

14 Jun


Originally posted by Carlzzone

Will you account for both her lethality and crit builds?

The intention is for Crit to be the go-to build in terms of pick-rate and win-rate. This doesn't mean "killing" lethality as an alternate build necessarily, but it won't be the intended playstyle.


Originally posted by Ok_Road1778

What parts of Sivir's gameplay do you think work really well? What parts do you think are the weakest?

The fantasy of "fast-moving lady with a boomerang that spreads damage" is really compelling and also pretty unique for our roster of marksmen (AOE marksman who is short ranged), but the live kit doesn't really do it justice, especially due to Q and R being REALLY overtuned relative to her other outputs. Hoping to remedy this.


Originally posted by Ayo_The_Pizza_Here69

Is she going to keep her movement speed utility thought? Or is this all just to give her a solid spot in the meta without her lethality build?

She will still have some movement speed utility but not as sharp


Originally posted by xorcism_

Will she be getting an actual passive?

Looking to improve (but not replace) each of her spells to keep her familiar but more functional. This means the passive is likely to be augmented but not swapped for something entirely different


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Do you think the mana restore on her spellshield is detrimental to both her mana costs and her kit in general? Making it give a short burst of attack speed for example would feel more exciting while also not forcing her mana costs to be 70-110, 75, 100 to ensure she won't have infinite mana. Restoring mana doesn't feel as impactful since mana is irrelevant (for the most part) until you are no longer able to cast your abilities, and on a marksman whose main source of damage should be basic attacking it feels very disconnected, even if her identity is casting spells as part of her dps.

Mana restore is absolutely detrimental to her pattern and we are looking to have sivir go forward with more typical mana distribution.


Originally posted by gaom9706

Do you have any idea on how you can prevent her from becoming a champion that just stalls out games like she used to?

Waveclear is important to her identity, but there certainly is a limit. On live her waveclear is by far best in class, so aiming to bring that closer to her peers, especially in late game.


Originally posted by Aggravating_Corgi

Yes! So excited, I am assuming you’ll be keeping the W and moving her away from being basically shurelyas? Would love more individual power over buffing her team.

That is a primary goal of the changes. “Just a sivir comp” should be because she does high damage, not because she enables Volibear.


Originally posted by JoeBrow321

what will be the goals of this update ?

making her kit less unidirectional or giving her ways to outplay while ?

High level goals are to legitimize her Crit build and play style by giving her more consistent tools to do high DPS at the cost of some of her ability to shuttle teammates around.

This will be done by making her W and Q far more functional for crit builds and giving her a personal DPS buff on R in exchange for some (but not all) of her utility and early poke.


Excited to work on Sivir! Pretty passionate about this project, I can answer some questions here in this thread if you have them.

13 Jun


Annie pog

12 Jun

11 Jun


Originally posted by NocaNoha

How about something else that sounds.. a bit easier - additional damage dealt at max stacks?

Even that would be somewhat of an useful stat

As others have mentioned; there's no way for it to tell you how much additional damage it did at max stacks. For example, if you Syndra Q with liandries, it would need to snapshot the AP ratio of both your Q and liandries, as well as your other runes and items, then simulate the damage as if you didn't have the adaptive, and do that every single tick of damage. This is also not counting other outputs that Conqueror helps: Healing/shielding that scales off AD/AP. Riven/Swain for example get a lot of value from conqueror that isn't tied to how much damage you deal. It's just not really feasable.


Originally posted by Latratus

What about uptime at max stacks? Or both: uptime at max stacks + healing done so that it's easier to tell how often you're fully stacking Conqueror and getting its power along with how much you're pushing your advantage at max stacks with the healing from it.

Uptime at max stacks might be a decent alternate stack to track.


Originally posted by NoseBrutalo389

Sudden Impact also only gives you stats (lethality and mpen) and it still shows damage.

Pen is far easier to calculate since it's just a % increase/decrease in damage that is the same for every spell/auto attack of the same damage type.


Originally posted by FearMyFPS

Riot already said this is near impossible to add because of just how many forms of damage scale off of its Adaptive force. It’s not just a simple “full conq damage - damage”, because then you’d also need to account for damage levels at each individual stack.

This. I would REALLY like for this to be damage rather than healing as well but because it's based off adaptive it's not really possible without the cost being high.

Every damage calculation would need to go through a filter of "of how much damage would this have done with X less adaptive" where X changes with how many stacks you have. And with that applying to every instance of damage (including DoTs like Darius Bleed and Liandries) it's not a wise use of PC/server resources.

04 Jun


Originally posted by kirbyfreek33

Using the same site and looking at platinum+ and diamond+ seems to show some significant variance in the data, though. I'll ignore Kayn and Nocturne so we can go from the all-rank <50 winrate for each.

Mid Plat+:

Qiyana at 51.22, Talon's at 50.58, Zed at 50.41, and Pyke's at 50.36.

Mid Dia+:

Qiyana's at 53.32, Talon at 52.58, Zed at 51.03, and Pyke at 50.99.

Jng Plat+:

Rengar's at 52.78, Kha'zix at 52.09, Qiyana at 50.90, Talon at 50.51, and Zed at 48.45.

Jng Dia+: https://lolal...

Read more

Assassins have higher win-rates at higher ranks yup. That's a much smaller portion of the player base, but it's still valid.

It's not really realistic for us to ignore the vast majority of the playerbase when balancing however, so while it's definitely useful to look at plat+ (and elite) to figure out if some champs are too powerful in those brackets, ignoring everything below that is disingenuous as well.


Originally posted by alexnedea

Hmm I see the point but buffing assasin items and nerfing bruiser (maw, dd) items wont create the opposute effect? Fighters picking assasin items? Just wondering but i would REALLY hate to see Irelias become invisible or have an extra dash on their target.

Fighters in particular are pretty bound to their items. Deaths dance, maw, steraks, etc are all designed to give fighters the ability to teamfight, which is what they need. Assassin items (on average) don't do this, so it's unlikely they swap over in the majority of cases.


Originally posted by TealandCyan

Can you just undo the Zed R nerf to 0.65% ratio that happened couple months ago?

If we take a swing at buffing Zed, it would likely be in a higher counterplay area than R (non-amp) damage.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

Their pick rates are very high though still - implying they are still being picked into games they should not be as a strategic choice.

If left for a few months people might stop blinding ad assassins every game and only pick them when a team comp supports it, increasing their win rates.

There is nothing that currently proves pickrate and win-rate are correlated/negatively correlated outside of immediately following reworks/reshapes. By this same logic, Zed (8% pickrate and 48% winrate) is MUCH MUCH worse than Veigar (8% pickrate and 53% winrate) in the same meta.