

12 Mar


Originally posted by Bdonn4

Could you please fix the SMGs? I avoid using any SMG at all now with the new bloom. It's just too frustrating to miss shots uncontrollably. It has also steered me away from playing rogues that use SMGs, which sucks because many of them are my favorite rouges.

Thanks for the Q&A! Much appreciated!

SMGs are getting and accuracy and range bump in the next update and ARs are getting adjusted to not stomp them in CQC. Give em a whirl


Originally posted by zDD_EDIT

Can you share how the Matchmaking (SBMM) works in this game, or is that also a secret?

It's a secret even to me(for now). But I'll uncover it


Originally posted by OB0E

So, I’ll just ask this straight up. Is it at all possible to hardware ban people at this point?…

we do in fact Hardware ban


Originally posted by FuzzyPiez

Personally feel event passes should be 8 weeks at least, more time for the average salaryman/woman who have little grinding time yeah?

Hope you understand this as a fellow corporate slave

totally understand that, however we are locked in on having event passes go live for major patches which run 6 week cycles. This corpo slave needs to go with the whims of his superiors on that one I'm afraid :(


Originally posted by zxi

Are you aware of the ranked (strikeout) bug where if your game crashes and you join back you can no longer open or buy anything from the store?

Yep, its in our big bucket of 'reconnect bugs that we must fix" so hang in there!


Originally posted by Particular-Sky3467

Thank you for your response! To clarify my menu question: On console, when you’re in the main lobby screen, you have to press R1 a few times to get to the store. I was just wondering if you could make it so that if you press L1 from the main lobby it would take you to the last “menu.” I know it’s a weird ask, but I think it would be convenient. Thanks again!

oooooh you want it to wrap around to the end, gotcha. I'll put that on the list!


Originally posted by WearyPitch8795

1st My Question is probably very hard to anserw but why i wont ask

How exacly skillgap graph in matchmaking looks like? Did game has problems with lack of avg skilled players ? Because matches in RoCo are pretty bizzare when i get matches they mostly looks like 2 Strong and 2 Weak players in one team

2nd Question is about SMG do you plan to give some balance changes to LMP-X like reduce ADS bloom size to level of currently Deagle but make much bigger spread when you shooting full auto ? I came with up idea to make LMP-X good weapon in 2 styles of shooting 1. is Fullauto shooting (For Short distance) and 2nd. Is bursting (For mid - long distance) What do you think about it?

Hard to answer the MM stuff as I'm still working on learning its inner workings myself.

SMGs will get another bump in the next update, give it a shot and let me know


Originally posted by jrdyson

This is great to see that so much work is being done on this game. I’m new to RoCo. I first tried RoCo like a year ago and really just wasn’t feeling it. Gave it another shot a few days ago and am really digging it now. So some of the changes are definitely a step in the right direction.

Have you guys thought of adding a social hub?

Would love some progressive weapon skins. Maybe that come with unique quips and maybe burst into flames and flash a skull on the screen when we get a kill once they are leveled up. I got the season pass to support the game, but honestly wish the weapon skins and cosmetics were a little flashier.

Lastly is there any plan to add some detailed stats so we can track our kills in a season or how well we do with certain weapon types vs others?

Sounds like you missed out on some of the mythic weapons! Stay tuned as we roll some out! :D

Hmm, we currently don't partition stats by season but that isn't a bad idea potentially, I'll keep it on the list.


Originally posted by OB0E

u/RoCoJared probably should take a look into that. Hydra Maw meta is one thing, it’s another when a gun that is supposed to do no less than 10(?) damage from the furthest range is doing 4 from a car length or two away.

EDIT: Whoops I didn't see the video and thought this was in a different post. Yeah u/OB0E this look slike a bug. You should'nt have done 4 dmg there. Passing along to QA to check out


Originally posted by anonperson96

Why did the rogues speed all have to change to equal? It makes no sense that Lancer is as fast as Anvil or Cannon. If Lancer doesn’t have massive mag sizes or a ton of armour she should at least move faster.

Also Cannons power is OP and is almost impossible to kill when that is activated.

Speed and Toughness existed to offset each other. You can't have just one. Buy Legendary evade and enjoy being 20% faster in combat than any other rogue.

I'll look at cannon for potential identity adjustments and tuning down his minigun in a later update


Originally posted by Apprehensive-Wave-37

So, every so often there is a game out there like say a racing or a fighting game that when you select said character/car they are outlandishly different from any other but are good. they just need a bit of practice to get the hang of.

is that what your trying to do with roco? if so that's cool! personally i think you got that down with the knight. the objection would need a bit more tinkering but i like that when you aim the reticle losses out on focus because its a hip fire gun. the lmpx just a reticle bloom reduction, D40C a small fire rate increase. ibex im not sure how to react. that's my feedback.

