This is a consistent issue at the start of each season for some players but it's not one that we've ever been able to successfully reproduce internally. We've tried every theoretical combination around leaving matches, downed enemies, downed self, disconnects, etc. And they never get out of sync. But some players report this near the start of every season. There's no logical reason for this to happen - the lines that make the updates to these stats are basically right on top of each other. I wish I had a better answer. We know it happens. But it's still not at all clear why. And there's nothing I'd change about the way that we handle this flow from a logic perspective. I can definitely say it's not a case of us ignoring it. I'd love to fix this. But I just don't know what to actually "fix."
So I'm gonna sign off, but I did want to say thanks to everyone who responded. It's a pretty amazing community here, but also one that's a bit intimidating. And also a bit like drinking from a firehose, so I apologize for people who asked questions that I didn't respond to. I read all the replies, and I'm sorry I couldn't answer all of them. There were also some pretty great suggestions about things that I had not thought to test that I will try before S11.
Prior to becoming a game dev I worked in a field where "effort" didn't matter much. It was purely about results. So I can appreciate that saying, "I tried to fix this but couldn't..." doesn't necessarily mean much. But when I see bugs like this one - or more major ones like someone missing a 20 Bomb or 4K badge - in areas of the game that I am one of the main devs for, it bothers me a lot. I play this game a lot (I'm still pretty bad though), and it bothers me as a player. I care deeply about the areas of the g...
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