

14 Nov


Originally posted by Parakeetboy

What if we gave Ashe w a cooldown mechanic similar to yasuo/yone q or ksante q? As in her w cd would scale with AS so ADC Ashe would be fine but mandate Ashe would be nerfed. Would it even be possible to make this change only in aram?

Trying to make champ by champ changes is fairly unsustainable, which is why we use this balance buff method. The good news about Ashe is she only has two abilities that have CDs affected much by the nerf, and both are VERY powerful on ARAM. We could get more nuance if we needed it, but for now we're still doing the science on figuring out what these new mods will be like


Originally posted by a_brick_canvas

Are there technical limitations to implementing damage nerfs with items? From what I understand, a lot of the difference in power from ADC/Poke ashe is that Mandate isn't affected by the damage nerf.

It's very possible (not easy), but it could be done. My issue is that I don't think the damage caused by the item is the big problem so much as stacking AH and slowing the enemy team every 2 seconds is. Mandate just enables you to do something while being super annoying and get a bunch of AH cheaper.


Originally posted by aegroti

why not have the tower fall down in the middle rather than to the side?

You can still make some fun fight dynamics but you aren't going to have scenarios which involves one single chokepoint.

Champions like Caitlyn who can put down traps will be busted.

We tried it falling at various angles but unless it restricted player movement in this way the terrain just wasn't changing up the game. Most of the movement on howling abyss is towards or away from the Nexuses (Nexii?). Falling in the middle or at an angle didn't really create cool vision plays you could make.


Originally posted by levigeorge1617

If they could add the plants like WR ARAM has, it would be a great QoL against those stealth champs.

We tried plants for quite awhile but they ended up not helping the vision game too much for a couple reasons:

  • Plants were an objective that could be contested by the winning team. The plant positions had to be very specific where you could use them and the enemy couldn't take them, and if Teemo was shrooming up an area
  • Plants were single use. Your ally wasting the plant felt REAL bad, especially if you know where a trap is that you want to remove and then they blow the plant on nothing
  • Revealing the traps didn't do a whole lot. you still had to get there and kill it, which was fairly hard. We tried versions where the trap was either perma-revealed or destroyed, but it just negated what made traps interesting gameplay elements.

My guess is that once these new changes settle, we'll look at addressing trap champs like teemo and shaco directly rather than systemically changing the whole mode for just these two.


Originally posted by tjalex13

Can’t you just change the aura dmg buff/nerf to affect imperial mandate? That feels like a much healthier change than inherent ability nerfs…nobody wants to build mandate, but they’re forced to since the adc output is nerfed so much by the aura while imperial mandate itself is much less affected

We could, but I don't actually think it solves the problem. In all cases Ashe maxes W and just fills the lane with slowing projectiles that make approaching a gigantic pain. We could change mandate so it did zero damage and people will still just spam W and be unassailable by melee classes. Actually targeting how often she can cast W I think has a better chance of doing the trick of reducing her reliance on W as opposed to auto attacks.

Also I think you underestimate how many people want to do weird stuff on ARAM. It's... wild in there.


Originally posted by Shitconnect

Please remove the damage buff overall it' so toxic to play against

if we removed it straight up the characters are just unplayable (some assassins have like a 30~% win rate without them. We're going to scale back how much we use the damage without it being super painful if you get stuck on any character.


Originally posted by Myozthirirn

Do the turrets alway fall in the same fixed place?

there are two different directions the towers fall. The direction is chosen randomly and it's the same for each team. Either "up-ish" towards the brush or "down-ish" When it falls upwards, it leaves a small gap where you can go through it (so there are two approaches, one covered by brush), and when it falls downward it closes off that part completely.


Originally posted by Berrery

Hextech Gate is ass remove this shit. Every time Riot looks at ARAM they make it worse.

At least play it first.


Originally posted by WolfAkela

Doesn’t this also make it harder for the losing team to claw back, unless that was the intention (shortening ARAMs)? The narrow choke points also mean a pokey team will shut down pushbacks from the losing team. It’s akin to the winning team having a Teemo shutting town all push backs.

Speaking of Teemo, please please please consider adding the scryer effect on health pickups like in Wild Rift.

We've found its the opposite, actually. When you push past the terrain you have less room to run away and position that limits your options. We've paired these changes with an update to death timers to account for it when the game starts going long.