You're pretty on the money with my intentions. Aiming to give each weapon a unique nuance and playstyle. RoCo has suffered from weapons being roughly the same in behavior and effectiveness(i.e. SMGs and ARs have been same-y).


Originally posted by 99_IRON_99

What happened to Login rewards ? Will they return or will they be gone ?

Also, i think the Spitfire Pistol should get a bit Buffet again, because damage reduction has a bit of a big impact on it since the update

Thank you for taking time to read this ^

They will return, an unfortunate issue has caused them to disappear, I'm sorry for that :( hang in there

Despite it still being in the top 8 of weapon winrate still, I'm increasing the falloff ranges a bit to help it. so give it a look next update


Originally posted by Rhymsz

Any idea why EU players are getting put on NAE servers?

Why is it when I Solo. Q I'm expected to carry my teammates or lose the match?

Competitive is where I think you should balance the game at and for, smgs have taken a dip in usage and are very unreliable. I have clips of AR just simply outgunning the Knight up close ( and these are best players in the game they don't miss like that )

Just hop into Elvyns elo discord and play with the best players then I think you'll have a different light of day with the game..

We expand out the queue search if the player pool is low in a region and you're queue goes on long enough.

I'm not sure, MM is not my forte YET(researching how our system works)

I have to balance for both sides friend. I can't alienate one side over the other. I look to the data for both casual and competitive to evaluate balance.

Also SMGs did dip in performance but have stayed in a positive winrate range, however I have given them an global bump and adjusted ARs in the CQC fights in the next update.


Originally posted by sT0n3r

Please remove any noise or music from the main menu screen, we have that terrible drone of the aircraft hanger right now with no way remove it or change the volume.

cheaters are a thing, please add game replays? maybe the last 5 ranked games can be replayed/spectated, kill cam and play of the game could also be added very easy, reply system is built into the engine its not hard to implement.

let us see our ping in game

i love ranked, how about we have a leaderboard ?

thanks for your time

The second 3.1 went live and I heard it, I let our audio team know to turn that down!

Replays and kill cams are a feature that we used to have but haven't been able to properly support(it takes a dedicated strikeforce to maintain and improve) and it has deprecated overtime as we added more an more complexities to the game.

Ping yeah, I want it

Someday :) stay tuned


Originally posted by Ghostofslickville

Yeah this is known and we're looking into it. Somethin' is funky


Originally posted by AggravatingRide3267


Any updates regarding the bug where the game freeze and crash after "X amounts" matches played? No matter what map is, I play only Deathmatch Mode, and when our team or enemy team reach the score around 52/60 kills, the game crash.. and of course, all the progress are gone..

This happens on xbox one and PS4 since many months.. 😣

We have ongoing efforts to improve stability across the board. If you happen to know or see a pattern in the "X" amount let me know.


Originally posted by TheEbolaArrow

Jared any chance of getting the old armor system back? Instead of having different tiers you get one tier (25 armor) and you can rebuild armor in like what was it…2.5…3 secs maybe?

That mechanic failed out initially just due to how much it slowed the game down as it became part of the mental stack throughout gunfights. We could consider some variant of it to experiment with though so it's not entirely out of the question


Originally posted by therealHDR

A couple features I'd love to be considered!

- emote in the mvp screen
- character quips back, maybe this got removed cause it was annoying? I suggest a toggle option, like we already have with muting a player's mic or commands or both
- HUD resize option
- Being able to remove voice packs from skins we have on? Per example I might want Ronin's shadow spectre skin but her regular voice, vice-versa, I suggest having an extra place to exchange all voice packs we got from previous skins
- Maybe increase xp gains? I find that with an active booster I receive a fair amount of xp after every match, but they're rare so, as soon as I have none, I go back to getting little to no xp
- have a general/team chat box, I can't tell you the amount of times I've spam-pinged an area/enemy until the game auto stopped me only to have my teammate ignore it and be killed instantly
- Having the option to add someone mid-match by clicking on them
- more unique ...

Read more

good suggestions and definitely in the midst of shaking things up! Things take time so keep an eye out!


Originally posted by Savreauna_

The number of crashes, restarting, and long wait to queue up. It can be very draining. Especially loading into a game that already started with a huge disadvantage. When the scoreboard has a huge gap of 30 - 57

that sounds aweful, what platform do you play on?


Originally posted by KayanKhang

His Legendary Crackshot was removed in the game and yet he's still able to down anybody instantly with his ability active while using the Devotion. I don't think it's fair and balanced in any way possible. He can ignore armor and see through smokes while doing bonus damage with his ability, that is way too much. Either get rid of the bonus damage or reduce it.

I feel like Stalker for Fixer is somewhat better than Crackshot because this will give him the speed advantage while sniping against a Runway. I think Stalker needs to be swapped with Gunsmith because I do run out of ammo in TDM and Strikeout.

We are figuring out how best to handle fixer. he's in a weird place of having such potency but is, data-wise, the lowest winrate rogue in the line up.