

11 Aug


Originally posted by Jinabear

Sell a 1* syndra on bench to make money for this one


I see no flaw in this plan.

04 Aug


Originally posted by knotarapper

Man why does everyone here have a stick up their ass today that was a hilarious response that wasn't attacking the viewer at all

This. It was 100% a dark humor joke lol

07 Jan


I actually tweeted about this almost a year ago:

TLDR - Champion ownership rates and free to play pool have a pretty significant effect on ARAM play rates.

18 Dec


Originally posted by HHH-is-Dumb

Did you guys seriously never think of this before?

I can say for sure we've thought of this before. The issue in the past was always functionality and space. Until recently, the loading screeen was a flat image so having every move description was unrealistic.

Now, recently we got mouse over tooltips on the loading screen, so you can see what runes and summoner spells do! A good first step! Now that that functionality is there, we can explore expanding that even more to ideas such as this one.

(And to be 100% clear, this is just saying its possible, not that it's planned)

13 Dec

10 Dec


Originally posted by marmoshet

If an item is removed from SR, it should be removed from ARAM. It was an oversight that it was in 9.23. This fixes that.

05 Oct


Originally posted by Solash1

Throw enough pebbles at a brick wall and it'll eventually break

I'm...not sure this is true...

30 Sep


Originally posted by Polskidro

Instead we made sure the surrender time is quite small (8 minutes). Sometimes you can pull out a 4v5, and if not, you can get out pretty quick. This was, and still feels like the correct call.

The problem with that is, 90% of the time you got people who refuse to surrender. And oftentimes the enemy refuses to finish the game too.

Instead of thinking you made the right call, you could try it the other way. Just to make sure you weren't wrong. Because in my eyes, it's not going to be common that people will leave an aram just because the enemy team has a sona for example.

Wouldn't this be true of remake then? They refuse to surrender in 4v5, so they refuse to remake also?


Originally posted by Swaggasawrus_Rex

I was just about to say this. People will get into a game and just quit because they don’t like the opposing team’s composition, or as you said, unhappy with their champion.

I know it's not a reddit popular answer...but this is why. We considered it pretty heavily, but didn't feel the risk was worth it, and would lead to a very large increase in AFK's.

Instead we made sure the surrender time is quite small (8 minutes). Sometimes you can pull out a 4v5, and if not, you can get out pretty quick. This was, and still feels like the correct call.


Originally posted by Gentoon

Tagging /u/riot_mort just in case the ARAM team has pulled its head out of its ass and has started respecting howling abyss players' time.

Making me have an epic gamer moment by forcing a 4v5 when the other 9 want to remake isn't cool. It doesn't stop afking. It just makes it as painful as possible.

Please take some time off of TFT, cho eats the world, riot board games, merchandising, esports, and whatever else you're in charge of to reconsider this awful decision.

This is probably not the right way to get a response...

16 Sep


Originally posted by StopPickingRyze

Must have had issues on TFT prob.

Nope. He did great things on TFT and will be missed. He’s just on to do even more cool stuff.

03 Sep


I did a small talk on this subject, but it was one of the most important lessons I learned at Nintendo: Making something FEEL random is a lot different than actually being random.

Simplest example: You're playing Mario Party and roll the dice 5 times. All 5 times it comes up 1. Is it broken? Random? Not random? What if it happens 10 times in a row? Totally statistically possible, but certainly doesn't FEEL random. So we would often implement tables/checks in place to prevent that, which means its not true random anymore.

Pretty interesting topic in game design :)

08 Jul


Its because you don't own the champions, so the price of the champ is included.

05 Jul


We've discussed this before, but just to repeat:

We won't be adding remake to ARAM. We think if we, do the amount of people AFKing so they can quickly remake when they think the comp is unfair will increase. That's a worse outcome than occasionally getting an AFK, especially because sometimes you rally those and can win 4v5!

04 Jul


Originally posted by pirkkala

lol there literally cant be a pro scene for this game. its too rng


01 Jul


Amazing. Laughed so hard at the end because that's how I feel

09 Jun


Nope. Never. Ever. Sorry.

05 Jun


Announcement should come tomorrow!

03 Jun


Originally posted by OfficialChairleader

I concur

So do we. Another player suggested this also, and we agreed so we made the change. Unfortunately all the sales up to this week were already set so this SHOULD be the last time you see a 450 BE champ on sale.