

25 Nov


Originally posted by SleepyLabrador

When will season 2025 begin?

Ranked in 2025 will reset in early January if that's what you mean.

Or, if you mean the first season of 2025 that's focused on Noxus, that will also kick off early January. Thematic will change after 4 months, ranked won't reset until 2026 though


Originally posted by Destroyer29042904

So at the very least we know not to expect Shyvana's rework until the season changes, potentially to Demacia? If she is still being worked on at all. A mention would be comforting knowing the uy in charge got laid off

We'll still release a Shyv VGU at some point, as you say it will need to connect with a season's theme though. Wouldn't necessarily have to be Demacia specifically, could also tie into other themes too. We don't have any plans for a dragon focused season for example, but other themes like that could also make for a great moment.


Originally posted by IcarusNocturne

I'm a little sad we didn't get any updates on ASUs but I imagine we'll be hearing more about them next year.

Larger champion updates will generally be tied to each season's thematic. Expect some details about the first of them in January as a result


Originally posted by KostekKilka

Hi guys, will elemental drakes still affect the map in the same ways as before?



Originally posted by Fncrs

Outside of the first section are there any arcane spoilers? Haven't had time to finish it yet

Should be just that first section

Brave of you being on Reddit at all if trying to avoid spoilers though!


Originally posted by bz6

Only one champ per season?

Yes, though 3 seasons per year, so same number of new champs as this year


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Also since this is the last dev update of the year, would you know if the info regarding future plans for shows that Praeco talked about was pushed back or in a separate dev blog

Not something I'm the right person to comment on sorry. Potential future show thoughts or news will come from Praeco, the rest of the animation team, Fortiche etc, not those of us over on the game dev side of things


Originally posted by Bigma-Bale

Will we be seeing news on Shyvana soon? The changes at Riot obviously would have affected development on her so I hope her VGU is still in the pipeline and not impacted too heavily.

VGUs will also be part of seasons in the future. We still want to do Shyvana, but it'll be whenever that makes sense as part of the larger theme. She won't be part of Season 1 of 2025 for example, given she doesn't make any sense when we've got a heavy Noxus focus.

When we have a season that makes sense for her (e.g. themes of Demacia, dragons, transformation, Ezreal or whatever) she'll get her VGU.


Originally posted by AobaSona

Please make all the P&Z champions still fit into the new canon. It's gonna be sad if we have another Shaco situation.

That's the plan. Will take a while in some cases, we want them to all feel like a cohesive part of that shared world though


Originally posted by IEclipseI

meddler in the dev video is said that the this season cinematic will be focused on noxus
so its safe to assume that every season will have their own cinematic ?

We will have a big cinematic at the start of the year like we've done in (most) recent years.

We won't have cinematics at that same scale and fidelity for every season during the year though (we can't triple down on that sort of production alas)


Originally posted by blueragemage

It almost definitely is, since they're adding 12 free skins/year.

I think this year we only got Sivir and Singed? So I can't imagine that they're just going to give 10 more out without taking some away

There is some shift from free rewards as chests to free rewards coming from the free track of the always on battle pass as part of this yeah.


Originally posted by F0RGERY

The way they're describing Seasons makes me think of the way Sentinels of Light/Ruination worked; having all the champs that year (Viego, Gwen, Akshan, Vex) all revolve around Viego's attempts to cause the ruination.

That sort of thing yeah, though trying to do a much better job (fingers crossed) on how we go about doing it. I think some of the Sentinels/Ruination arc was quite good (the new champs, the set up etc). I think we dropped the ball when it came to the sort of story we told, the tone of some of it (inconsistent, sometimes too jokey), which existing champs were/weren't involved (Yorick where?, the mediums we were story telling in (a MOBA + text isn't the way to try and resolve these big arcs) etc.

18 Nov


Originally posted by AnAimlessWanderer101

First there were augments in tft, then in arena, and now Im wondering when you'll officially throw the on the rift

On a serious note, Im frustrated you answered this thread because I was trying to avoid getting excited

I can imagine us trying them in a temporary mode someday in League, like Wild Rift did with one of their ARAM based modes. Can’t imagine we’d ever add them to standard SR games though, too much disruption and added complexity for a more competitive setting


Originally posted by freakattaker

Anything about reducing the amount of splits in a year or not resetting ranks and inducing re-climbs as much?

Can offer some thoughts on ranked next week yeah


Originally posted by Jozoz

Will it include something about the planned changes to TP that you guys were hinting at a few months ago?

Should be covered in the video


We’ve got a video coming next week that covers next season’s gameplay and other things

10 Nov


Originally posted by Moonboy65

will the next dev blog also mention who's getting an ASU next or will that be till season start?

We’ll save the next update announcement for the earlier January dev update yeah

09 Nov


Originally posted by LunekJones

Will you discuss secret Arcane VGU in the next dev blog?

We will in the next dev update yeah (which should come out shortly after the Arcane finale)

06 Nov


Originally posted by Hyoudou

Why are they even using different VA's?

Given the Arcane tie in we did consider using Ella Purnell for the english voice acting here. The (at the time) pending voice actor work stoppage though created some challenges there. We concluded it was best to use Jinx's in game voice actor instead for this one, which both ensured we could hit the Arcane 2 release date deadline and gave consistency with in game Jinx which we figured is also pretty well loved.

05 Nov


Originally posted by BartZeroSix

Is this a trailer of a game in the client, like Aurora's one previously?
