

08 Apr


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could I also ask a more a League Studios related question, do you think we can expect greater alignment between art and narrative now that LoR, WR and PC League are under LS or are you guys still ramping up that pipeline, like would Shyvana's card arts in LoR and WR model be updated now that she's confirmed for a VGU and other things

Org structure shouldn't have much, if any, impact on how aligned art and narrative are across the games. Alignment like that's discussed regardless of where a game happens to live in our internal processes. The call that we discussed late last year to have everything be part of one shared Runeterra going forwards is the sort of thing that results in greater alignment on upcoming content, won't always mean we go back and retroactively change existing things necessarily though


Originally posted by TheHardyBoysGrandma

Will the mode be lore-centric or will it just be tied to whatever skinline comes out at the time?

It won't be themed around base Runeterra lore


Originally posted by N7-Dropout

As a new Lee Sin player, the visual updates look really good but I personally really liked the ‘noisy’ aspect of the Storm dragon skin…

I feel like that’s kind of a nerf to the skin to bring it in line with the other skins rather than bringing the rest up to Storm Dragon’s level.

Maybe that’s just me though 🤔

"Noisy" visuals usually tend to look and feel better for a particular skin or champion in isolation if they're high quality. If everything gets pushed to be noisy like that though you unfortunately just end up with a game where nothing's readable/everything's drowned out and you can't pick out key info well enough


Originally posted by nvm-exe

nah f**k that SD Leesin ponytail just whyy. his og haircut looks so good idk what's with the obsession with giving every male champ long hair.

The pony tail's a meaningful part of base Lee Sin's silhouette. We want to make sure we're reflecting it in his skins more, especially those that have had clarity issues where it hasn't been immediately clear which champ you're looking at (Storm Dragon being the prime example of that)


Originally posted by Diligent_Deer6244

I'm so happy they're telling us the victorious skins ahead of time. And finally champs I PLAY.

We're trying it out. Want to see what people think of this approach, whether it encourages or discourages people from playing, whether it impacts champ pick rates etc if they know in advance versus a it being a surprise towards the end of the split.


Originally posted by ExaltedVoice

Victorious Sona!!! Thank u riot🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I’ve long waited for a champ I play to finally get a ranked skin 😭

Oh, sorry, that was meant to be Seraphine, Brightmoon and I just got them confused

(I kid, I kid...)


Originally posted by Long-Skill4284

Hmm, a League themed garliclike? Sounds interesting


TIL a new term


Originally posted by Aimicchi

it seems like the PvE was first tested in Wild Rift on Kalista's pre-ruination survival mode

While the release timing's pretty close the two modes were developed completely separately, with the people pitching each mode not to the best of my knowledge actually aware of the other project at the start even. While they're both PVE against a fair number of enemies they play pretty differently.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler are you able to comment on that little Malphite teaser in Skarner's theme video or is that for a future dev update.

Also what will happen to your card board counter part

Malphite - wasn't intended to be public. That's a work in progress project looking that's exploring a different approach to visual updates to see how the work required versus results achieved compares to our more common ASUs and VSUs. Kinda like how with Jax we tried rolling out a full update in a series of pieces rather than all at once. No conclusions yet, I expect we'll talk about it at some point though

Card board counter part - that is the card board version with a bit of generative AI applied

27 Mar


Originally posted by Zarathielis

Will the next dev update come this upcoming week or in early April since after filming it it still needs edits etc

Dev updates tend to take a week and a half to two weeks post filming until they're ready for release on average. That covers editing, addition of gameplay footage, localization to other languages etc.

19 Mar


Originally posted by Ok_Direction_7624

I'm really excited about this but as a league player of over a decade I'm not confident in their ability to deliver this on time. This feels like they're soft launching a post about how it's our fault the new mastery system isn't out, we weren't cheering hard enough.

Based on Riot's past track record, they're gonna release this in December 2025 in an unfinished state with pinky promises that they'll keep it updated, it will receive precise one update 2 years later, and then be quietely abandoned before they announce a brand new mastery system, coming soon(tm).

We'll talk a bit about where Champion Mastery is up to in the next Dev Update which we'll be filming next week. Some refinements, no massive changes to the system or timelines though.

15 Mar

29 Feb


Originally posted by DefinitelyNotSmall

Congratulation to Meddler!



Originally posted by AzerFraze

Meddler to busy for a Dev Update just because he was getting married? f**king fake gamer man

edit: lol @ second prestige skin for Leona

For what it's worth I'm going to do my utmost to never get married again!

20 Jan


We're almost exactly halfway through the current set and sets now last for four months. Next set will be mid to late March as a result

13 Jan


Originally posted by jtpredator

Dear god what have we done

I'll refer back to this post in 2027 when we ship 3 swords and triple crit.

And then again in 2043 when we're at 4 swords and double double crit

05 Jan


Originally posted by Fun-Consequence4950

Not sure what installing Vanguard has to do with combatting smurfs, inters and ban-dodgers (because thats the main issue and installing vanguard wont have any effect on that) but everything else looks alright.

Doubling the duration of arena matches is a bit of an ick for me though

Vanguard - one of the big issues right now is the number of accounts that get levelled with bots, creating a range of relatively disposable accounts that a certain type of player will then use without care for how they affect others, whether their account gets banned or restricted etc. Vanguard should let us rapidly detect and ban said accounts, hence the improvements to smurfs/inters/ban dodgers.

Arena - Doubling teams won't double duration, agree that Arena doesn't need to be a dramatically longer mode. For most teams it'll be about the same length, if you're in the final two it will likely run a little bit longer. Regardless of the number of teams present though each round half of the teams in game are going to be losing health, so elimination will mainly happen at the same pace


Originally posted by gagabrielm

Hey guys (and girls!) from the LoL team, just wanted to say that this video really got me excited. I know that everybody is going bananas in the thread because of Vanguard, but you guys REALLY kept that promise of better communication. I really wish some of my other favorite games would take a note or two from you guys. Thank you very much for the work, and I hope this season live up to the hype this video created on me!

Thank you for the kind words, we're going to keep working on the communication thing throughout this year too of course as well :)


Originally posted by Fluffy-Face-5069

I think y’all are sleeping on Vanguards implementation, I’ve had a few Smurfs on Valorant that got banned very fast because they were botted accounts. This could be huge for preventing the g2a account bot farm accounts plaguing the game for the last 5 years.

That's a huge part of the rationale behind adopting Vanguard here yeah. Direct cheating isn't as big an issue in LoL generally as it can be in some genres like shooters. Botted accounts however have been doing quite a bit of damage to many queues, be it encountering levelling bots that are miserable to have as team mates or people on botted accounts who don't care about their account/identity. We think addressing that should be a pretty significant improvement to the overall experience for most players