

18 Apr


Originally posted by SwellyF

I appreciate that a Rioter responded to this knowing that it is a minefield of a situation. My issue is that you can get a feeling of satisfaction by banning something you simply don’t want to play against. I normally don’t touch aram because of the frustration of having little to no control of the outcome, during the patch I tried a few games because of the ban system. My enjoyment was significantly increased because of the artificial feeling of removing my frustrations in ban phase (Veigar stun, size and duration). It is disappointing that the vocal crowd brings up lots of possible solutions to the issues and they seem to be ignored. The statistics that are relevant don’t seem to be listed or cited. Statistics on ARAM playrate or quality of games should be the top concern. If the game draws more players isn’t that a success? Or if there were actual surveys done on the quality of games? There seem to be lots of data missing and testing the bans for such a short period of time seem...

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Sure. Here's an over simplification of some of the concerns:

Let's take Lux, Veigar, and Blitzcrank. (3 champs that are pretty high on popularity but also high on frustration in ARAM). There are players who identify as "Mains" of those champions on SR and get excited to play them if they luck into them on ARAM. (These aren't ARAM accounts but legit players).

Now, let's say I DELETE them from ARAM, then ran a survey of if this was a good move. The likely outcome is that the majority of players (since the majority of players aren't mains and don't have an affinity to those champs) would be like "Yes, good move! Game less frustrating!" But was it the right call? Probably not since the impact to most players isn't as large as the impact to the players that have an affinity to those champs.

It's a tricky situation for sure though, and as mentioned it the article, we'll keep an eye on it and are open to revisiting it.


Originally posted by ALMGNOON

do these idiots play their own game ?



Originally posted by Krazikarl2

A lot of the champs that were frequently banned (Brand, Veigar, Lux) have now been adjusted, making them more fair to play against.

A good case of Riot completely missing the point.

Veigar isn't unfair because his damage needs trimming. Guess what? Full tank Veigar is actually pretty good in ARAM. Veigar isn't fair because he has a shortish cooldown AoE stun that covers almost all of the lane. You have to completely and totally change how you play to deal with it, and a lot of champions don't have enough in their kit to really do it.

Riot wrote this big long post about how they understood how not having reasonable weaknesses mattered and how they'd think about it in the future. They then completely ignored everything in that post and pretend that its all about having the right Win% numbers (see discussions from Riot on Riven and Vayne). It's the classic fallacy where things that are (easily) measured matter and things that ar...

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This is fair feedback. Let me see if I can elaborate some, though I know it won't be enough.

Long before I worked at Riot, we tried to balance TT by changing the way specific champions worked in that mode to be different than how they behaved in SR. It made the game a lot more confusing when you swapped between modes, and was deemed a failure and something we shouldn't do again. So for years we left the side modes alone so that when you played a champ in ARAM/TT, it behaved the exact same as SR. (Yes I know there's a few exceptions, but for the most part this is the case.)

So fast forward to NB/ARURF. We wanted to make the mode more fair so that it wasn't "decided at champ select", but we had the constraint of YOU CAN'T CHANGE HOW CHAMPS WORK. It's fine to disagree with this constraint, but this is what we feel makes the best experience as you play all of League of Legends. So we tried just numerical adjustments (+X% damage taken for example), and saw a pretty decen...

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17 Apr


Originally posted by Cantras0079

Boy, you must not have a very stressful game development career if this was the hardest call. =P

Signed, a fellow AAA game dev

Possibly. I pride myself on being pretty decisive on a lot of things, often logic and weighing the pros/cons can get to a quick decision pretty easy on even complex issues (like say which features to cut in a game). But this call was extremely complex and a lot of it quite subjective, which made it quite difficult.

Signed, a 14 year dev who directed 3 Nintendo games :)