

26 Feb


Originally posted by Accomplished-Sell518

It’s great that you’re active in this community and responding here. But why does the community have to calculate whether your system is better now? Isn’t that your job?

And to be a bit cynical: it feels like someone at Riot has a great (internal opinion) monetization idea, you implement it, and then you wait for the community’s feedback. Reminds me a lot of the show Mythic Quest

We have calculated, and multiple times too especially after getting prior BE calculations wrong. Always possible we're missing stuff though and want to acknowledge/be open to things we might have missed


Originally posted by sorakaislove

Hope you and Pabro are doing well, it can't have been easy being the community spokesperson these days. Appreciate all that you do :)

Thank you


Originally posted by Alxter

Will lowering BE costs by 50% also lower the yield from disenchanting Champion shards?

Short term (next patch) - maybe. At present the disenchant value is linked to the price a champion is sold for.

Longer term (25.6? not sure yet) - No. We don't want to nerf disenchant values, they might be temporarily down for a patch or so though while we decouple them. Would recommend either disenchanting now or holding until we've got that fixed, not disenchanting next patch.


Originally posted by Kultinator

Feels much more like the intended design goal of simplifying and unifying the system. Thank you

That's the hope. We know it got lost amongst everything else going on, but trying to simplify League's around game systems where they were unnecessarily complex was always one of the goals here, even if our execution didn't leave it feeling that way


Originally posted by Moonboy65

got a question regarding Rell and Alistar, will there be another way for players to grab their skin since they're gone from the free and paid passes?

That's one of the things on our list to figure out next. Frankly, the Alistar skin in particular just isn't very good. We're leaning towards putting more time into another skin that Alistar has coming later this year instead of trying to improve this one given the starting point isn't that strong.


Originally posted by Kultinator

Are the Rewards the chests give nerfed? If its same odds I see this as a win. This is basically what I hoped the pass would be at launch

Same exact drop table


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler would you have any more details on champ bio updates you mentioned in the last thread or would that be in the following update, since one seems more focused on recent community sentiment regarding the progression changes.

Should still be in the next regular dev update


Originally posted by Jangetjeboy

they gonna give us those chest but then forget to give us keys back

Chests all come with a key (either at the exact same time if through a mission, or the level before/after on the pass)


Originally posted by Whackedjob

Someone has to do the math on this because I'm not convinced it's going to be easier than the old system.

Please do! If we're wrong on our math we'll correct. Between champ shards back from chests, -50% to champ cost and extra BE at end of pass we're pretty confident this should be dramatically easier access to champions than previously. If you're seeing something we're missing though we'll dig into it

07 Feb


Originally posted by mwrcelow

u/RiotMeddler please tell us more about where is dumpling darling seraphine... it's very frustrating for us players who bought RP and were waiting for the release.

Apologies there, we ran into a major last minute problem. That is being worked on, and the skin should still be coming with some adjustments to correct the issue. We'll share an update on when as soon as we've got that figured out


Originally posted by uhhhdey

Before we get a new champion can we make sure that Mel has her Icon and Emote like every other modern day champion first?? Her not having a illustration icon in the store and a release emote feels super messily handled.

Mel's emote will be in the Act2 battle pass (didn't want to spoil her in advance hence it wasn't in the Act1 pass since that released before she was revealed). Will double check on icon, pretty sure same answer though


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler are you able to share any updates on bio updates like Camille, Seraphine and others with the new approach to narrative with thematic seasons?

Should be able to talk about our plans with bio updates in the next video, and will probably pair that with at least 1 or 2 updated bios as well. Camille's is almost done, Seraphine is underway. We'll tie bio updates to season thematics where we can but we'll also just be catching up on long needed ones like those two as well even if it means we're not always matching seasonal themes.


Originally posted by LunekJones

will we see our next champion with a season 2 start or will it be later? Can you tell us his/her class?

They'll release during the season, rather than right at season start. Shouldn't share class yet, though will confirm they're not a mage at least, acknowledging that we've been mage heavy with recent champion releases.


Originally posted by mking1999

I haven't played clash ever, but do they change it every time it's on? Why would the dev team being focused on something else mean it can't happen monthly?

The way Clash functions behind the scenes means it does need some hands on work each time unfortunately. Certainly wish that wasn't the case and we definitely have some reflections there on what we'd do differently if building a system like that again

10 Jan


Originally posted by alaskadotpink

Okay, thanks for clarifying. I misunderstood the original text so I'm happy to be wrong. Sorry!

All good and you're welcome


Originally posted by alaskadotpink

Unlocking new champions via blue essence wasn't meant to get harder.

This is a joke, how can he even say this? They removed so many many ways to get BE/Champ shards and replaced them with hardly anything to compensate. Like it doesn't take a genius to have some foresight here?

I misunderstood a line.

Changing BE access to champs wasn't a goal we ever discussed internally. Digging in right now to understand whether any increased difficulty there is the result of something being bugged, miscalculation(s) somewhere on BE income or something else along those lines again.

08 Jan


Originally posted by SoulvG

Further down the line are champion reworks planned to be tied into seasons? I'd love to see the Shyvana rework tied in with a Demacia season.

Most at least will be tied in with a seasonal theme. Still discussing whether it'll be all or just most.


Originally posted by i_hate_fanboys

This is in bad taste. Unless you’re trying to make a political point, in which case working for riot is laughable.

Not sure I follow sorry? We can literally see smoke and fire from both the office (which is close to an evacuation border) and from where I live (as is the case for many other Rioters, some of whom have already had to evacuate their homes).


Originally posted by fleck57

Interesting, any teasers or the other 2 planned champs? Or will there be another dev update video later in the year teasing them?

Plan is that most of the details about them will get revealed as part of their season's reveal or arc (champs won't necessarily be start of season releases each time).


Originally posted by fleck57

So just Mel this year?

3 seasons per year, so 3 champs in 2025