Read moreHot take from a Kaisa and Vayne main. Kaisa will become trash tier unless you also buff her burst damage from level 1 since her range is so short that she can never take lots of little poke trades. You pair Kaisa with supports like Leona, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Pyke. If Kaisa and her support land every key skill and don't get a kill she'll become worthless as a champion and by the way she usually gets her early kills by a single auto or hitting W for a passive proc.
Vayne on the other hand will become insanely broken given her interaction with the broken new version of Lethal Tempo. Silver bolts value is about to go through the roof since it's percent max health true damage.
Not adjusting both Kaisa and Vayne before this goes live is really stupid. I'll be OK I guess thanks to Vayne, but it's gonna be sad almost never playing Kaisa again.
I'm hoping data from the PBE will actually be considered and if players truly hate it this whole idea is scrapped BEF...
You should allow your personal bias to take a back seat for a moment.
We intend to micropatch immediately based off data for any champion that is significantly outside of balanced bands. That means that Kai'Sa (or vayne) will not remain weak/strong for too long. Balancing off PBE where X champion main (who is 1/10,000,000 of our players and likely only in the US) is giving subjective feedback about how their character feels is extremely unlikely to be more effective than balancing for the entire playerbase. As noted in the article, there are so many champions/systems that we know are going to be imbalanced and we are committing to remedying any rough patches immediately.