Originally posted by South_Bend13

Is the goal to eventually show these changes in champ select? Would be the best change you could ever make because as it stands now having to use an external website to even see it beyond patch notes outside of ingame is not ideal.

There was contention around that, but we considered it. The balance buff changes give you the idea of how this character plays differently from their SR counterpart, but doesn't really give you a great idea of the power of the character in ARAM. Seraphine would have giga nerfs in champ select that makes it look like you're just never supposed to play seraphine, when in actuality she's still a (more than) reasonable pick in ARAM.

To more directly answer the question: We don't have any plans to do so right now, but we're always reassessing things like this.


Originally posted by Ocarina3219

The problem is having her damage gutted makes her feel atrocious to play with an actual ADC build so you’re even more forced to play the support build that everyone hates.

Yep. Once we get some data on the AH nerf, we’ll try and give her some damage back


Originally posted by WaveCore

Probably not entirely, I imagine they want to see how her winrate increases first, and then take away just as many damage buffs needed to bring her winrate back to what it was. She's currently +15/-15, maybe she can stay power neutral with tenacity and energy buffs, if her damage buffs get brought down to +8/-8

This is it exactly. We have a general idea of what win rate impact the damage mods have at this point but we have no data on any of the new ones. Once we get that data we’ll look for the best places to shave off power.


Originally posted by an_angry_beaver

I have mixed (but more negative) feelings about it as well. I like that it’ll give more value to mobility abilities like Talon E. However, I really dislike the idea of narrower chokepoints in ARAM. You’re up against a team with Seraphine, Xerath, Veigar, Teemo, etc. and that’s an even more miserable stalemate. I guess good snowball usage can mitigate such concerns but still.

If you have to walk at the enemy, the narrower chokes can be a detriment to the pushing team, but simultaneously if the pokey champs push into you, it gives them less room to maneuver away from someone with a snowball gap closer. Hopefully you’ll be able to use them to make clever flash plays, but we’ll be monitoring what these changes do class by class

19 Oct


Originally posted by patmax17

Sooo... Fasting Senna with K'Sante bot?



Originally posted by lp_phnx327

As a primarily tank player who does everything to try to carry the carry, but is sometimes left with carries who do nothing with the space they're given... this is my "fine I'll do it myself" moment.

That is a paraphrase of one of his VO lines for exactly that reason

18 Oct


Originally posted by anoleo201194

Luckily that won't stop me from forcing him bot like I do every other champ!

K’Sante would want you to live your truth


Originally posted by Excalidorito

What about midlane?

Could he fit a niche as a counterpick in mid to burst champs who would blow their cooldowns into his “defensive stance” before he ults and pummels them back?

I would love it if that were the case. He’s probably susceptible to getting poked out because he doesn’t have great ways of getting in without heavy telegraphing.

u/riot_llama would know more I think


Originally posted by SylentSymphonies

Another question! How is K'Sante's mana in lane? He's got the same Q mechanic that the windshitters have, but they can spam theirs as much as they want being manaless and all. I see it's only ten mana in the video you guys included but that does add up when you're playing such a scrappy champion.

In fact, how is his laning phase in general? Does he get kicked around when his ultimate isn't up? How is his all-in? Can he 1v2 a gank if he gets ahead?

His mana is alright. You definitely can’t waste your W, but unless you spam q AND e you probably aren’t running out.

His laning is strong. Not top class early game champ but can definitely fight you and trade effectively. With his ult, he can definitely turn around a 1v2 if the enemy doesn’t respect the angles of the knockback


Originally posted by UziKett

Follow up question: how’s his jungle clear looking? Are we talking “viable jungler”, “you can make him work if you want”, or “balance team is under instructions to break his kneecaps if he looks at smite funny”?

This is actually a tough question, because his kit was locked way before the new jungle was designed. We ran some tests, but it was with the current items and things. I’m sure we ran more tests since but I’m not the person who would’ve done it.


Originally posted by GameBoy09

Question for the gameplay designer if they are here, how much of a consideration was to make K'Sante a viable support? Clearly it looks like he's focused on being a Top Laner, but having a new tank to try is really cool as a support main.

Not to mention whenever Tope inevitably releases as his own champ we get the Tope + K'Sante botlane.

It was in the back of our minds. His power curve requires him to be somewhat gold reliant to succeed, so his support isn’t likely to be his main role. It is possible that in certain matchups he’d be a reasonable support pick, but his kit is working against him there.