

04 Mar


Originally posted by x5HR3Wx

It's about time lol

Thank you! I was scrolling through all of this just hoping to find someone who was excited about this. I built this! It's my very first shipped feature; I started at Respawn at the end of November. I saved the original thread where this was complained about (or at least the most prominent one) and posted a note in there too.

It was a pretty amazing feeling to see this called out in the patch notes.


It's coming in 5 days! This is the very first real feature I built after starting at Respawn at the end of November. And I saved this thread so once it was announced I could come back and let you all know we listen!

28 Jan

27 Jan



I wish you a day full of bamboozles, foozles, pork chops, and loot. All blessed by the Allfather. And I hope no skinbags eat your cupcakes. Maybe put some fences up around them. Remember to blow out - don't breathe it in - when blowing out the candles. And I hope there's a very special care package(s) at the end of it all.


24 Jan


My first week on the job, I sent my boss a calendar invite - "Meeting here. Helpful for getting things done." And this type of joke is pretty common inside of slack.

23 Jan


Originally posted by gua_ca_mo_le

If it's on purpose I'd love to know why, just to put my OCD to rest!

It is on purpose. From the art team's perspective, Crypto is actually not different. he's the same as Bloodhound, Revenant, and a couple others. Basically, body angled one way and then the head rotated from there. He's looking his left (screen right), same as everyone. Well, everyone except Rampart. Who is the actual outlier - looking to her right (screen left). And that's because it's just in her character. And the goal was to basically express that. She zigs when others zag. I gather that this was a topic of much discussion when the original decision was made, so I chose to tread lightly. But that's what I've got for y'all. Maybe along those lines it makes sense that Fuse is on his own line. He's the first from Salvo...


Originally posted by gua_ca_mo_le

But for real, can you just flip Rampart and Crypto's portraits so they're looking the same way as everyone else?

Now I also can't unsee that... Lemme find out if there's an actual reason for that. Before I started.

22 Jan

19 Jan


Originally posted by Perfect-Rent-5575

Hello, can you please add numerical values to the Alc controls it's really hard to get the slider settings.

I want the same. I have no idea if there's a reason we don't show the precise numerical values as I'm a fairly new hire, but this is actually the sort of thing that I work on so I'll find out. I just keep track of it by counting ticks from the far left or far right. Which is not ideal and which could be better.

18 Jan


Originally posted by monsieur_baquette

its kind of weird to give advise to a dev but why not.

when i was still on xbox, i lot of people were figthing the aim assit.

You need to let the aim assit help you. You need to try to aim with the aim assit not only with the stick because then you will figth agains it. When i stop fighting with the game to aim but made it a ally i stop missing shot because the auto aim made me scope past the enemie or that kind of thing, i became mucht better.

if you train a lot you can event let the aim assit aim for you and only reajust (sorry for my english) with the stick when the enemie move to fast for it. That let you spam croutch and move way faster and better in figth.

I think that i can give some advise since i solo grinded diamond but if somebody have better advise dont be shy :)

hope it help and thanks for making such a good game !

That's actually really good advice. I've sort of grok'ed that, but not necessarily so clearly. I made a lot of changes to my controller setup - use ALC and actually run a straight linear setup, just because I find it's more "consistent" and therefore a bit easier to train muscle memory. But yes, absolutely you need to let the AA guide you. I would way over auto correct. Moving to a straight linear control actually made this easier because even though it's "twitchy," you can feel the response from small movements more intuitively (at least I can).

The biggest struggle I have now is positioning. My aim is now at least un-terrible. But I too often forget to actually take cover and make it harder to hit me. And not at all weird to give advice to a Dev. I'm okay at making games (well, at least technically speaking); I'm not at all good at playing FPS games. But getting better. Thanks in large part to good advice posted here and on ...

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Awesome. I'm on the hard road myself. S5 (my first... played about 1/2 the season) - 0.20 // Season 6 - 0.26 // Season 7 - 0.48 (but it's been closer to 0.8 in the last stretch). I'm hopeful that someday I'll get >1.0. Thanks for showing me it's possible.


Thank you for posting this. It warms my heart greatly to know there are other players like me out there. If it makes you feel better, just know that I've been there with many 1v1s exactly like this and I've got aim assist... (I play on XBox.)

To quote, as is appropriate with all things, "The Big Lebowski"

Sometimes you eat the bar. And sometimes the bar....well, sometimes the bar, it eats you.

Wishing you many future fights where you eat the bar.

14 Jan


Wow. Awesome. Thank you so much for this. This is our core trio and this is such a cool pic. Thank you.

I'm a fairly new hire - technical designer - but BROCKHAURD is an OG Respawn employee and the head of the 3D art team. Check his ArtStation (same user name) for some amazing work. Nothing I've built has shipped yet, but I've done a few small things that will hopefully go out soon where I can come back and resurrect the threads where people were asking "when are we getting [X]?" so I can say "now you have it and I built it!"

I also play a lot of solo queue and thanks to everyone who is excited when they see the DEV badge. Contrary to this picture, I'm a much better developer than shooter.

29 Dec


Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

Reported internally, though u/RSPN_Hideouts is probably ahead of me.

They were already banned by the time I reported this internally. But, as always, thanks to all of you for taking the time to clip and share.

Sorry I don't have answers to some of the other questions here. I'm a relatively new hire and this isn't my particular area of expertise (though I have some background in it from previous jobs).

28 Dec


Reported internally, though u/RSPN_Hideouts is probably ahead of me.

22 Dec


Originally posted by Cryophase

Same. RTing now.

16 Dec


100% this. And I totally echo the sentiment about learning a lot from better players. And, in my experience, the kind and helpful players are the vast majority. And I played most of my games before I came to work at Respawn, so I know that it's not simply the result of (now) having that DEV badge. The team aspect of this game is really what made me fall in love with it and want to work on it. And this type of post makes me incredibly proud to be a part of this game, both as a player and as a developer.


Skill levels internally as varied as anywhere else. I remember playing once and someone was like, "Oh sick, a Dev. You gonna carry us?" And my response was, "I'm much better at making games than playing them..." I will say that sporting the DEV badge is a huge source of pride for me, and it's truly an honor that some people are genuinely excited to play with us. I'm not great at the game - I've been an RPG gamer for most of my gaming life or maybe a 3PS (Gears, Ghost Recon) player, but I love to play and try to at least be a good teammate. I've also learned a ton playing solo queue, and I'm always appreciative of people who give me controller setup tips (I play on XBox), tactical tips, or just show their love for the game.

I'm 40, married with four kids, and am most definitely a tryhard. So definitely appreciate the comments that "they're just people." I'm in awe of the top players and how good they are at this game. And I am grateful ...

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12 Dec


I love this. Even though I've played video games my whole life, I never really thought of making them, at least until pretty late in life (and through a pretty random confluence of events). But video games as a career is most definitely a real thing. Who knows where your son's passions will lead him, but if it is to video games, he's got a great start. Just keep encouraging his creativity. That's what matters. That will serve him well no matter he goes...

FWIW, I don't let my 9yo old play Apex either. Mostly it's his mother as well.

10 Dec


This is amazing. Amazing enough that I felt I needed to make my first ever Reddit post on it...