

25 Sep


Originally posted by BillyFromAccounting

Is there a new cinematic coming for next season start? Still Here was incredible.

There will be

24 Sep


Originally posted by Extension-Bicycle-57

Riot watching T1 vs KT game 5 in the ambulance ride from the heart attack of them possibly not being at worlds 

Read more

Sweating bullets

23 Sep


Originally posted by 13Xcross

Will there be lore progression for older champions too or will it be mostly focused on new releases?

A mixture


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler also wanted to ask if you would if the new thematic seasons would be part of the one canon stuff you guys talked about last year. I know gameplay stuff is (understandably) detached from story, especially in a game like league, but it seems you guys are implying that there will be more to narrative outside of new champs, which makes me excited

There'll be some lore stuff in the thematic seasons yes, and it will be part of the single canon approach we're taking.


Originally posted by IEatLamas

Nothing about Drakes Sadge

What were you hoping for about Drakes? I expect we'll get back to them as a system at some point, they're not an immediate focus at least though


Originally posted by Aimicchi

is having different theme for each ranked split like Wild Rift?
wherein a major patch for each season reset in a year would bring a different gameplay change?

We'll still be doing larger gameplay changes at the start of the year, then smaller updates throughout the year. There'll be some stuff at the start of each thematic season, but not a full season start worth of gameplay change.


Originally posted by Bigma-Bale

You said as well each season would have its own narrative. Is this a way to bring lore and short stories back a bit?

We're looking to get some more immersion in the world, the factions, greater understanding of champion motivations etc in for sure. We'll be trying some different approaches than short stories though for it, want to find ways to get into the lore that more players will engage with


Originally posted by ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp

Ultimate Spellbook will be out next patch.

I'm sure all 7 people who enjoy that mode will be absolutely thrilled.

Historically at least Spellbook's been a surprisingly popular mode, both in initial play rate and lasting play rate. It doesn't get the degree of hype, or polarized opinions that URF or Arena generate, but people for previous runs at least did play a lot of it for as long as the queue was up which is pretty uncommon


Originally posted by pedja13

And he can hurt you

I mean, yeah. He's Gragas. He'll kill you in a combo, while being highly mobile and tanky. This time though, he'll do it with even more style and appeal than usual.


Originally posted by palomani

/u/RiotMeddler are you not scared that unlike valorant, trueskill2 could be "gamed out" in league? e.g players figuring out that x or y metric is influencing the most and trying to min max it instead of playing the game? Also what about "alternative" playstyles like inting sion, bard top etc that could be completely killed by that

That's a large part of our caution here. We don't want a system that results in players playing the algorithm instead of trying to win the game for their team. That's why we're in the middle of a lot of testing right now, trying to determine how to get much better accuracy without introducing factors that will eventually get discovered and exploited


Originally posted by [deleted]


And then some people want random champions in Arena, while many others don't

For what it's worth, I'd personally really like that version. I don't think it's a particularly widespread belief however


Originally posted by bodynasr

Any reason why Ambessa wasn't discussed? was she delayed to 2025?

Ambessa's not delayed, she'll still be out this year at the time originally planned

When we get fairly close to a champion's release we generally avoid revealing further info in videos like these so that champion teasers, marketing etc have more room to do interesting stuff


Originally posted by F0RGERY

You mentioned in the video that the plan was for each split to have a champion associated with it, both in terms of thematics and in terms of being a new release. This is something somewhat done this year (3 champs release schedule, with 1 release per split/season).

Is that the plan for champion releases going forward? 1 champ release each ranked split, for a total of 3 champs per year?

One champion per thematic season with strong integration with the theme of each season is the plan for 2025 at least. I think it's quite likely we continue that approach in 2026, but we'll see what response from you all is to this approach before making hard calls on future years


Originally posted by LostGh0st


Just kidding

(not just kidding)


Originally posted by PirateKingLoL

of course there would be massive drop off in arena when they kept adding new things to it that literally nobody asked for, most people just wanted a basic pvp game mode where you just fight and not all rng mechanics that tft has. They completely missed the point with each new alteration.

One of the challenges we've been working on with Arena is that it's got a range of different overlapping audiences within it. Some people want a pretty straight forward mode for high skill expression 2v2 in. Some want to learn new champions. Some want to try their luck in a more chaotic environment. Some want to demonstrate how adaptable they can be.

We've been experimenting with a range of different content and approaches as a result, looking to learn which groups are the largest, which are most interested in sticking around for longer runs of the mode etc.


Originally posted by oV3

i guess with the mention of 3 diff thematic seasons in 2025 they will continue to commit to the 3 ranked splits

We're still discussing exact ranked approach for 2025. There's definitely some appeal in being able to tie splits with thematic seasons, we're debating internally right now though whether we've got all the execution details right on the splits in terms of approach to resets, games to climb etc (though will still be doing 3 ranked skins regardless next year)

17 Sep


Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

since u said 1 month later, am I right to think next dev vid is next week? just asking cause it's also start of world playing so busy week

Yep, next week's the plan

22 Aug


Originally posted by Strax_lol

When are you going to talk about why 2025 is going to change league forever?

We've got some cool stuff coming in 2025 and will share more about it later this year. Having said that I think "Change League forever" is a bit of an oversell though. I'm really glad @RiotPupulasers is super excited about things being worked on, we're not redefining what LoL means, upgrading everything at once or anything at that sort of level though.


Originally posted by Zarathielis

I thought there would at least be something like a teaser for 2025 changes, or what direction to expect etc. , is there any reason why no announcements?

We'll talk a bit about direction for 2025 gameplay and other changes around September, then a lot more about details sometime in November.


Originally posted by dfjhgsaydgsauygdjh

/u/RiotMeddler what are you doing about smurfs ruining rankeds at every level of play?

I think pretty much every single player has been affected by this recently, it's absolutely out of hand.

I think it's one of our bigger issues too. We've got some matchmaking work underway as one part of that. We'll talk about that in the next dev update which should be sooner than usual (so about a month or so from now is the current plan)