps per game. In exchange, Zac's cc was boosted to great levels, making his e + ult a full team root and displacement, and his q made his ganks even better.

Do you know what happened to Zac's playerbase right after this rework? It dropped, heavily, despite him already not being that ...

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Hijacking top comment to say: I was the one who did the most recent Zac revert, and this is more or less correct. No damage characters have very little agency in fights since they rely on teammates which make them 1. Pro play problems and 2. Incredibly unpopular with the player base.

19 Oct


Man I read that title and got baited hard. f*cking love you Flowers.

25 Aug


Originally posted by bz6

Man no offence but why do game developers love to think their player base is dumb? We are not scared to see a lot of numbers in an ADVANCED tooltip, that’s the whole point of it. I get it you guys are trying to improve the system for the new players and if a simple display of information is lacking, God knows how dumbed down the pre-season item overhaul is going to be 😕

Its not a matter of smart or dumb (honestly people playing this game can handle a lot more complexity than most others). Its a matter of intuitiveness. As a designer I want people to find the information they're looking for quickly. I could write out all the information in one long string of numbers, but then you'd have to spend a bunch of time scanning the longer formulas to find the ones you want. My assertion is that a player who is advanced enough to always show the extended tooltip would be advanced enough to see that shift-hovering their tooltip was the fastest way to get that particular information.